Voici le conky.rc a modifier pour le compte pop,juste le pop.fournisseur.fr
user@fournisseur.fr motdepasse et le chemin des disques voilà , bon il n'est pas encore fini mais en ce moment pas le temps.........pour info la météo dans le conky c'est le weather de screenlet ...

Le conky.rc
# Total number of times for Conky to update before quitting. 0 = forever
total_run_times 0
# Print text to stdout
out_to_console no
# Buffer management, avoid blinking
double_buffer yes
no_buffers yes
text_buffer_size 2048
# refresh rate
update_interval 1
# samples for rate average
cpu_avg_samples 4
net_avg_samples 2
# size and posiiton
alignment top_right
minimum_size 320 5
maximum_width 320
gap_x 4
gap_y 10
# shading and framming
draw_shades yes
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
border_width 1
border_margin 4
# should Conky fork in the background
background yes
# window type
own_window yes
own_window_type override # normal / override / desktop
own_window_transparent yes
#font management
use_xft yes
xftalpha .1
override_utf8_locale yes # force UTF8
# font face
xftfont Fixed:size=7#OCR A Std:size=6
uppercase no
# Adds spaces to keep things from moving about.
# Works only with fixed width fonts
use_spacer right
# Colors
default_color FFFFFF
default_shade_color 333333
default_outline_color black
color1 e49c16
color2 CA0000 #rouge
color6 CCCCCC
color7 999999
color8 666666
color9 333333
${alignr}${offset -50}${color}${color}${time %A %d %B %Y}
${alignr}${offset -150}${color}${font Astron Boy Video:style=Bold:pixelsize=30}${time %H:%M:%S}${font}${color}
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} Computer${color yellow}${hr}${font}
${alignr}${color}${execi 86400 cat /etc/redhat-release|cut -d= -f2}
${alignr}${font Aerial:size=9}${color blue}$sysname ${color}$kernel ${color}on ${color}$machine
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=9} fonctionne depuis ${color}$uptime${color}
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} Réseau${color yellow}${hr}
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} eth :
${alignc}${color blue}lan: ${color}${addr eth1} ${color blue}ip:${color}${texeci 3600 wget
http://checkip.dyndns.org -O - -o /dev/null | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d < -f 1}
${color yellow}${downspeedgraph eth1 16,145 582D10 E08000}${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth1 16,145 582D10 E08000}
${color blue}Down ${color}${downspeed eth1} ${color grey}ko/s${color} ${color}${totaldown eth1}${alignr}${color blue}Up ${color}${color}${upspeed eth0_rename} ${color grey}ko/s${color} ${color}${totalup eth1}
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} Disques${color yellow}${hr}
${color2}/${color1} : ${color}${fs_used_perc /} % ${color}${fs_type /}${alignr}${color1}[${color}${fs_free /}${color1}/ ${color7}${fs_used /}${color1}/ ${color8}${fs_size /}${color1}]
${color yellow}${fs_bar 4 /}
${color2}/${color blue}boot${color2}/${color1} : ${color}${fs_used_perc /boot} % ${color}${fs_type /boot}${alignr}${color1}[${color}${fs_free /boot}${color1}/ ${color7}${fs_used /boot}${color1}/ ${color8}${fs_size /boot}${color1}]
${color yellow}${fs_bar 4 /boot}
${color2}/${color blue}Iomega_HDD${color2}/${color1} : ${color}${fs_used_perc /media/IOMEGA_HDD} % ${color}${fs_type /media/IOMEGA_HDD}${alignr}${color1}[${color}${fs_free /media/IOMEGA_HDD}${color1}/ ${color7}${fs_used /media/IOMEGA_HDD}${color1}/ ${color8}${fs_size /media/IOMEGA_HDD}${color1}]
${color yellow}${fs_bar 4 /media/IOMEGA_HDD}
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} Processeur${color yellow}${hr}
${font}${color2}${alignc}${font Aerial:size=8}Total: ${color}$processes ${color2}Running:${color} ${color}$running_processes
${color}${font Aerial:size=8}CORE 1: ${color}${cpu cpu1}% ${font Aerial:size=8}CORE 2: ${color}${cpu cpu2}%
${voffset 2}${font Aerial:size=8} CPU:${alignr}${offset -80}${color}${freq_dyn_g}GHz ${color2}${color yellow}${offset +20}${voffset
-12}${cpugraph 16,128 582D10 E08000} ${voffset -1}${color}$cpu%
${alignr}${font Aerial:size=8}${offset -100}${color1}PID %CPU %MEM
${alignr}${font Aerial:size=8}${offset -100}${color1}${top name 1}${color} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${alignr}${font Aerial:size=8}${offset -100}${color1}${top name 2}${color6} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${alignr}${font Aerial:size=8}${offset -100}${color1}${top name 3}${color7} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${alignr}${font Aerial:size=8}${offset -100}${color1}${top name 4}${color8} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}
${alignr}${font Aerial:size=8}${offset -100}${color1}${top name 5}${color9} ${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5} ${top mem 5}
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} Mémoire${color yellow}${hr}${font}
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} RAM :${alignr}${color yellow}${membar 4,128} ${color}${memperc}%
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} swap :${alignr}${color yellow}${swapbar 4,128} ${color}${swapperc}%
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} Température${color yellow}${hr}${font}
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} Carte Mère :${alignc}${offset 30}${color}${exec sensors | grep temp1 | awk '{ print $2}'}
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} Processeur :${alignc}${offset 30}${color}${exec sensors | grep temp2 | awk '{ print $2}'}
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} sda :${alignc}${offset 30}${color}+${execi 10 hddtemp -n /dev/sda}.0°C
${color blue}${font Aerial:size=8} Info Carte Graphique${color yellow}${hr}${font}
${color}${font Aerial:size=8} Modèle : Nvidia :${execi 30 lspci | grep VGA | cut -c 55-69}
${color}${font Aerial:size=8} Temp : ${execi 86400 nvidia-settings -q gpucoretemp | grep 'Attribute' | cut -d ":" -f 3 | sed -e 's/\ //' | sed -e 's/.//'}°C
${color}${font Aerial:size=8} Driver : ${execi 86400 nvidia-settings -q NvidiaDriverVersion | grep 'Attribute' | cut -d ":" -f 3}
${color}${font Aerial:size=8} GPU Clock : ${execi 86400 nvidia-settings -q GPU2DClockFreqs | grep 'Attribute' | cut -c 60-62}Mhz
${color}${font Aerial:size=8} Memory Clock : ${execi 86400 nvidia-settings -q GPU2DClockFreqs | grep 'Attribute' | cut -c 64-66}Mhz
${color blue} ${font Aerial:size=8} Boite mail${color yellow}${hr}${font}
${color}${pop3_unseen pop.fournisseur.fr
user@fournisseur.fr motdepasse -i1 -p 110 } nouveau(x) courriel(s)
${color blue}${font Astron Boy Video:style=Bold:pixelsize=15} Conçu par ato-mike @ 2009${color yellow}${hr}${font}
${color yellow}${hr}