bon a priori il la lancé
Creating /root/.mldonkey
2007/01/24 10:57:56 Starting MLDonkey 2.7.6 ...
2007/01/24 10:57:56 Language FR, locale UTF-8, ulimit for open files 1024
2007/01/24 10:57:56 MLDonkey is working in /root/.mldonkey
2007/01/24 10:57:56 [DNS] Resolving [serveur] ...
2007/01/24 10:57:56 [DNS] Resolving [] ...
This core is running with glibc 2.5 but it was compiled with glibc 2.4.
This can lead to unexpected behaviour. Consider compiling the core yourself
or getting a binary compiled with glibc 2.4.
2007/01/24 10:57:57 [dMain] Libmagic file-type recognition database present
2007/01/24 10:57:57 [dIve] SECURITY INFO: user 'admin' has to be present, creating...
2007/01/24 10:57:57 Logging in /root/.mldonkey/mlnet.log
2007/01/24 10:57:58 Core started
bon maintenand je comprend pas vraiment tout je voulais me connecter dessus en html ipdemonserveur:4080 (port par defaut) sa ne marche pas ...
par contre en telenet j'y accede et en local avec firefox(quand je lance un terminal X) j'y accede aussi ...
comprend pas tous
helpme plz .... bon la je pars au boulot verrais sa demain ou cette nuit
merci d'avance et si j'y arrive je ferais un petite docs ...