OK donc j'ai modéré ton message
Il y a une section packaging sur ce site. Celui-ci "impose" un format type pour proposer un paquet.
En particulier mettre un spec et un src.rpm (éventuellement un paquet noarch dans ton cas)
L'installation de paquet depuis le net sans vérification est découragée.
Voici la sortie de rpmlint
[kwizart@kwizatz Téléchargement]$ rpmlint -i arte+7recorder-3.4-1.noarch.rpm
arte+7recorder.noarch: E: standard-dir-owned-by-package /usr
This package owns a directory that is part of the standard hierarchy, which
can lead to default directory permissions or ownerships being changed to
something non-standard.
arte+7recorder.noarch: E: standard-dir-owned-by-package /usr/bin
This package owns a directory that is part of the standard hierarchy, which
can lead to default directory permissions or ownerships being changed to
something non-standard.
arte+7recorder.noarch: E: standard-dir-owned-by-package /
This package owns a directory that is part of the standard hierarchy, which
can lead to default directory permissions or ownerships being changed to
something non-standard.
arte+7recorder.noarch: E: standard-dir-owned-by-package /usr/lib
This package owns a directory that is part of the standard hierarchy, which
can lead to default directory permissions or ownerships being changed to
something non-standard.
arte+7recorder.noarch: E: standard-dir-owned-by-package /usr/share
This package owns a directory that is part of the standard hierarchy, which
can lead to default directory permissions or ownerships being changed to
something non-standard.
arte+7recorder.noarch: E: standard-dir-owned-by-package /usr/share/doc
This package owns a directory that is part of the standard hierarchy, which
can lead to default directory permissions or ownerships being changed to
something non-standard.
arte+7recorder.noarch: E: standard-dir-owned-by-package /usr/share/icons
This package owns a directory that is part of the standard hierarchy, which
can lead to default directory permissions or ownerships being changed to
something non-standard.
arte+7recorder.noarch: W: summary-not-capitalized enregistrement des emissions sur arte +7
Summary doesn't begin with a capital letter.
arte+7recorder.noarch: W: non-standard-group Converted/contrib
The value of the Group tag in the package is not valid. Valid groups are:
"Amusements/Games", "Amusements/Graphics", "Applications/Archiving",
"Applications/Communications", "Applications/Databases",
"Applications/Editors", "Applications/Emulators", "Applications/Engineering",
"Applications/File", "Applications/Internet", "Applications/Multimedia",
"Applications/Productivity", "Applications/Publishing", "Applications/System",
"Applications/Text", "Development/Debug", "Development/Debuggers",
"Development/Languages", "Development/Libraries", "Development/System",
"Development/Tools", "Documentation", "System Environment/Base", "System
Environment/Daemons", "System Environment/Kernel", "System
Environment/Libraries", "System Environment/Shells", "User
Interface/Desktops", "User Interface/X", "User Interface/X Hardware Support".
arte+7recorder.noarch: E: no-changelogname-tag
There is no %changelog tag in your spec file. To insert it, just insert a
'%changelog' in your spec file and rebuild it.
arte+7recorder.noarch: W: invalid-license see /usr/share/doc/arte+7recorder/copyright
The value of the License tag was not recognized. Known values are: "Adobe",
"ADSL", "AFL", "AGPLv1", "AGPLv3", "AMPAS BSD", "ARL", "ASL 1.0", "ASL 1.0+",
"ASL 1.1", "ASL 1.1+", "ASL 2.0", "ASL 2.0+", "APSL 2.0", "APSL 2.0+",
"Artistic 2.0", "Artistic clarified", "BitTorrent", "Boost", "BSD", "BSD with
advertising", "CeCILL", "CDDL", "CPAL", "CPL", "Condor", "Copyright only",
"Cryptix", "Crystal Stacker", "DOC", "EPL", "eCos", "EFL 2.0", "EFL 2.0+", "EU
Datagrid", "Fair", "FTL", "Giftware", "Glide", "gnuplot", "GPL+", "GPL+ or
Artistic", "GPLv1", "GPLv2+ or Artistic", "GPLv2", "GPLv2 with exceptions",
"GPLv2+", "GPLv2+ with exceptions", "GPLv3", "GPLv3 with exceptions",
"GPLv3+", "GPLv3+ with exceptions", "IBM", "IJG", "ImageMagick", "iMatix",
"Imlib2", "Intel ACPI", "Interbase", "ISC", "Jabber", "JasPer", "LBNL BSD",
"LGPLv2", "LGPLv2 with exceptions", "LGPLv2+", "LGPLv2+ with exceptions",
"LGPLv3", "LGPLv3 with exceptions", "LGPLv3+", "LGPLv3+ with exceptions",
"libtiff", "LPL", "LPPL", "mecab-ipadic", "MIT", "MIT with advertising",
"MPLv1.0", "MPLv1.0+", "MPLv1.1", "MPLv1.1+", "NCSA", "NetCDF", "NGPL",
"NOSL", "Naumen", "Netscape", "Nokia", "OpenLDAP", "OpenPBS", "OReilly", "OSL
1.0", "OSL 1.0+", "OSL 1.1", "OSL 1.1+", "OSL 2.0", "OSL 2.0+", "OSL 3.0",
"OSL 3.0+", "OpenSSL", "Phorum", "PHP", "Public Domain", "Python", "Qhull",
"QPL", "RiceBSD", "RPSL", "Ruby", "Sendmail", "Sleepycat", "SISSL", "SLIB",
"SPL", "TCL", "UCD", "VOSTROM", "Vim", "VNLSL", "VSL", "W3C", "WTFPL",
"wxWidgets", "Xerox", "xinetd", "Zend", "ZPLv1.0", "ZPLv1.0+", "ZPLv2.0",
"ZPLv2.0+", "ZPLv2.1", "ZPLv2.1+", "zlib", "zlib with acknowledgement", "CDL",
"FBSDDL", "GFDL", "IEEE", "OFSFDL", "Open Publication", "Public Use", "CC-BY",
"CC-BY-SA", "CC-BY-ND", "DSL", "EFML", "Free Art", "Arphic", "Baekmuk",
"Bitstream Vera", "Liberation", "Lucida", "mplus", "OFL", "STIX", "Utopia",
"XANO", "Redistributable, no modification permitted", "Freely redistributable
without restriction".
arte+7recorder.noarch: W: no-url-tag
The URL tag is missing.
arte+7recorder.noarch: E: only-non-binary-in-usr-lib
There are only non binary files in /usr/lib so they should be in /usr/share.
arte+7recorder.noarch: E: invalid-desktopfile /usr/share/applications/arte+7recorder.desktop
.desktop file is not valid, check with desktop-file-validate
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 10 errors, 4 warnings.