Suite à une annonce du Projet Fedora, il n'est pas recommandé de mettre à jour son système ni de le mettre à jour. L'équipe Infrastructure diagnostique un problème qui va causé des coupures de services significatives. Afin de préserver vos systèmes, nous vous recommandons de ne pas installer de nouveaux logiciels ou de mettre à jour vos Fedora jusqu'à nouvel ordre. W. Frields wrote:The Fedora Infrastructure team is currently investigating an issue in the infrastructure systems. That process may result in service outages, for which we apologize in advance. We're still assessing the end-user impact of the situation, but as a precaution, we recommend you not download or update any additional packages on your Fedora systems.
We'll share updates as we develop more information. Those updates will be published here on the public fedora-announce-list:
Thanks for your patience as we continue working on this.