Le tout premier message d'alcapcom devrait répondre à toutes tes questions !
Merci 😉
Merci 😉
Aîe, effectivement... Je re-upload ça vite fait !alcapcom a écrit :
re slt,
il doit y a une bizarerie dans la compilation de xgl, la version x86_64 fait 1.7 meg et la i386 en fait 8.9 meg.
verifie que tout ce compile correctement...
ps: tu as bien compilé la derniere version 😉
bonne nuit
Running apps that require 3D rendering acceleration (games, etc.)
As for now no 3D games can be run in XGL with hardware acceleration. This can be easily helped by running them in a separate X server. An easy way to do this is to use xgame. It's already in portage tree (games-util/xgame-gtk2 and games-util/xgame).
note to users using the X font server: only one X server can be connected to it at any given time. Make a separate xorg.conf for the additional "gaming" X server (xgame supports using a different configuration file for the new server) which uses font paths instead.
note: after adding a game/program to xgame you need to restart it before being able to run that game/program.
Or if you don't want to emerge xgame you can use this command:
xinit -e /usr/bin/game -- :2
It just starts /usr/bin/game on another display.
Non, j'ai utilisé les src.rpm de ton dépôt sans y apporter aucune modification !!alcapcom a écrit :
C'était quoi le soucis de comipilation?... tu as du faire des modif au spec? (...)