Pareil pour moi et je n'ai toujours pas trouvé de solution...
Qu'est ce que vous avez comme config ?
moi c'est une GeForce 7300 GT et je suis en 64 bits.
Qu'est ce que vous avez comme config ?
moi c'est une GeForce 7300 GT et je suis en 64 bits.
oui firefox, IE, chrome, opera....Did wrote:Et tu utilises Firefox au boulot ?
indépendemment du sujet ok je vais m'inscrire comme contributeur (pas forcément pour répertorier le matériel)eponyme wrote:L'espace documentation propose déja une section matériel. Si elle n'est pas aussi complete que tu le souhaites, tu peux venir l'enrichier 😉
tu parles bien du dvd d'installation transformé en live usb ?bioinfornatics wrote:en lisant la doc du site sur les live usb c'est facile j'en fait 2 a chaque release de fedora une en i686 l'autre en x86_64
> On Wed, 2008-09-17 at 17:01 -0600, linux guy wrote:
>> I installed the latest F9 updates this morning via yum update.
>> I'm running a Dell desktop. I'm using a Logitech USB keyboard and
>> mouse.
>> They worked fine for the last several years. I rebooted this
>> afternoon because my computer seemed to be running really slow. When
>> I got to the graphical login screen, I found the keyboard and mouse no
>> longer worked. I could not input my password. However, I found
>> that ctr-F6 did work and that got me to a graphical login. Once in a
>> console, my keyboard worked fine. I rebooted several times with
>> different kernels. My USB mouse and keyboard didn't work with any of
>> them.
>> Any idea how this might be fixed ?
>> I seem to remember that yum installed a couple new X files this
>> morning. Could someone tell me which files they were and how to roll
>> back to the previous versions ?
> You may be seeing this:
> which seems to be
> caused by upgrading to Xorg 1.5. Note that one contributor suggests
> trying a minimal xorg.conf. I haven't tried this but I'm about to.
> If it doesn't work, you can regress to an earlier version of Xorg by
> installing it via rpm (with the --oldpackage option). I did this
> yesterday to be able to use my system. Let me know if you need help with
> this.
There was a patch pushed to koji last night to fix this issue. Check
the fedora-test-list archives for a link. I'd give it to you, but the
message disappeared on me for some odd reason.