Bonjour, Bonne année à tous !:hammer:

Je viens de passer à la version 16 depuis quelques semaines. Malheureusement je n'arrive plus à imprimer avec une Brother HL 2035. Tout fonctionnait jusqu'à la version 16. Malgré mes recherches je n'arrive pas à trouver de solution, j'ai désactiver totalement SELINUX et j'ai aussi désactivé le parfeu, mais rien n'y fait. J'ai toujours le message d'erreur suivant "Print file was not accepted". Je n'arrive pas à comprendre car j'arrive à atteindre l'imprimante via le réseau avec CUPS. Mais je ne peux pas imprimer ensuite. Si quelqu'un a une idée ? Je suis preneur !8-)
avec quel pilote ? celui de brother ou celui fourni avec la distribution ?
J'ai des brother sur F16 sans soucis


Merci pour les réponses. La discussion en cours ne m'aide pas vraiment enfin pour le moment mais merci pour le lien. Sinon j'utilise le pilote de Brother. Ma machine est une HL2035 mais sur le site de Brother il n'existe aucun pilote pour Linux sauf celui destiné à la HL2030, c'est celui qui est installé sur ma machine, tout fonctionnait parfaitement jusqu'à la mise à jour de la version 16 de Fedora. Donc pour le moment l'enquête continue !
A très bientôt sans doute et encore merci pour votre attention.🙂
Ce matin je constate un élément nouveau lorsque je consulte la file d'attente d'impression je vois "cups-ipp-missing-validate-job" et en face de ce qui doit s'imprimer "En attente - erreur de l'imprimante". J'ai vu chez un autre utilisateur que la solution qu'il avait trouvée était de quitter le protocole ipp pour un autre lbp je crois. Problème je ne vois pas trop comment installer cet autre protocole de communication, il faut que je précise l'adresse de ma livebox ? mais il y a aussi une autre ligne intitulée "file" mais je ne vois pas ici quel fichier je dois préciser, s'agit-il du pilote de l'imprimante ou d'autre chose ?

Merci pour d'eventuel conseil !8-)
c'est la livebox qui sert de routeur ?


Oui c'est la livebox de chez orange qui sert de routeur, et pour le moment je n'arrive pas à comprendre pourquoi le passage de la version 15 à 16 de Fedora m'empêche désormais d'imprimer alors que je n'ai pas modifié les réglages qui fonctionnait avant à savoir cups, et ipp. Donc l'enquête est toujours en cours...
Merci pour les questions et les suggestions.8-)
n'ayant pas ce matériel, difficile de donner des indications. J'ai vu passer plusieurs messages concernant la dernière livebox qui posait problème.
Il serait bien de faire un test en passant par un switch et non la livebox, cela permettrait déjà d'éliminer un élément

Désolé mais passer par un "switch" je ne comprends pas à quoi cela correspond. En dehors de la livebox de chez orange je n'ai pas d'autre chose pour faire des essais. En revanche j'ai lu sur le forum que quelqu'un qui avait des difficultés est passé d'une communication avec ipp à une communication avec LBP et que tout avait de nouveau fonctionné. Mais là aussi j'ai du mal à comprendre comment installer cet lbp, je vois que le logiciel me demande une adresse mais aussi un fichier "file", mais je ne vois pas ce qu'il me demande ici. De même l'adresse, s'agit-il de celle de la livebox, de l'imprimante ?

A bientôt et merci pour les contributions.:hammer:
n'est-ce pas plutôt "Hôte ou imprimante LPD/LPR " ?
si oui cela ne te concerne pas car il s'agit d'un partage réseau d'une imprimante.
Autrement dit, l'imprimante est installée sur un autre ordinateur et je me sert de cette installation pour y accéder.
Sur mon poste j'ai 7 pilotes disponible pour HL 2035 sans installation des pilotes brother. Essai ceux-là qui sont plus récent que celui fourni par brother.

5 jours plus tard
Pour ceux qui arriveraient à comprendre quelque chose j'ai réussi à avoir un fichier des problèmes de l'imprimante à partir du logiciel d'installation de celle-ci. C'est un peu long désolé...
Page 1 (Scheduler not running?):
{'cups_connection_failure': False}
Page 2 (Choose printer):
{'cups_dest': <cups.Dest HL2030 (default)>,
 'cups_instance': None,
 'cups_queue': 'HL2030',
 'cups_queue_listed': True}
Page 3 (Check printer sanity):
{'cups_device_uri_scheme': u'ipp',
 'cups_printer_dict': {'device-uri': u'ipp://livebox:631/ipp',
                       'printer-info': u'HL2030',
                       'printer-is-shared': False,
                       'printer-location': u'',
                       'printer-make-and-model': u'Brother HL2030 for CUPS',
                       'printer-state': 3,
                       'printer-state-message': u'Print file was not accepted.',
                       'printer-state-reasons': [u'cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report',
                       'printer-type': 10620932,
                       'printer-uri-supported': u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/HL2030'},
 'cups_printer_remote': False,
 'is_cups_class': False,
 'local_cups_queue_attributes': {'auth-info-required': u'none',
                                 'charset-configured': u'utf-8',
                                 'charset-supported': [u'us-ascii', u'utf-8'],
                                 'color-supported': False,
                                 'compression-supported': [u'none', u'gzip'],
                                 'copies-default': 1,
                                 'copies-supported': (1, 9999),
                                 'cups-version': u'1.5.0',
                                 'device-uri': u'ipp://livebox:631/ipp',
                                 'document-format-default': u'application/octet-stream',
                                 'document-format-supported': [u'application/octet-stream',
                                 'finishings-default': 3,
                                 'finishings-supported': [3],
                                 'generated-natural-language-supported': [u'fr-fr'],
                                 'ipp-versions-supported': [u'1.0',
                                 'ippget-event-life': 15,
                                 'job-creation-attributes-supported': [u'copies',
                                 'job-hold-until-default': u'no-hold',
                                 'job-hold-until-supported': [u'no-hold',
                                 'job-ids-supported': True,
                                 'job-k-limit': 0,
                                 'job-k-octets-supported': [236098320],
                                 'job-page-limit': 0,
                                 'job-priority-default': 50,
                                 'job-priority-supported': [100],
                                 'job-quota-period': 0,
                                 'job-settable-attributes-supported': [u'copies',
                                 'job-sheets-default': (u'classified',
                                 'job-sheets-supported': [u'none',
                                 'jpeg-k-octets-supported': (0, 236098320),
                                 'jpeg-x-dimension-supported': (0, 65535),
                                 'jpeg-y-dimension-supported': (1, 65535),
                                 'marker-change-time': 0,
                                 'media-bottom-margin-supported': [423],
                                 'media-col-supported': [u'media-bottom-margin',
                                 'media-default': u'iso_a4_210x297mm',
                                 'media-left-margin-supported': [635],
                                 'media-right-margin-supported': [635,
                                 'media-source-supported': [u'manual',
                                 'media-supported': [u'na_letter_8.5x11in',
                                 'media-top-margin-supported': [423],
                                 'multiple-document-handling-supported': [u'separate-documents-uncollated-copies',
                                 'multiple-document-jobs-supported': True,
                                 'multiple-operation-time-out': 300,
                                 'natural-language-configured': u'fr-fr',
                                 'notify-attributes-supported': [u'printer-state-change-time',
                                 'notify-events-default': [u'job-completed'],
                                 'notify-events-supported': [u'job-completed',
                                 'notify-lease-duration-default': 86400,
                                 'notify-lease-duration-supported': (0,
                                 'notify-max-events-supported': [100],
                                 'notify-pull-method-supported': [u'ippget'],
                                 'notify-schemes-supported': [u'dbus',
                                 'number-up-default': 1,
                                 'number-up-supported': [1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16],
                                 'operations-supported': [2,
                                 'orientation-requested-default': None,
                                 'orientation-requested-supported': [3,
                                 'output-bin-default': u'face-down',
                                 'output-bin-supported': [u'face-down'],
                                 'output-mode-default': u'monochrome',
                                 'output-mode-supported': [u'monochrome'],
                                 'page-ranges-supported': True,
                                 'pages-per-minute': 18,
                                 'pdf-k-octets-supported': (0, 236098320),
                                 'pdf-versions-supported': [u'adobe-1.2',
                                 'pdl-override-supported': [u'attempted'],
                                 'port-monitor': u'none',
                                 'port-monitor-supported': [u'none'],
                                 'print-color-mode-default': u'monochrome',
                                 'print-color-mode-supported': [u'monochrome'],
                                 'print-quality-default': 4,
                                 'print-quality-supported': [4],
                                 'printer-commands': [u'AutoConfigure',
                                 'printer-current-time': '(IPP_TAG_DATE)',
                                 'printer-dns-sd-name': None,
                                 'printer-error-policy': u'retry-job',
                                 'printer-error-policy-supported': [u'abort-job',
                                 'printer-icons': u'http://localhost:631/icons/HL2030.png',
                                 'printer-info': u'HL2030',
                                 'printer-is-accepting-jobs': True,
                                 'printer-is-shared': False,
                                 'printer-location': u'',
                                 'printer-make-and-model': u'Brother HL2030 for CUPS',
                                 'printer-more-info': u'http://localhost:631/printers/HL2030',
                                 'printer-name': u'HL2030',
                                 'printer-op-policy': u'default',
                                 'printer-op-policy-supported': [u'authenticated',
                                 'printer-resolution-default': (300, 300, 3),
                                 'printer-resolution-supported': [(300,
                                 'printer-settable-attributes-supported': [u'printer-info',
                                 'printer-state': 3,
                                 'printer-state-change-time': 1327431025,
                                 'printer-state-message': u'Print file was not accepted.',
                                 'printer-state-reasons': [u'cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report',
                                 'printer-type': 10620932,
                                 'printer-up-time': 1327431122,
                                 'printer-uri-supported': [u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/HL2030'],
                                 'printer-uuid': u'urn:uuid:50d78d42-740e-3a63-4ef4-f152597cce79',
                                 'queued-job-count': 0,
                                 'server-is-sharing-printers': True,
                                 'sides-default': u'one-sided',
                                 'sides-supported': [u'one-sided'],
                                 'uri-authentication-supported': [u'requesting-user-name'],
                                 'uri-security-supported': [u'none'],
                                 'which-jobs-supported': [u'completed',
 'remote_server_name': u'livebox',
 'remote_server_port': 631}
Page 4 (Check PPD sanity):
{'cups_printer_ppd_defaults': {u'General': {u'BrMediaType': u'PLAIN',
                                            u'InputSlot': u'TRAY1',
                                            u'PageRegion': u'A4',
                                            u'PageSize': u'A4',
                                            u'Resolution': u'300dpi',
                                            u'Sleep': u'PrinterDefault',
                                            u'TonerSaveMode': u'On'}},
 'cups_printer_ppd_valid': True,
 'missing_pkgs_and_exes': ([], [])}
Page 5 (Local or remote?):
{'printer_is_remote': False}
Page 6 (Check network server sanity):
{'remote_server_connect_ipp': True,
 'remote_server_cups': False,
 'remote_server_name_resolves': ['',
 'remote_server_smb_shares': (22, 'Argument invalide'),
 'remote_server_try_connect': u'livebox'}
Page 7 (Printer state reasons):
{'printer-state-message': u'Print file was not accepted.',
 'printer-state-reasons': [u'cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report',
Page 8 (Verify packages):
{'packages_verification': {'cups': ['?........    /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default',
                                    '.......M.  c /etc/cups/subscriptions.conf',
                                    '?........    /usr/lib/cups/backend/dnssd',
                                    '?........    /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp',
                                    '?........    /usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd',
                                    '?........    /usr/lib/cups/backend/serial',
                                    'missing     /var/spool/cups/tmp (Permission denied)'],
                           'foomatic': ['package foomatic is not installed'],
                           'gutenprint': [],
                           'hpijs': [],
                           'hplip': ['package hplip is not installed'],
                           'system-config-printer': []}}
Page 9 (Error log checkpoint):
{'cups_server_settings': {'BrowseLocalProtocols': 'CUPS dnssd',
                          'BrowseRemoteProtocols': 'CUPS',
                          'DefaultAuthType': 'Basic',
                          'JobPrivateAccess': 'default',
                          'JobPrivateValues': 'default',
                          'MaxLogSize': '0',
                          'SubscriptionPrivateAccess': 'default',
                          'SubscriptionPrivateValues': 'default',
                          'SystemGroup': 'sys root',
                          'WebInterface': 'Yes',
                          '_debug_logging': '1',
                          '_remote_admin': '0',
                          '_remote_any': '1',
                          '_remote_printers': '1',
                          '_share_printers': '1',
                          '_user_cancel_any': '1'},
 'error_log_checkpoint': 7382463L,
 'error_log_debug_logging_set': True}
Page 10 (Print test page):
{'test_page_attempted': '24/janv./2012:19:56:09 +0000',
 'test_page_completions': [(13, u'Job canceled by "Laurent"'),
                           (14, u'Job canceled by "Laurent"')],
 'test_page_job_id': [13, 14, 15],
 'test_page_job_status': [(False,
                           'Test Page',
                           'Test Page',
                           'Test Page',
                           'Traitement en cours',
                           {'attributes-charset': u'utf-8',
                            'attributes-natural-language': u'fr-fr',
                            'document-count': 2,
                            'document-format': u'application/vnd.cups-banner',
                            'job-hold-until': u'no-hold',
                            'job-id': 15,
                            'job-k-octets': 2,
                            'job-media-progress': 0,
                            'job-media-sheets-completed': 0,
                            'job-more-info': u'http://localhost:631/jobs/15',
                            'job-printer-state-message': u'no socket to connect to',
                            'job-printer-state-reasons': [u'cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report',
                            'job-printer-up-time': 1327431372,
                            'job-printer-uri': u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/HL2030',
                            'job-priority': 50,
                            'job-sheets': [u'classified', u'none'],
                            'job-state': 5,
                            'job-state-reasons': u'job-printing',
                            'job-uri': u'ipp://localhost:631/jobs/15',
                            'job-uuid': u'urn:uuid:524fb6f3-8f3e-33e1-7295-8b23687cd98e',
                            'printer-uri': u'ipp://localhost/printers/HL2030',
                            'time-at-completed': None,
                            'time-at-creation': 1327431369,
                            'time-at-processing': 1327431369})],
 'test_page_jobs_cancelled': True,
 'test_page_successful': True}
Page 11 (Error log fetch):
{'error_log': ['D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Jobs 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Jobs (ipp://localhost/printers/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Jobs 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] [Job 7] Loading attributes...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] [Job 8] Loading attributes...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] [Job 9] Loading attributes...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] [Job 10] Loading attributes...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] [Job 11] Loading attributes...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] [Job 12] Loading attributes...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Jobs (ipp://localhost/printers/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:12 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] Generating printcap /etc/printcap...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Create-Printer-Subscription 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] Create-Printer-Subscription /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] cupsdCreateSubscription(con=0x21264248(17), uri="/")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] pullmethod="ippget"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] notify-lease-duration=86400',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] notify-time-interval=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] cupsdAddSubscription(mask=17800, dest=(nil)(), job=(nil)(0), uri="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] Added subscription #40 for server.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Create-Printer-Subscription (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:13 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:14 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:14 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:14 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:14 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:14 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:14 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 16 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST /printers/HL2030 HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 16 1.1 Print-Job 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] Print-Job ipp://localhost/printers/HL2030',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job ???] Auto-typing file...',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job ???] Request file type is application/vnd.cups-banner.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] add_job: setting context of job to UNKNOWN SL',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] add_job: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] Adding default job-sheets values "classified,none"...',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Adding start banner page "classified".',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] Notifier dbus started - PID = 10935',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Adding end banner page "none".',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] File of type application/vnd.cups-banner queued by "Laurent".',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] hold_until=0',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Queued on "HL2030" by "Laurent".',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] job-sheets=classified,none',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] argv[0]="HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] argv[1]="13"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] argv[2]="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] argv[3]="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] argv[4]="1"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:d7370a37-1e35-32ec-5c35-120c701fd72b job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1327431319 time-at-processing=1327431319 AP_D_InputSlot="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00013-001"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/www"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@Thinkpad.domicile"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.0"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[13]="USER=root"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[18]="LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HL2030.ppd"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[25]="PRINTER=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[26]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=job-sheet"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] envp[29]="AUTH_I****"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops (PID 10936)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 10937)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030 (PID 10938)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp (PID 10939)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Print-Job (ipp://localhost/printers/HL2030) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Notifier] Connected to D-BUS',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] load_banner(filename="/var/spool/cups/d00013-001")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Sending stdin for job...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] 1 #CUPS-BANNER',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] 2 Show job-id job-name job-originating-user-name job-originating-host-name job-billing',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="+connecting-to-device")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] 3 Header Classified',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] 4 Footer Classified',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] 5 Image images/cups.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] 6',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: +connecting-to-device',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Looking up "livebox"...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%BoundingBox: 18 12 577 830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %cupsRotation: 0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%Creator: bannertops/CUPS v1.5.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%CreationDate: mar. 24 janv. 2012 19:55:19 CET',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%LanguageLevel: 2',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%Title: (Test Page)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%For: (Laurent)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%Pages: 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Monospace',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Bold',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-BoldOblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Oblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] %%EndComments',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog',
               'W [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] no socket to connect to',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to "no socket to connect to", current level=WARN',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] PNG image: 128x128x8, color_type=6 (RGB+ALPHA)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_setup - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Before page loop - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Copying page 1...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] pagew = 559.0, pagel = 818.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] PageLeft = 18.0, PageRight = 577.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] [Job 13] Wrote 1 pages...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] PID 10937 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] PID 10936 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 29 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 29',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 29 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] CUPS-Get-Printers',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Classes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] CUPS-Get-Classes',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Classes (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] CUPS-Get-Default',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:19 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] job-sheets=classified,none',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] argv[0]="HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] argv[1]="13"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] argv[2]="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] argv[3]="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] argv[4]="1"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:d7370a37-1e35-32ec-5c35-120c701fd72b job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1327431319 time-at-processing=1327431319 AP_D_InputSlot="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00013-002"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/www"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@Thinkpad.domicile"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.0"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[13]="USER=root"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[18]="LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HL2030.ppd"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[25]="PRINTER=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[26]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job,connecting-to-device"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] envp[29]="AUTH_I****"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops (PID 11035)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 11036)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030 (PID 11037)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] PID 10938 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] load_banner(filename="/var/spool/cups/d00013-002")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] 1 #CUPS-BANNER',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] 2 Show printer-name printer-info printer-location printer-make-and-model printer-driver-name printer-driver-version paper-size imageable-area',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] 3 Header Printer Test Page',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] 4 Footer Printer Test Page',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] 5 Notice CUPS 1.5.0.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] 6 Image images/cups.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] 7 Image images/color-wheel.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%BoundingBox: 18 12 577 830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %cupsRotation: 0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%Creator: bannertops/CUPS v1.5.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%CreationDate: mar. 24 janv. 2012 19:55:21 CET',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%LanguageLevel: 2',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%Title: (Test Page)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%For: (Laurent)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%Pages: 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Monospace',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Bold',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-BoldOblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Oblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] %%EndComments',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] PNG image: 128x128x8, color_type=6 (RGB+ALPHA)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] PNG image: 192x128x8, color_type=2 (RGB)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_setup - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] Before page loop - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] Copying page 1...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] pagew = 559.0, pagel = 818.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] PageLeft = 18.0, PageRight = 577.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] [Job 13] Wrote 1 pages...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] PID 11036 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:21 +0100] PID 11035 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 22 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 22',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:22 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] prtGeneralCurrentLocalization type is 0, expected 2!',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] backendWaitLoop(snmp_fd=6, addr=0x22273e8c, side_cb=0x574670)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Connecting to livebox:631',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Connecting to printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="-cups-certificate-error")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="-connecting-to-device")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -connecting-to-device',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Connected to printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Connected to',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Getting supported attributes...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] document-format-supported (1 values)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] [0] = "application/octet-stream"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Print-Job IPP/2.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] printer-uri="ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] job-name="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] document-format="application/octet-stream"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Sending file using HTTP/1.1 chunking...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Print-Job: client-error-bad-request (Requ\xc3\xaate incorrecte)',
               'E [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Print file was not accepted.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to "Print file was not accepted.", current level=ERROR',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 22 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 22',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] CUPS-Get-Printers',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Classes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] CUPS-Get-Classes',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Classes (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] CUPS-Get-Default',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:23 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:24 +0100] PID 11037 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:24 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:24 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:25 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:25 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:27 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:27 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:30 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:30 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] PID 10939 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp) stopped with status 7.',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Backend returned status 7 (unknown)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Retrying job on same printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] The following messages were recorded from 19:55:19 to 19:55:30',
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] op='+', new_reasons=1, state_reasons=2",
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] hrDeviceDesc="Unknown"',
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] op='-', new_reasons=1, state_reasons=3",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] op='-', new_reasons=1, state_reasons=3",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] op='+', new_reasons=2, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] End of messages',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state=3(idle)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state-message="Print file was not accepted."',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state-reasons=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] job-sheets=classified,none',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] argv[0]="HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] argv[1]="13"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] argv[2]="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] argv[3]="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] argv[4]="1"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:d7370a37-1e35-32ec-5c35-120c701fd72b job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1327431319 time-at-processing=1327431333 AP_D_InputSlot="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00013-001"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/www"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@Thinkpad.domicile"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.0"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[13]="USER=root"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[18]="LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HL2030.ppd"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[25]="PRINTER=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[26]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=job-sheet"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] envp[29]="AUTH_I****"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops (PID 11145)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 11146)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030 (PID 11147)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp (PID 11148)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] load_banner(filename="/var/spool/cups/d00013-001")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Sending stdin for job...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] 1 #CUPS-BANNER',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="+connecting-to-device")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] 2 Show job-id job-name job-originating-user-name job-originating-host-name job-billing',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] 3 Header Classified',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] 4 Footer Classified',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] 5 Image images/cups.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] 6',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: +connecting-to-device',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Looking up "livebox"...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%BoundingBox: 18 12 577 830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %cupsRotation: 0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%Creator: bannertops/CUPS v1.5.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%CreationDate: mar. 24 janv. 2012 19:55:33 CET',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%LanguageLevel: 2',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%Title: (Test Page)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%For: (Laurent)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%Pages: 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Monospace',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Bold',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-BoldOblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Oblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] %%EndComments',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] PNG image: 128x128x8, color_type=6 (RGB+ALPHA)',
               'W [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] no socket to connect to',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to "no socket to connect to", current level=WARN',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_setup - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Before page loop - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Copying page 1...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] pagew = 559.0, pagel = 818.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] PageLeft = 18.0, PageRight = 577.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] [Job 13] Wrote 1 pages...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] PID 11146 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] PID 11145 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 30 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 30',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:33 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] CUPS-Get-Printers',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Classes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] CUPS-Get-Classes',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Classes (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] CUPS-Get-Default',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:34 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] Report: clients=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] Report: jobs=7',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] Report: jobs-active=1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] Report: printers=1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] Report: printers-implicit=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] Report: stringpool-string-count=9334',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=10536',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=204096',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] job-sheets=classified,none',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] argv[0]="HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] argv[1]="13"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] argv[2]="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] argv[3]="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] argv[4]="1"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:d7370a37-1e35-32ec-5c35-120c701fd72b job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1327431319 time-at-processing=1327431333 AP_D_InputSlot="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00013-002"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/www"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@Thinkpad.domicile"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.0"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[13]="USER=root"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[18]="LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HL2030.ppd"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[25]="PRINTER=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[26]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job,connecting-to-device"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] envp[29]="AUTH_I****"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops (PID 11244)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 11245)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030 (PID 11246)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] PID 11147 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] load_banner(filename="/var/spool/cups/d00013-002")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] 1 #CUPS-BANNER',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] 2 Show printer-name printer-info printer-location printer-make-and-model printer-driver-name printer-driver-version paper-size imageable-area',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] 3 Header Printer Test Page',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] 4 Footer Printer Test Page',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] 5 Notice CUPS 1.5.0.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] 6 Image images/cups.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] 7 Image images/color-wheel.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:35 +0100] [Job 13] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%BoundingBox: 18 12 577 830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %cupsRotation: 0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%Creator: bannertops/CUPS v1.5.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%CreationDate: mar. 24 janv. 2012 19:55:35 CET',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%LanguageLevel: 2',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%Title: (Test Page)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%For: (Laurent)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%Pages: 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Monospace',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Bold',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-BoldOblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Oblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] %%EndComments',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] PNG image: 128x128x8, color_type=6 (RGB+ALPHA)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] PNG image: 192x128x8, color_type=2 (RGB)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_setup - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] Before page loop - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] Copying page 1...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] pagew = 559.0, pagel = 818.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] PageLeft = 18.0, PageRight = 577.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] [Job 13] Wrote 1 pages...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] PID 11245 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] PID 11244 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 22 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 22',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:36 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] prtGeneralCurrentLocalization type is 0, expected 2!',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] backendWaitLoop(snmp_fd=6, addr=0x21b01e8c, side_cb=0x5b1670)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Connecting to livebox:631',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Connecting to printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="-cups-certificate-error")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="-connecting-to-device")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -connecting-to-device',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Connected to printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Connected to',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Getting supported attributes...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] document-format-supported (1 values)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] [0] = "application/octet-stream"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Print-Job IPP/2.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] printer-uri="ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] job-name="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] document-format="application/octet-stream"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Sending file using HTTP/1.1 chunking...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Print-Job: client-error-bad-request (Requ\xc3\xaate incorrecte)',
               'E [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Print file was not accepted.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to "Print file was not accepted.", current level=ERROR',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 22 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 22',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:37 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] CUPS-Get-Printers',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Classes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] CUPS-Get-Classes',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Classes (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] CUPS-Get-Default',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] PID 11246 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:38 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:39 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:39 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:41 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:41 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:44 +0100] Saving job.cache...',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 22 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 POST /printers/HL2030 HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and printing jobs", busy="Printing jobs"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 1.1 Print-Job 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] Print-Job ipp://localhost/printers/HL2030',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] [Job ???] Auto-typing file...',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] [Job ???] Request file type is application/vnd.cups-banner.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] add_job: setting context of job to UNKNOWN SL',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients and printing jobs"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] add_job: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] Adding default job-sheets values "classified,none"...',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] [Job 14] Adding start banner page "classified".',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] [Job 14] Adding end banner page "none".',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] [Job 14] File of type application/vnd.cups-banner queued by "Laurent".',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] [Job 14] hold_until=0',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] [Job 14] Queued on "HL2030" by "Laurent".',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Print-Job (ipp://localhost/printers/HL2030) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 23 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 23 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 23 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 23 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 23',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:45 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] PID 11148 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp) stopped with status 7.',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Backend returned status 7 (unknown)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Retrying job on same printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] The following messages were recorded from 19:55:33 to 19:55:45',
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] op='+', new_reasons=1, state_reasons=2",
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] hrDeviceDesc="Unknown"',
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] op='-', new_reasons=1, state_reasons=3",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] op='-', new_reasons=1, state_reasons=3",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] op='+', new_reasons=2, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] End of messages',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state=3(idle)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state-message="Print file was not accepted."',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state-reasons=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] job-sheets=classified,none',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] argv[0]="HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] argv[1]="13"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] argv[2]="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] argv[3]="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] argv[4]="1"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:d7370a37-1e35-32ec-5c35-120c701fd72b job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1327431319 time-at-processing=1327431347 AP_D_InputSlot="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00013-001"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/www"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@Thinkpad.domicile"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.0"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[13]="USER=root"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[18]="LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HL2030.ppd"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[25]="PRINTER=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[26]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=job-sheet"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] envp[29]="AUTH_I****"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops (PID 11357)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 11358)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030 (PID 11359)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp (PID 11360)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Sending stdin for job...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] load_banner(filename="/var/spool/cups/d00013-001")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] 1 #CUPS-BANNER',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] 2 Show job-id job-name job-originating-user-name job-originating-host-name job-billing',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] 3 Header Classified',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="+connecting-to-device")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] 4 Footer Classified',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] 5 Image images/cups.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] 6',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: +connecting-to-device',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Looking up "livebox"...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%BoundingBox: 18 12 577 830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %cupsRotation: 0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%Creator: bannertops/CUPS v1.5.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%CreationDate: mar. 24 janv. 2012 19:55:47 CET',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%LanguageLevel: 2',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%Title: (Test Page)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%For: (Laurent)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%Pages: 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Monospace',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Bold',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-BoldOblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Oblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] %%EndComments',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog',
               'W [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] no socket to connect to',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to "no socket to connect to", current level=WARN',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] PNG image: 128x128x8, color_type=6 (RGB+ALPHA)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_setup - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Before page loop - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Copying page 1...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] pagew = 559.0, pagel = 818.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] PageLeft = 18.0, PageRight = 577.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] [Job 13] Wrote 1 pages...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] PID 11358 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] PID 11357 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 31 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 31 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 31 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:47 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 22',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 31 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 31',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] CUPS-Get-Printers',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Classes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] CUPS-Get-Classes',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Classes (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] CUPS-Get-Default',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:48 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] job-sheets=classified,none',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] argv[0]="HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] argv[1]="13"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] argv[2]="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] argv[3]="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] argv[4]="1"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:d7370a37-1e35-32ec-5c35-120c701fd72b job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1327431319 time-at-processing=1327431347 AP_D_InputSlot="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00013-002"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/www"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@Thinkpad.domicile"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.0"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[13]="USER=root"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[18]="LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HL2030.ppd"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[25]="PRINTER=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[26]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job,connecting-to-device"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] envp[29]="AUTH_I****"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops (PID 11456)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 11457)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030 (PID 11458)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] PID 11359 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] load_banner(filename="/var/spool/cups/d00013-002")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] 1 #CUPS-BANNER',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] 2 Show printer-name printer-info printer-location printer-make-and-model printer-driver-name printer-driver-version paper-size imageable-area',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] 3 Header Printer Test Page',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] 4 Footer Printer Test Page',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] 5 Notice CUPS 1.5.0.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] 6 Image images/cups.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] 7 Image images/color-wheel.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%BoundingBox: 18 12 577 830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %cupsRotation: 0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%Creator: bannertops/CUPS v1.5.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%CreationDate: mar. 24 janv. 2012 19:55:50 CET',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%LanguageLevel: 2',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%Title: (Test Page)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%For: (Laurent)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%Pages: 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Monospace',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Bold',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-BoldOblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Oblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] %%EndComments',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] PNG image: 128x128x8, color_type=6 (RGB+ALPHA)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] PNG image: 192x128x8, color_type=2 (RGB)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_setup - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] Before page loop - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] Copying page 1...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] pagew = 559.0, pagel = 818.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] PageLeft = 18.0, PageRight = 577.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] [Job 13] Wrote 1 pages...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] PID 11457 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] PID 11456 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 22 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 22',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:50 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] prtGeneralCurrentLocalization type is 0, expected 2!',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] backendWaitLoop(snmp_fd=6, addr=0x211a9e8c, side_cb=0x2af670)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Connecting to livebox:631',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Connecting to printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="-cups-certificate-error")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="-connecting-to-device")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: -connecting-to-device',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Connected to printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Connected to',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Getting supported attributes...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] document-format-supported (1 values)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] [0] = "application/octet-stream"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Print-Job IPP/2.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] printer-uri="ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] job-name="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] document-format="application/octet-stream"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Sending file using HTTP/1.1 chunking...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Print-Job: client-error-bad-request (Requ\xc3\xaate incorrecte)',
               'E [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Print file was not accepted.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to "Print file was not accepted.", current level=ERROR',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:51 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 22 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 22',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] CUPS-Get-Printers',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Classes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] CUPS-Get-Classes',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Classes (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] CUPS-Get-Default',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] PID 11458 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:52 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:53 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:53 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:55 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:55 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:58 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:55:58 +0100] [Job 13] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] PID 11360 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp) stopped with status 7.',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Backend returned status 7 (unknown)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Retrying job on same printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] The following messages were recorded from 19:55:47 to 19:55:58',
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] op='+', new_reasons=1, state_reasons=2",
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] hrDeviceDesc="Unknown"',
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] op='-', new_reasons=1, state_reasons=3",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] op='-', new_reasons=1, state_reasons=3",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] op='+', new_reasons=2, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] op=' ', new_reasons=0, state_reasons=2",
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] End of messages',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state=3(idle)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state-message="Print file was not accepted."',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state-reasons=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] job-sheets=classified,none',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] argv[0]="HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] argv[1]="13"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] argv[2]="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] argv[3]="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] argv[4]="1"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:d7370a37-1e35-32ec-5c35-120c701fd72b job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1327431319 time-at-processing=1327431361 AP_D_InputSlot="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00013-001"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/www"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@Thinkpad.domicile"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.0"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[13]="USER=root"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[18]="LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HL2030.ppd"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[25]="PRINTER=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[26]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=job-sheet"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] envp[29]="AUTH_I****"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops (PID 11566)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 11567)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030 (PID 11568)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp (PID 11569)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Sending stdin for job...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] load_banner(filename="/var/spool/cups/d00013-001")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="+connecting-to-device")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] STATE: +connecting-to-device',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Looking up "livebox"...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] 1 #CUPS-BANNER',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] 2 Show job-id job-name job-originating-user-name job-originating-host-name job-billing',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] 3 Header Classified',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] 4 Footer Classified',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] 5 Image images/cups.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] 6',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%BoundingBox: 18 12 577 830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %cupsRotation: 0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%Creator: bannertops/CUPS v1.5.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%CreationDate: mar. 24 janv. 2012 19:56:01 CET',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%LanguageLevel: 2',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%Title: (Test Page)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%For: (Laurent)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%Pages: 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Monospace',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Bold',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-BoldOblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Oblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] %%EndComments',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog',
               'W [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] no socket to connect to',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Set job-printer-state-message to "no socket to connect to", current level=WARN',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] PNG image: 128x128x8, color_type=6 (RGB+ALPHA)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_setup - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Before page loop - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Copying page 1...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] pagew = 559.0, pagel = 818.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] PageLeft = 18.0, PageRight = 577.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] [Job 13] Wrote 1 pages...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] PID 11567 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:01 +0100] PID 11566 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 30 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 30',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] CUPS-Get-Printers',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Classes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] CUPS-Get-Classes',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Classes (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] CUPS-Get-Default',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:02 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:03 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:03 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 30 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] job-sheets=classified,none',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] argv[0]="HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] argv[1]="13"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] argv[2]="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] argv[3]="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] argv[4]="1"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:d7370a37-1e35-32ec-5c35-120c701fd72b job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1327431319 time-at-processing=1327431361 AP_D_InputSlot="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00013-002"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/www"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@Thinkpad.domicile"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.0"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[13]="USER=root"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[18]="LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HL2030.ppd"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[25]="PRINTER=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[26]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job,connecting-to-device"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] envp[29]="AUTH_I****"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops (PID 11669)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 11670)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030 (PID 11671)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] PID 11568 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 1.1 Get-Job-Attributes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/13',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Job-Attributes (ipp://localhost/jobs/13) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] load_banner(filename="/var/spool/cups/d00013-002")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] 1 #CUPS-BANNER',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] 2 Show printer-name printer-info printer-location printer-make-and-model printer-driver-name printer-driver-version paper-size imageable-area',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] 3 Header Printer Test Page',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] 4 Footer Printer Test Page',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] 5 Notice CUPS 1.5.0.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] 6 Image images/cups.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] 7 Image images/color-wheel.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 1.1 Cancel-Job 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Cancel-Job ipp://localhost/jobs/13',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] Job canceled by "Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] Canceled by "Laurent".',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Cancel-Job (ipp://localhost/jobs/13) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] PID 11671 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030) was terminated normally with signal 15.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%BoundingBox: 18 12 577 830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %cupsRotation: 0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%Creator: bannertops/CUPS v1.5.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%CreationDate: mar. 24 janv. 2012 19:56:04 CET',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%LanguageLevel: 2',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%Title: (Test Page)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%For: (Laurent)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%Pages: 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Monospace',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Bold',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-BoldOblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%+ font Monospace-Oblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] %%EndComments',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 1.1 Get-Job-Attributes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/14',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Job-Attributes (ipp://localhost/jobs/14) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 13] The %%EndProlog comment is missing.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] PID 11670 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] PID 11669 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops) was terminated normally with signal 15.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 POST /jobs/ HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 1.1 Cancel-Job 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Cancel-Job ipp://localhost/jobs/14',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 14] Job canceled by "Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Job 14] Canceled by "Laurent".',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Cancel-Job (ipp://localhost/jobs/14) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 22 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 22 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 22',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:04 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:05 +0100] [Job 14] Unloading...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] Before copy_setup - DEBUG: Before page loop - DEBUG: prtGeneralCurrentLocalization type is 0, expected 2!',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] backendWaitLoop(snmp_fd=6, addr=0x2075ce8c, side_cb=0x53f670)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] Connecting to livebox:631',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] Connecting to printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="-cups-certificate-error")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] PID 11569 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp) stopped with status 1.',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] Backend returned status 1 (failed)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] The following messages were recorded from 19:56:01 to 19:56:06',
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] op='+', new_reasons=1, state_reasons=2",
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] hrDeviceDesc="Unknown"',
               "D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] op='-', new_reasons=1, state_reasons=3",
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] End of messages',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state=3(idle)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state-message="Connecting to printer."',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Job 13] printer-state-reasons=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 20 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 20 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 20 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 20 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 20',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:06 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] [Job 13] Unloading...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] CUPS-Get-Printers',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Classes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] CUPS-Get-Classes',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Classes (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] CUPS-Get-Default',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:07 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 20 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 20 POST /printers/HL2030 HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 20 1.1 Print-Job 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] Print-Job ipp://localhost/printers/HL2030',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job ???] Auto-typing file...',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job ???] Request file type is application/vnd.cups-banner.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] add_job: setting context of job to UNKNOWN SL',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] add_job: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] Adding default job-sheets values "classified,none"...',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Adding start banner page "classified".',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Adding end banner page "none".',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] File of type application/vnd.cups-banner queued by "Laurent".',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] hold_until=0',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Queued on "HL2030" by "Laurent".',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] job-sheets=classified,none',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] argv[0]="HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] argv[1]="15"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] argv[2]="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] argv[3]="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] argv[4]="1"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:524fb6f3-8f3e-33e1-7295-8b23687cd98e job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1327431369 time-at-processing=1327431369 AP_D_InputSlot="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00015-001"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/www"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@Thinkpad.domicile"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.0"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[13]="USER=root"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[18]="LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HL2030.ppd"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[25]="PRINTER=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[26]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=job-sheet"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] envp[29]="AUTH_I****"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops (PID 11687)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 11688)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030 (PID 11689)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp (PID 11690)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Print-Job (ipp://localhost/printers/HL2030) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] load_banner(filename="/var/spool/cups/d00015-001")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Sending stdin for job...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] 1 #CUPS-BANNER',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] 2 Show job-id job-name job-originating-user-name job-originating-host-name job-billing',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="+connecting-to-device")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] 3 Header Classified',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] 4 Footer Classified',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] 5 Image images/cups.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] 6',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] STATE: +connecting-to-device',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Looking up "livebox"...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%BoundingBox: 18 12 577 830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %cupsRotation: 0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%Creator: bannertops/CUPS v1.5.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%CreationDate: mar. 24 janv. 2012 19:56:09 CET',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%LanguageLevel: 2',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%Title: (Test Page)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%For: (Laurent)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%Pages: 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Monospace',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%+ font Monospace-Bold',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%+ font Monospace-BoldOblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%+ font Monospace-Oblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] %%EndComments',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog',
               'W [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] no socket to connect to',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Job 15] Set job-printer-state-message to "no socket to connect to", current level=WARN',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:09 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] [Job 15] PNG image: 128x128x8, color_type=6 (RGB+ALPHA)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] [Job 15] Before copy_setup - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] [Job 15] Before page loop - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] [Job 15] Copying page 1...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] [Job 15] pagew = 559.0, pagel = 818.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] [Job 15] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] [Job 15] PageLeft = 18.0, PageRight = 577.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] [Job 15] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] [Job 15] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] [Job 15] Wrote 1 pages...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] PID 11688 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] PID 11687 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 32 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 32 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 32 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 32 WAITING Closing on EOF',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 32',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Notifications 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] Get-Notifications /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Notifications (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] CUPS-Get-Printers',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Classes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] CUPS-Get-Classes',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Classes (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 29 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] CUPS-Get-Default',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:10 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Get-Job-Attributes 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/15',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Job-Attributes (ipp://localhost/jobs/15) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 Cancel-Subscription 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] Cancel-Subscription /',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients and dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] Returning IPP successful-ok for Cancel-Subscription (/) from localhost',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Active clients and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] job-sheets=classified,none',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] argv[0]="HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] argv[1]="15"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] argv[2]="Laurent"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] argv[3]="Test Page"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] argv[4]="1"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] argv[5]="job-uuid=urn:uuid:524fb6f3-8f3e-33e1-7295-8b23687cd98e job-originating-host-name=localhost time-at-creation=1327431369 time-at-processing=1327431369 AP_D_InputSlot="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00015-002"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/www"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@Thinkpad.domicile"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.5.0"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[13]="USER=root"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[18]="LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HL2030.ppd"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=128m"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-banner"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=ipp://livebox:631/ipp"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION="',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[25]="PRINTER=HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[26]="PRINTER_STATE_REASONS=cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job,connecting-to-device"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[28]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/HL2030"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] envp[29]="AUTH_I****"',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops (PID 11789)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 11790)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030 (PID 11791)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] PID 11689 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/brlpdwrapperHL2030) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] load_banner(filename="/var/spool/cups/d00015-002")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] 1 #CUPS-BANNER',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] 2 Show printer-name printer-info printer-location printer-make-and-model printer-driver-name printer-driver-version paper-size imageable-area',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] 3 Header Printer Test Page',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] 4 Footer Printer Test Page',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] 5 Notice CUPS 1.5.0.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] 6 Image images/cups.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] 7 Image images/color-wheel.png',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] Page = 595x842; 18,12 to 577,830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %!PS-Adobe-3.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%BoundingBox: 18 12 577 830',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %cupsRotation: 0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%Creator: bannertops/CUPS v1.5.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%CreationDate: mar. 24 janv. 2012 19:56:12 CET',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%LanguageLevel: 2',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%Title: (Test Page)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%For: (Laurent)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%Pages: 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Monospace',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%+ font Monospace-Bold',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%+ font Monospace-BoldOblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%+ font Monospace-Oblique',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] %%EndComments',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] PNG image: 128x128x8, color_type=6 (RGB+ALPHA)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] PNG image: 192x128x8, color_type=2 (RGB)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] Before copy_setup - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] Before page loop - %%Page: coverpage 1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] Copying page 1...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] pagew = 559.0, pagel = 818.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] PageLeft = 18.0, PageRight = 577.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] PageTop = 830.0, PageBottom = 12.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] [Job 15] Wrote 1 pages...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] PID 11790 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:12 +0100] PID 11789 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertops) exited with no errors.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:13 +0100] [Job 15] prtGeneralCurrentLocalization type is 0, expected 2!',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:13 +0100] [Job 15] backendWaitLoop(snmp_fd=6, addr=0x2063ee8c, side_cb=0x5a0670)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:13 +0100] [Job 15] Connecting to livebox:631',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:13 +0100] [Job 7] Unloading...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:13 +0100] [Job 8] Unloading...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:13 +0100] [Job 9] Unloading...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:13 +0100] [Job 10] Unloading...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:13 +0100] [Job 11] Unloading...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:13 +0100] [Job 12] Unloading...',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:13 +0100] [Job 15] Connecting to printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:13 +0100] Discarding unused job-progress event...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Job 15] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="-cups-certificate-error")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Job 15] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="-connecting-to-device")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Job 15] STATE: -connecting-to-device',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Job 15] Connected to printer.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Job 15] Connected to',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Job 15] Getting supported attributes...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] Discarding unused job-progress event...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Notifier] state=3',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 30 PUT /admin/conf/cupsd.conf HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: username=""',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSendHeader: 30 WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="CUPS", trc="y"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 30',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdAcceptClient: 23 from localhost (Domain)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdReadClient: 23 PUT /admin/conf/cupsd.conf HTTP/1.1',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as root using PeerCred',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdIsAuthorized: username="root"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Job 15] Get-Printer-Attributes: successful-ok (successful-ok)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Job 15] document-format-supported (1 values)',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Job 15] [0] = "application/octet-stream"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Job 15] update_reasons(attr=0(), s="+cups-ipp-conformance-failure-report,cups-ipp-missing-validate-job")',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] [Job 15] update_reasons(attr=1(none), s="(null)")',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] Installing config file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Active clients, printing jobs, and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 17',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 16',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 29',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 20',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdCloseClient: 23',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] cupsdDeregisterPrinter(p=0x212690f0(HL2030), removeit=1)',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:14 +0100] Saving job.cache...',
               'I [24/Jan/2012:19:56:15 +0100] Saving subscriptions.conf...',
               'D [24/Jan/2012:19:56:15 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs", busy="Printing jobs and dirty files"',
               'E [24/Jan/2012:19:56:15 +0100] Unknown directive JobPrivateAccess on line 90.',
               'E [24/Jan/2012:19:56:15 +0100] Unknown directive JobPrivateValues on line 91.',
               'E [24/Jan/2012:19:56:15 +0100] Unknown directive SubscriptionPrivateAccess on line 92.',
               'E [24/Jan/2012:19:56:15 +0100] Unknown directive SubscriptionPrivateValues on line 93.',
               "W [24/Jan/2012:19:56:15 +0100] failed to CreateProfile: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:profile id 'HL2030-Gray..' already exists",
               "W [24/Jan/2012:19:56:15 +0100] failed to CreateDevice: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.AlreadyExists:device id 'cups-HL2030' already exists",
               'E [24/Jan/2012:19:56:15 +0100] [Job 15] Print file was not accepted.'],
 'error_log_debug_logging_unset': True}
Page 12 (Locale issues):
{'printer_page_size': u'A4',
 'system_locale_lang': 'fr_FR',
 'user_locale_ctype': 'fr_FR',
 'user_locale_messages': 'fr_FR'}
Voilà, désolé pour la longueur, si quelqu'un comprend quelque chose, alors je suis preneur !
Merci à tous.

EDIT: quote != code
j'étais parti sur une mauvaise piste car je croyais que cette imprimante était une imprimante réseau comme le laisse entendre l'intitulé alors qu'il s'agit d'une usb.
Elle est donc branché en usb sur la livebox qui sert de serveur d'impression, c'est cela ?

oui c'est exactement cela, mon imprimante Brother HL2035 est branchée en usb sur ma livebox afin que je puisse imprimer via le réseau wifi. Sauf que depuis le passage à la version 16 de Fedora la mise à jour fait que je n'arrive plus à imprimer. Mais cela doit être une question de réglage car je vois l'imprimante, je peux aussi utiliser cups avec Firefox pour la piloter. Mais pour l'instant je n'ai pas encore trouvé le moyen de résoudre le problème.

Merci encore de prendre le temps d'examiner le long fichier de débogage que je viens de fournir !
@jacques legras

Si tu veux bien, édite ton message, non pas avec les balises "quote", mais avec les balises "code" qui réduiront le tout et
ajouteront un ascenseur pour la lecture, merci !
tu devrais essayer de brancher l'imprimante directement sur le poste fedora car le problème peut venir d'une mise à jour de la livebox.

2 mois plus tard
jacques legras wrote:oui c'est exactement cela, mon imprimante Brother HL2035 est branchée en usb sur ma livebox afin que je puisse imprimer via le réseau wifi. Sauf que depuis le passage à la version 16 de Fedora la mise à jour fait que je n'arrive plus à imprimer. Mais cela doit être une question de réglage car je vois l'imprimante, je peux aussi utiliser cups avec Firefox pour la piloter. Mais pour l'instant je n'ai pas encore trouvé le moyen de résoudre le problème.
As-tu résolu ton problème car je suis dans la même situation avec une Livebox 2 Sagem et une HP LJ 1200 ?