- Modifié
comme tu ne repostes pas.. y'a une docu réservée sur ubuntu (c'est absolument générique conky c'est le même partout pour toutes les distrib 😉 ) > voir ici < ou > ici < utilise la méthode 3. (le tar.gz est posté à la fin du post..)
sleep 8
conky -c /home/mat/.conkyrc2
background yes
update_interval 1.0
double_buffer yes
use_xft yes
override_utf8_locale yes
xftfont Sans:size=8
xftalpha 0.8
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
#on_bottom yes
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders yes
draw_graph_borders yes
stippled_borders 0
border_margin 5
border_width 2
default_color green
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color black
color1 5b5ecf
color2 8BAEE8
color3 FC8820
alignment top_right
gap_x 5
gap_y 40
no_buffers yes
${font Sans:style=Bold:pixelsize=10}${color1}Utilisateur :$color ${exec whoami}
${color1}Kernel : $color$kernel
${color1}Uptime : $color$uptime ${alignr}
${color1}Load : $color$loadavg
${color1}CPU : $color${freq}MHz / $cpu%
${color1}Mémoire RAM : $color$mem / $memmax
$memperc % ${color2}${membar}
${color1}Utilisation du Swap : $color$swap / $swapmax
$swapperc % ${color2}${swapbar}
${color3}Voltage :
${color1}Voltage CPU : $color${execi 90 sensors | grep "VCore 1" | cut -c13-20}
${color1}Voltage +12V (alim) : $color${execi 90 sensors | grep "+12V" | cut -c13-20}
${color3}Températures :
${color1}CPU : $color${execi 90 sensors | grep Core0 | cut -c15-16}°C
${color1}DD : $color${execi 90 hddtemp -n /dev/sda}°C
${color1}Carte mère : $color${execi 90 sensors | grep "M/B Temp" | cut -c14-20}
${color3}Ventilateurs :
${color1}CPU : $color${execi 90 sensors | grep "fan1" | cut -c12-16} rpm
${color1}Carte mère : $color${execi 90 sensors | grep "fan3" | cut -c12-16} rpm
${color1}Disque dur : ${alignr}${color1}Activité : $color${diskio /dev/sda}/s
${color1}Système : $color${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}
$color${fs_used_perc /}% ${color2}${fs_bar /}
${color1}Home : $color${fs_used /home} / ${fs_size /home}
$color${fs_used_perc /home}% ${color2}${fs_bar /home}
${color1}Windows : $color${fs_used /windows/C} / ${fs_size /windows/C}
$color${fs_used_perc /windows/C}% ${color2}${fs_bar /windows/C}
${color1}Ethernet : $color${addr eth0}
${color1}IP Distante : $color${execi 3600 wget -O - http://ip.tupeux.com | tail}
${color1}Download : $color${downspeed eth0} kiB/s ${alignr}${color1}Upload : $color${upspeed eth0} kiB/s
${color1}Total : $color${totaldown eth0} ${alignr}${color1}Total : $color${totalup eth0}
${color1} Processeur$alignr${color}${color #B5141B}(%) PID CPU${color}
${color #FFFFFF}${top name 1} $alignr${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1}
${color #CACACA}${top name 2} $alignr${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2}
${color #A2A2A2}${top name 3} $alignr${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3}
${color #787878}${top name 4} $alignr${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4}
${color1}Mémoire$alignr${color}${color #B5141B}(%) PID MEM${color}
${color #FFFFFF}${top_mem name 1} $alignr${top_mem pid 1} ${top_mem mem 1}
${color #CACACA}${top_mem name 2} $alignr${top_mem pid 2} ${top_mem mem 2}
${color #A2A2A2}${top_mem name 3} $alignr${top_mem pid 3} ${top_mem mem 3}
${color #787878}${top_mem name 4} $alignr${top_mem pid 4} ${top_mem mem 4}$color
Conkyrc météo :
background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont Sans:size=9
xftalpha 0.8
update_interval 1.0
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 1 1
maximum_width 340
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
stippled_borders 0
border_margin 5
border_width 2
default_color green
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color green
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
alignment bottom_left
gap_x 25
gap_y -140
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
override_utf8_locale yes
color1 white
# light blue
color2 6892C6
# orange
color3 FC8820
# green
color4 78BF39
# red
color5 CC0000
color6 8BAEE8
text_buffer_size 1024
${offset -5}${color3}${font StyleBats:style=CleanCut:size=14} q ${font Terminus:style=Bold:size=11}Météo ${offset 5}${color3}${font StyleBats:style=CleanCut:size=14}q${color3}
${voffset 5}${goto 10}${font ConkyWeather:size=40}${execi 1800 /home/mat/conkyforecast/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0079 --datatype=WF}${font}
${color1}${voffset 5}${goto 16}${font Sans:style=Bold:pixelsize=10}${execi 1800 /home/mat/conkyforecast/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0079 --datatype=LT --hideunits}/ ${execi 1800 /home/mat/conkyforecast/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0079 --datatype=HT --hideunits}${font}
${color3}${voffset 10}${goto 10}${font ConkyWindNESW:size=50}${execi 1800 /home/mat/conkyforecast/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0079 --datatype=BS}${font}
${color1}${voffset 5}${goto 10}${font Sans:style=Bold:pixelsize=10}${execi 1800 /home/mat/conkyforecast/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0079 --datatype=WS} - ${execi 1800 /home/mat/conkyforecast/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0079 --datatype=WD -L fr}${font}
${color1}${voffset -130}${font Sans:style=Bold:pixelsize=10}${execi 1800 /home/mat/conkyforecast/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0079 --template=/home/mat/conkyforecast.template}${font}${color3}
${voffset -75}${goto 10}${font ConkyWeather:size=32}${execi 1800 /home/mat/conkyforecast/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0079 --datatype=WF --startday=1 --endday=4 --spaces=3}${font}
${voffset 25}${color3}${font Sans:size=7}${alignr 20}Dernière mise à jour : ${execi 1800 /home/mat/conkyforecast/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0079 --datatype=LU}${font}
Et le template de conkyForecast :
Station : [--datatype=CN]
Conditions : [--datatype=CC]
Precipitations : [--datatype=PC --startday=0]
Indice UV : [--datatype=UI] - [--datatype=UT]
Humidite : [--datatype=HM]
Rosee : [--datatype=DP]
Soleil : [--datatype=SR] / [--datatype=SS]
Pression : [--datatype=BR] - [--datatype=BD]
[--datatype=DW --startday=1 --shortweekday] [--datatype=DW --startday=2 --shortweekday] [--datatype=DW --startday=3 --shortweekday] [--datatype=DW --startday=4 --shortweekday]
[--datatype=LT --startday=1 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]/[--datatype=HT --startday=1 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3] [--datatype=LT --startday=2 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]/[--datatype=HT --startday=2 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3] [--datatype=LT --startday=3 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]/[--datatype=HT --startday=3 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3] [--datatype=LT --startday=4 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]/[--datatype=HT --startday=4 --hideunits --centeredwidth=3]
background no
update_interval 1.0
double_buffer yes
use_xft yes
xftfont zekton:size=9
xftalpha 0.8
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
#on_bottom yes
minimum_size 300 50
maximum_size 300 50
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders yes
draw_graph_borders no
stippled_borders 0
border_margin 3
border_width 0
default_color white
alignment top_right
gap_x 6
gap_y 48
no_buffers yes
${color #000000}${font DIST Yolks Emoticons:size=35}d${font}${color #FFFFFF}${font Federapolis:size=11} .:: Bienvenue Vince ::.${font}${color #FFFFFF}
${alignc} ***
${alignc} .: ${sysname}-${machine}-${kernel} :.
${alignc}${color #000000}Uptime${color #000000}:${color white} ${uptime}
${color #000000}${font DIST Yolks Emoticons:size=35}e${font}${color #000000}${alignc} .:: PC ::.${color #FFFFFF}
>${color #000000}CPU:${color #FFFFFF} ${cpu}% / ${freq}MHz ${color #000000}Processus${color #000000}:${color white} ${running_processes}/${color white}${processes}
${color #000000}CPU${color #000000}: ${color #FFFFFF} ${acpitemp}°C ${cpubar}
>${color #000000}Memory${color #000000}:${color white} ${memperc}% /*/ ${color white} ${mem}${color #FFFFFF}/${color white}${memmax}
${color #000000}MEM${color #000000}:${color white} ${membar}
>${color #000000}SWAP${color #000000}:${color white} ${swap}${color #000000}/${color white}${swapmax}
${color #000000}SWP${color #000000}:${color white} ${swapbar}
>${color #000000}Battery${color #000000}:${color #FFFFFF} ${execi 15 ~/.conky/bat.pl}%
${color #000000}PWR${color #000000}:${color white} ${execibar 15 ~/.conky/bat.pl}
${color #FFFFFF}>${color #000000}Processus :${color #000000}
Name ${alignc}CPU% ${alignr} Name RAM%${color #FFFFFF}
${top name 1}${alignc}${top cpu 1} ${alignr}${top_mem name 1}${top mem 1}
${top name 2}${alignc}${top cpu 2} ${alignr}${top_mem name 2}${top mem 2}
${top name 3}${alignc}${top cpu 3} ${alignr}${top_mem name 3}${top mem 3}
${color #FFFFFF}>${color #000000}HardDisk : ${alignr}${color #FFFFFF}${color #000000} HD 120G : ${color #FFFFFF}${execi 10 hddtemp -n /dev/sda}°C
${color #000000} Files${alignc}${color #FFFFFF}${fs_used /media/Files}${color #FFFFFF} / ${color #FFFFFF}${fs_size /media/Files}
${fs_used_perc /media/Files}${color #FFFFFF}% ${color #FFFFFF}${fs_bar 5 /media/Files}
${color #000000} /${alignc}${color #FFFFFF}${fs_used /}${color #FFFFFF} / ${color #FFFFFF}${fs_size /}
${fs_used_perc /}${color #FFFFFF}% ${color #FFFFFF}${fs_bar 5 /}
${color #000000}${font DIST Yolks Emoticons:size=35}l${font}${color #000000}${alignc} .:: REZO ::.
${color #000000}Ethernet${color #000000}:${color white} ${addr eth0} ${alignr}${color #000000}WiFi${color #000000}:${color white} ${addr eth1}
DL : ${color #000000}[${color white}${downspeed eth0}k .Total : ${color white}${totaldown eth0}${color #000000}]${color #FFFFFF} ${alignr}DL : ${color #000000}[${color white}${downspeed eth1}k .Total : ${color white}${totaldown eth1}${color #000000}]
${color #FFFFFF}UP :${color #000000} [${color white}${upspeed eth0}k .Total : ${color white}${totalup eth0}${color #000000}] ${alignr}${color #FFFFFF}UP :${color #000000} [${color white}${upspeed eth1}k .Total : ${color white}${totalup eth1}${color #000000}]
${alignr}${color #000000}WiFi${color #000000}:${color white} ${wireless_essid eth1} ${color #000000}MAC${color #000000}:${color white}${wireless_ap eth1}
${color #000000}Mode${color #000000}:${color white} ${wireless_mode eth1} ${alignc}${color #000000}${alignc}Bitrate${color #000000}: ${color white}${wireless_bitrate eth1} ${alignr}${color #000000}[${color white}${wireless_link_qual_perc eth1}${color #000000}]
${color white}${wireless_link_bar eth1}
${if_running amarokapp}
${color #000000}${font DIST Yolks Emoticons:size=40}8${font} ${color #000000}${alignc} .:: PLAYER ::.${color #FFFFFF}
${alignc}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok playing}
${alignc}"${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok album}" - ${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok year} - ${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok genre}
${color white}${execi 1 ~/.conky/amarok current}${alignr}${execi 1 ~/.conky/amarok total}
${execibar 1 ~/.conky/amarok progress}${else}$endif
Au préalable :#!/bin/bash
# amaroK info display script by eirc <eirc.eirc@gmail.com>
case "$1" in
# Now Playing Info
playing) dcop amarok player nowPlaying ;;
artist) dcop amarok player artist ;;
title) dcop amarok player title ;;
album) dcop amarok player album ;;
year) dcop amarok player year ;;
genre) dcop amarok player genre ;;
current) dcop amarok player currentTime ;;
total) dcop amarok player totalTime ;;
curr=`dcop amarok player trackCurrentTime`
tot=`dcop amarok player trackTotalTime`
if (( $tot )); then
expr $curr \* 100 / $tot
.conky/bat.pl#!/usr/bin/env perl
# ACPI Battery Monitor Script for conky
# (c) 2006 BinaryShadow.org
# Recommend compiling into bytecode with:
# $ perlcc -B -o bat bat.pl
use strict;
use warnings;
opendir(PROC_BATTERIES, '/proc/acpi/battery') or die;
my($tot_capacity,$cur_capacity,$curdir) = (0, 0, '');
while($curdir = readdir(PROC_BATTERIES)) {
my($line) = '';
if($curdir =~/^\./) {
open(BATTERY_STATE, '/proc/acpi/battery/'.$curdir.'/state') or next;
while($line = <BATTERY_STATE>) {
if($line =~/^present:\s+(yes|no)/) {
if($1 eq 'yes') {
while($line = <BATTERY_STATE>) {
if($line =~/^remaining capacity:\s+([0-9]+)/) {
$cur_capacity += $1;
open(BATTERY_INFO, '/proc/acpi/battery/'.$curdir.'/info') or last;
while($line = <BATTERY_INFO>) {
if($line =~/^last full capacity:\s+([0-9]+)/) {
$tot_capacity += $1;
if ($tot_capacity != 0) {
printf "%0.0f\n", (($cur_capacity / $tot_capacity) * 100);
} else {
print "0.0\n";
>Polices à installer :# Configuration de Conky
# la liste des variables a été enlevée de ce fichier en faveur
# de la documentation.
# Visitez http://conky.sf.net pour une liste à jour.
color0 ff6300
color1 88bbff
color2 aaaaaa
# La "zone de texte" est la fenêtre Conky (et non uniquement le texte).
# Mettez yes si vous voulez que Conky soit intégré à l'arrière plan
background yes
# Police de X quand Xft est désactivé, vous pouvez en choisir une avec le programme xfontsel
#font 5x7
#font 6x10
#font 7x13
#font 8x13
#font 9x15
#font *mintsmild.se*
#font -*-*-*-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# Utiliser Xft?
use_xft yes
# Police de Xft quand Xft est activé
xftfont Radio Space:size=8
# Texte alpha quand Xft est utilisé
xftalpha 0.8
# MPD hôte/port
# mpd_host localhost
# mpd_port 6600
# mpd_password tinker_bell
# Tout imprimer vers console ?
out_to_console no
# Boîte mail (? : mail spool)
mail_spool $MAIL
# Intervalles de mises à jour en secondes
update_interval 0.50
# Ceci est le nombre de fois que Conky va se mettre à jour avant de quitter
# Mettre à zéro pour faire tourner en permanence
total_run_times 0
# Créer sa propre fenêtre au lieu d'utiliser le bureau (requis dans Nautilus) ?
own_window yes
# Si own_window est sur yes, vous pouvez utiliser les options normal, desktop ou override
own_window_type override
# Utiliser le fond transparent avec own_window ?
own_window_transparent yes
# Si own_window_transparent est sur no, vous pouvez changer la couleur de fond ici
own_window_colour hotpink
# Si own_window est sur yes, ces options du gestionnaire de fenêtre peuvent être utilisées
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
# Utiliser le double buffering (réduit le scintillement, peut ne pas fonctionner avec tout le monde) ?
double_buffer yes
# Taille minimum de la zone de texte
minimum_size 150 200
# Dessiner les ombres ?
draw_shades no
# Dessiner les contours ?
draw_outline no
# Dessiner les bordures autour du texte ?
draw_borders no
# Dessiner les bordures autour des graphes ?
draw_graph_borders no
# Longueur des traits des séparateurs
stippled_borders 10
# Marge entre la bordure et le texte
border_margin 4
# Épaisseur de la bordure
border_width 1
# Couleur par défaut et couleur de la bordure
default_color white
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color black
# Alignement du texte, les autres options possibles sont expliquées (sûrement sur le site web)
#alignment top_left
alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
#alignment none
# Espace entre les bords d'écran et le texte
# same thing as passing -x at command line (aucune idée de comment traduire ceci)
gap_x 15
gap_y 200
# Soustraire les buffers du système de fichiers de la mémoire utilisée (? :subtract file system buffers from used memory) ?
no_buffers no
# Mettez yes si vous voulez que tout le texte soit en majuscules
uppercase no
# Nombre d'échantillons CPU pour faire la moyenne
# Mettre sur 1 pour désactiver la moyenne
cpu_avg_samples 2
# Nombre d'échantillons réseau pour faire la moyenne
# Mettre sur 1 pour désactiver la moyenne
net_avg_samples 2
# Forcer UTF8 ? À noter que le support UTF8 requiert XFT
override_utf8_locale yes
# Ajouter des espaces pour empêcher les objets de partir n'importe où ? Ceci affecte seulement certains objets
use_spacer none
# Autoriser chaque moniteur de port à suivre au plus tant de connections (si 0 ou not est mis, le nombre par défaut est 256) ?
#max_port_monitor_connections 256
# Nombre maximum d'objets spéciaux, ex : polices, décalages, alignements, etc. Pas bien compris ça moi...
#max_specials 512
# Taille maximum du buffer utilisateur pour le texte, c'est à dire sous la ligne TEXT
#max_user_text 16384
# Intervalle de mise à jour pour le démon du lecteur de musique, ex : mpd, audacious
#music_player_interval 3
# La variable est donnée soit au format $variable soit au format ${variable}. Cette dernière
# permet les caractères justes après la variable et doit être utilisée dans les
# trucs du réseau à cause d'un argument.
# Ce qui est placé après 'TEXT' apparaîtra à l'écran.
${color1}${font StyleBats:size=15}x ${font}/ $alignc${color white}${fs_free /} $alignr${fs_bar 6,30 /}
${color1}${font StyleBats:size=15}n ${font}SOV $alignc${color white}${fs_free /media/SOV} $alignr${fs_bar 6,30 /media/SOV}
${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
${color1}Wifi: $color${wireless_link_qual wlan0}% ${color1}Débit: $color${wireless_bitrate wlan0} ${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}% ${wireless_link_bar 6,30 wlan0}$endif
${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0}
${font Bitstream Vera Sans:size=7} ${execi 3600 python /home/thib/scripts/conkyForecast.py --locale=fr --location=FRXX0135 --template=/home/thib/scripts/conky1Days.template}
${offset 100}${voffset -33}${font Weather:size=30}${color0}${execi 3600 python /home/thib/scripts/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0135 --startday=1 --endday=1 --datatype=WF --spaces=2}$font$color
${font Bitstream Vera Sans:size=7} ${execi 3600 python /home/thib/scripts/conkyForecast.py --locale=fr --location=FRXX0135 --template=/home/thib/scripts/conky2Days.template}
${offset 100}${voffset -33}${font Weather:size=30}${color0}${execi 3600 python /home/thib/scripts/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0135 --startday=2 --endday=2 --datatype=WF --spaces=2}$font$color
${font Bitstream Vera Sans:size=7} ${execi 3600 python /home/thib/scripts/conkyForecast.py --locale=fr --location=FRXX0135 --template=/home/thib/scripts/conky3Days.template}
${offset 100}${voffset -33}${font Weather:size=30}${color0}${execi 3600 python ~/scripts/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0135 --datatype=WF}${font}
${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
${font Bitstream Vera Sans:size=7} ${execi 3600 python /home/thib/scripts/conkyForecast.py --locale=fr --location=FRXX0135 --template=/home/thib/scripts/conky1Days.template}
${offset 100}${voffset -33}${font Weather:size=30}${color0}${execi 3600 python /home/thib/scripts/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0135 --startday=1 --endday=1 --datatype=WF --spaces=2}$font$color
${font Bitstream Vera Sans:size=7} ${execi 3600 python /home/thib/scripts/conkyForecast.py --locale=fr --location=FRXX0135 --template=/home/thib/scripts/conky2Days.template}
${offset 100}${voffset -33}${font Weather:size=30}${color0}${execi 3600 python /home/thib/scripts/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0135 --startday=2 --endday=2 --datatype=WF --spaces=2}$font$color
${font Bitstream Vera Sans:size=7} ${execi 3600 python /home/thib/scripts/conkyForecast.py --locale=fr --location=FRXX0135 --template=/home/thib/scripts/conky3Days.template}
${offset 100}${voffset -33}${font Weather:size=30}${color0}${execi 3600 python ~/scripts/conkyForecast.py --location=FRXX0135 --datatype=WF}${font}
${color1}${font StyleBats:size=15}i$font CPU: $alignr$color${execi 10 sensors | grep 'Core 1' | cut -c15-16} °C
${color1}${font StyleBats:size=15}j$font HDD: $alignr$color${execi 12 hddtemp -n /dev/sda} °C
${color1}${font StyleBats:size=15}u$font GPU: $alignr$color${execi 10 nvclock -T | grep "temperature" | grep '[0-9][0-9]' -o} °C
un script conky1Days.template :{--datatype=DW --startday=1 --shortweekday} {--datatype=LT --startday=1 --hideunits}/{--datatype=HT --startday=1}
le conkyForecast.py #!/usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# conkyForecast.py is a (not so) simple (anymore) python script to gather
# details of the current weather for use in conky.
# Author: Kaivalagi
# Created: 13/04/2008
# Modifications:
# 14/04/2008 Allow day ranges for forecast data
# 14/04/2008 Check for connectivity to xoap service
# 18/04/2008 Allow the setting of spaces for ranged output
# 18/04/2008 Allow Night and Day forecast output
# 18/04/2008 Support locale for condition code text "CC" option, awaiting spanish language translation
# 18/04/2008 Use pickling for class data rather than opening xml, this bypasses the need to interrogate cached data
# 19/04/2008 Added spanish condition text - Thanks Bruce M
# 19/04/2008 Added isnumeric check on all numeric output with units suffix
# 19/04/2008 Altered pickle file naming to include location code
# 19/04/2008 Added spanish week days conversion via locale
# 20/04/2008 Added decent command argument parser
# 20/04/2008 Added --shortweekday option, if given the day of week data type is shortened to 3 characters
# 21/04/2008 Fixed locale options for forecast output
# 21/04/2008 Added --template option to allow custom output using a single exec call :)
# 21/04/2008 Added --hideunits option to remove, for example, mph and C from output
# 23/04/2008 Removed --imperial option from template, this MUST be set as a standard option on the script call and not used in the template file.
# 23/04/2008 Readded --imperial option to template, enabling metric or imperial values per datatype. Note when using templates command line option will not work.
# 23/04/2008 Added output notifying user if the location given is bad
# 24/04/2008 Added handling for no connectivity, will revert to cached data now (erroring if no cache exists). Tests by trying to open xoap.weather.com
# 24/04/2008 Fixed Celsius to fahrenheit conversion
# 06/05/2008 Updated url used after webservice was updated
# 09/05/2008 Consolidated current condition and forecast data fetch into one call
# 09/05/2008 Added Sunrise and sunset to datatypes, these are specific to both current conditions and forecast data
# 09/05/2008 Added moon phase, barometer reading and barometer description to datatypes, these are only specific to current conditions and so are N/A in forecasted output
# 09/05/2008 Added unit conversions for barometer from mb to inches (imperial)
# 09/05/2008 Updated spanish condition text - Thanks Bruce M
# 10/05/2008 Added french locale data - Thanks benpaka
# 12/05/2008 Added new BF (bearing font) datatype to provide an arrow character (use with Arrow.ttf font) instead of NSEW output from WD (wind direction)
# 12/05/2008 Updated WD output to be locale specific, currently supports default english and spanish - Thanks Bruce M
# 18/05/2008 Added new MF (moon font) datatype to provide a moon font character (characters incorrect and no dedicated font yet).
# 21/05/2008 For current conditions the --datatype=LT option now displays "feels like" temperature rather than the current temperature
# 28/05/2008 Arrows reported to be pointing in the wrong direction. Correction provided by jjgomera
# 03/06/2008 Updated MF function, added days #26, #27, #28 nad #29 to complete the cycle. Corrections provided by Bruce M/uboops/HippyRandall
# Consolidate pkl files into one file/class
# ??? Any more requirements out there?
import sys, os, socket, urllib2, datetime, time
from xml.dom import minidom
from stat import *
from optparse import OptionParser
import locale
import gettext
import pickle
from math import *
DIR=os.path.dirname (__file__) + '/locale'
gettext.bindtextdomain(APP, DIR)
_ = gettext.gettext
class CommandLineParser:
parser = None
def __init__(self):
self.parser = OptionParser()
self.parser.add_option("-l","--location", dest="location", default="UKXX0103", type="string", metavar="CODE", help=u"location code for weather data [default: %default],Use the following url to determine your location code by city name: http://xoap.weather.com/search/search?where=Norwich")
self.parser.add_option("-d","--datatype",dest="datatype", default="HT", type="string", metavar="DATATYPE", help=u"[default: %default] The data type options are: DW (Day Of Week), WF (Weather Font Output), LT (Forecast:Low Temp,Current:Feels Like Temp), HT (Forecast:High Temp,Current:Current Temp), CC (Current Conditions), CT (Conditions Text), PC (Precipitation Chance), HM (Humidity), WD (Wind Direction), WS (Wind Speed), WG (Wind Gusts), CN (City Name), SR (sunrise), SS (sunset), MP (moon phase), MF (moon font), BR (barometer reading), BD (barometer description). Not applicable at command line when using templates.")
self.parser.add_option("-s","--startday",dest="startday", type="int", metavar="NUMBER", help=u"define the starting day number, if omitted current conditions are output. Not applicable at command line when using templates.")
self.parser.add_option("-e","--endday",dest="endday", type="int", metavar="NUMBER", help=u"define the ending day number, if omitted only starting day data is output. Not applicable at command line when using templates.")
self.parser.add_option("-S","--spaces",dest="spaces", type="int", default=1, metavar="NUMBER", help=u"[default: %default] Define the number of spaces between ranged output. Not applicable at command line when using templates.")
self.parser.add_option("-t","--template",dest="template", type="string", metavar="FILE", help=u"define a template file to generate output in one call. A displayable item in the file is in the form {--datatype=HT --startday=1}. The following are possible options within each item: --datatype,--startday,--endday,--night,--shortweekday,--imperial,--hideunits,--spaces . Note that the short forms of the options are not currently supported! None of these options are applicable at command line when using templates.")
self.parser.add_option("-L","--locale",dest="locale", type="string", help=u"override the system locale for language output (en=english, es=spanish, fr=french, more to come)")
self.parser.add_option("-i","--imperial",dest="imperial", default=False, action="store_true", help=u"request imperial units, if omitted output is in metric. Not applicable at command line when using templates.")
self.parser.add_option("-n","--night",dest="night", default=False, action="store_true", help=u"switch output to night data, if omitted day output will be output. Not applicable at command line when using templates.")
self.parser.add_option("-w","--shortweekday",dest="shortweekday", default=False, action="store_true", help=u"Shorten the day of week data type to 3 characters. Not applicable at command line when using templates.")
self.parser.add_option("-u","--hideunits",dest="hideunits", default=False, action="store_true", help=u"Hide units such as mph or C, degree symbols (°) are still shown. Not applicable at command line when using templates.")
self.parser.add_option("-v","--verbose",dest="verbose", default=False, action="store_true", help=u"request verbose output, no a good idea when running through conky!")
self.parser.add_option("-r","--refetch",dest="refetch", default=False, action="store_true", help=u"fetch data regardless of data expiry")
def parse_args(self):
(options, args) = self.parser.parse_args()
return (options, args)
def print_help(self):
return self.parser.print_help()
class WeatherData:
def __init__(self, day_of_week, low, high, condition_code, condition_text, precip, humidity, wind_dir, wind_speed, wind_gusts, city, sunrise, sunset, moon_phase, moon_icon, bar_read, bar_desc):
self.day_of_week = u""+day_of_week
self.low = u""+low
self.high = u""+high
self.condition_code = u""+condition_code
self.condition_text = u""+condition_text
self.precip = u""+precip
self.humidity = u""+humidity
self.wind_dir = u""+wind_dir
self.wind_speed = u""+wind_speed
self.wind_gusts = u""+wind_gusts
self.city = u""+city
self.sunrise = u""+sunrise
self.sunset = u""+sunset
self.moon_phase = u""+moon_phase
self.moon_icon = u""+moon_icon
self.bar_read = u""+bar_read
self.bar_desc = u""+bar_desc
class WeatherText:
conditions_text = {
"0": _(u"Tornado"),
"1": _(u"Tropical Storm"),
"2": _(u"Hurricane"),
"3": _(u"Severe Thunderstorms"),
"4": _(u"Thunderstorms"),
"5": _(u"Mixed Rain and Snow"),
"6": _(u"Mixed Rain and Sleet"),
"7": _(u"Mixed Precipitation"),
"8": _(u"Freezing Drizzle"),
"9": _(u"Drizzle"),
"10": _(u"Freezing Rain"),
"11": _(u"Showers"),
"12": _(u"Showers"),
"13": _(u"Snow Flurries"),
"14": _(u"Light Snow Showers"),
"15": _(u"Blowing Snow"),
"16": _(u"Snow"),
"17": _(u"Hail"),
"18": _(u"Sleet"),
"19": _(u"Dust"),
"20": _(u"Fog"),
"21": _(u"Haze"),
"22": _(u"Smoke"),
"23": _(u"Blustery"),
"24": _(u"Windy"),
"25": _(u"Cold"),
"26": _(u"Cloudy"),
"27": _(u"Mostly Cloudy"),
"28": _(u"Mostly Cloudy"),
"29": _(u"Partly Cloudy"),
"30": _(u"Partly Cloudy"),
"31": _(u"Clear"),
"32": _(u"Clear"),
"33": _(u"Fair"),
"34": _(u"Fair"),
"35": _(u"Mixed Rain and Hail"),
"36": _(u"Hot"),
"37": _(u"Isolated Thunderstorms"),
"38": _(u"Scattered Thunderstorms"),
"39": _(u"Scattered Thunderstorms"),
"40": _(u"Scattered Showers"),
"41": _(u"Heavy Snow"),
"42": _(u"Scattered Snow Showers"),
"43": _(u"Heavy Snow"),
"44": _(u"Partly Cloudy"),
"45": _(u"Thunder Showers"),
"46": _(u"Snow Showers"),
"47": _(u"Isolated Thunderstorms"),
"na": _(u"N/A"),
"-": _(u"N/A")
conditions_text_es = {
"0": _(u"Tornado"),
"1": _(u"Tormenta Tropical"),
"2": _(u"Huracá¡n"),
"3": _(u"Tormentas Fuertes"),
"4": _(u"Tormentas"),
"5": _(u"Lluvia y Nieve Mezclada"),
"6": _(u"Lluvia y Aguanieve Mezclada"),
"7": _(u"Aguanieve"),
"8": _(u"Llovizna Helada"),
"9": _(u"Llovizna"),
"10": _(u"Lluvia Engelante"), # o lluvia helada
"11": _(u"Chaparrones"),
"12": _(u"Chaparrones"),
"13": _(u"Nieve Ligera"),
"14": _(u"Nieve Ligera"),
"15": _(u"Ventisca de Nieve"),
"16": _(u"Nieve"),
"17": _(u"Granizo"),
"18": _(u"Aguanieve"),
"19": _(u"Polvo"),
"20": _(u"Niebla"),
"21": _(u"Bruma"),
"22": _(u"Humo"),
"23": _(u"Tempestad"),
"24": _(u"Ventoso"),
"25": _(u"Fráo"),
"26": _(u"Muy Nublado"),
"27": _(u"Principalmente Nublado"),
"28": _(u"Principalmente Nublado"),
"29": _(u"Parcialmente Nublado"),
"30": _(u"Parcialmente Nublado"),
"31": _(u"Despejado"),
"32": _(u"Despejado"),
"33": _(u"Algo Nublado"),
"34": _(u"Algo Nublado"),
"35": _(u"Lluvia con Granizo"),
"36": _(u"Calor"),
"37": _(u"Tormentas Aisladas"),
"38": _(u"Tormentas Dispersas"),
"39": _(u"Tormentas Dispersas"),
"40": _(u"Chubascos Dispersos"),
"41": _(u"Nieve Pesada"),
"42": _(u"Nevadas Débiles y Dispersas"),
"43": _(u"Nevada Intensa"),
"44": _(u"Nubes Dispersas"),
"45": _(u"Tormentas"),
"46": _(u"Nevadas Dispersas"),
"47": _(u"Tormentas Aisladas"),
"na": _(u"N/A"),
"-": _(u"N/A")
conditions_text_fr = {
"0": _(u"Tornade"),
"1": _(u"Tempête Tropicale"),
"2": _(u"Ouragan"),
"3": _(u"Orages Violents"),
"4": _(u"Orageux"),
"5": _(u"Pluie et Neige"),
"6": _(u"Pluie et Neige Mouillée"),
"7": _(u"Variable avec averses"),
"8": _(u"Bruine Givrante"),
"9": _(u"Bruine"),
"10": _(u"Pluie Glacante"),
"11": _(u"Averses"),
"12": _(u"Averses"),
"13": _(u"Légère Neige"),
"14": _(u"Forte Neige"),
"15": _(u"Tempête de Neige"),
"16": _(u"Neige"),
"17": _(u"Grêle"),
"18": _(u"Pluie/Neige"),
"19": _(u"Nuage de poussière"),
"20": _(u"Brouillard"),
"21": _(u"Brume"),
"22": _(u"Fumée"),
"23": _(u"Tres Venteux"),
"24": _(u"Venteux"),
"25": _(u"Froid"),
"26": _(u"Nuageux"),
"27": _(u"Tres Nuageux"),
"28": _(u"Tres Nuageux"),
"29": _(u"Nuages Disséminés"),
"30": _(u"Nuages Disséminés"),
"31": _(u"Beau"),
"32": _(u"Beau"),
"33": _(u"Belles Éclaircies"),
"34": _(u"Belles Éclaircies"),
"35": _(u"Pluie avec Grêle"),
"36": _(u"Chaleur"),
"37": _(u"Orages Isolés"),
"38": _(u"Orages Localisés"),
"39": _(u"Orages Localisés"),
"40": _(u"Averses Localisées"),
"41": _(u"Neige Lourde"),
"42": _(u"Tempête de Neige Localisées"),
"43": _(u"Neige Lourde"),
"44": _(u"Nuages Disséminés"),
"45": _(u"Orages"),
"46": _(u"Tempête de Neige"),
"47": _(u"Orages Isolés"),
"na": _(u"N/A"),
"-": _(u"N/A")
conditions_weather_font = {
"0": _(u"W"),
"1": _(u"V"),
"2": _(u"W"),
"3": _(u"s"),
"4": _(u"p"),
"5": _(u"k"),
"6": _(u"k"),
"7": _(u"g"),
"8": _(u"g"),
"9": _(u"g"),
"10": _(u"h"),
"11": _(u"g"),
"12": _(u"g"),
"13": _(u"k"),
"14": _(u"k"),
"15": _(u"k"),
"16": _(u"k"),
"17": _(u"k"),
"18": _(u"k"),
"19": _(u"e"),
"20": _(u"e"),
"21": _(u"a"),
"22": _(u"d"),
"23": _(u"d"),
"24": _(u"d"),
"25": _(u"d"),
"26": _(u"e"),
"27": _(u"e"),
"28": _(u"e"),
"29": _(u"c"),
"30": _(u"c"),
"31": _(u"a"),
"32": _(u"a"),
"33": _(u"b"),
"34": _(u"b"),
"35": _(u"k"),
"36": _(u"a"),
"37": _(u"f"),
"38": _(u"f"),
"39": _(u"f"),
"40": _(u"g"),
"41": _(u"k"),
"42": _(u"k"),
"43": _(u"k"),
"44": _(u"b"),
"45": _(u"g"),
"46": _(u"k"),
"47": _(u"f"),
"na": _(u""),
"-": _(u"")
conditions_moon_font = {
"0": _(u"1"),
"1": _(u"N"),
"2": _(u"O"),
"3": _(u"P"),
"4": _(u"Q"),
"5": _(u"R"),
"6": _(u"S"),
"7": _(u"T"),
"8": _(u"U"),
"9": _(u"V"),
"10": _(u"W"),
"11": _(u"X"),
"12": _(u"Y"),
"13": _(u"Z"),
"14": _(u"0"),
"15": _(u"0"),
"16": _(u"A"),
"17": _(u"B"),
"18": _(u"C"),
"19": _(u"D"),
"20": _(u"E"),
"21": _(u"F"),
"22": _(u"G"),
"23": _(u"H"),
"24": _(u"I"),
"25": _(u"J"),
"26": _(u"K"),
"27": _(u"L"),
"28": _(u"M"),
"29": _(u"1"),
"na": _(u""),
"-": _(u"")
day_of_week = {
"Today": _(u"Today"),
"Monday": _(u"Monday"),
"Tuesday": _(u"Tuesday"),
"Wednesday": _(u"Wednesday"),
"Thursday": _(u"Thursday"),
"Friday": _(u"Friday"),
"Saturday": _(u"Saturday"),
"Sunday": _(u"Sunday")
day_of_week_short = {
"Today": _(u"Now"),
"Monday": _(u"Mon"),
"Tuesday": _(u"Tue"),
"Wednesday": _(u"Wed"),
"Thursday": _(u"Thu"),
"Friday": _(u"Fri"),
"Saturday": _(u"Sat"),
"Sunday": _(u"Sun")
day_of_week_es = {
"Today": _(u"hoy"),
"Monday": _(u"lunes"),
"Tuesday": _(u"martes"),
"Wednesday": _(u"miércoles"),
"Thursday": _(u"jueves"),
"Friday": _(u"viernes"),
"Saturday": _(u"sábado"),
"Sunday": _(u"domingo")
day_of_week_short_es = {
"Today": _(u"hoy"),
"Monday": _(u"lun"),
"Tuesday": _(u"mar"),
"Wednesday": _(u"mié"),
"Thursday": _(u"jue"),
"Friday": _(u"vie"),
"Saturday": _(u"sáb"),
"Sunday": _(u"dom")
day_of_week_fr = {
"Today": _(u"Aujourd'hui"),
"Monday": _(u"Lundi"),
"Tuesday": _(u"Mardi"),
"Wednesday": _(u"Mercredi"),
"Thursday": _(u"Jeudi"),
"Friday": _(u"Vendredi"),
"Saturday": _(u"Samedi"),
"Sunday": _(u"Dimanche")
day_of_week_short_fr = {
"Today": _(u"Auj"),
"Monday": _(u"Lun"),
"Tuesday": _(u"Mar"),
"Wednesday": _(u"Mer"),
"Thursday": _(u"Jeu"),
"Friday": _(u"Ven"),
"Saturday": _(u"Sam"),
"Sunday": _(u"Dim")
bearing_arrow_font = {
"N": _(u"i"),
"NNE": _(u"j"),
"NE": _(u"k"),
"ENE": _(u"l"),
"E": _(u"m"),
"ESE": _(u"n"),
"SE": _(u"o"),
"SSE": _(u"p"),
"S": _(u"a"),
"SSW": _(u"b"),
"SW": _(u"c"),
"WSW": _(u"d"),
"W": _(u"e"),
"WNW": _(u"f"),
"NW": _(u"g"),
"NNW": _(u"h"),
"N/A": _(u" ")
bearing_text_es = {
"N": _(u"N"),
"NNE": _(u"NNE"),
"NE": _(u"NE"),
"ENE": _(u"ENE"),
"E": _(u"E"),
"ESE": _(u"ESE"),
"SE": _(u"SE"),
"SSE": _(u"SSE"),
"S": _(u"S"),
"SSW": _(u"SSO"),
"SW": _(u"SO"),
"WSW": _(u"WOW"),
"W": _(u"O"),
"WNW": _(u"ONO"),
"NW": _(u"NO"),
"NNW": _(u"NNO"),
"N/A": _(u"N\A")
bearing_text_fr = {
"N": _(u"N"),
"NNE": _(u"NNE"),
"NE": _(u"NE"),
"ENE": _(u"ENE"),
"E": _(u"E"),
"ESE": _(u"ESE"),
"SE": _(u"SE"),
"SSE": _(u"SSE"),
"S": _(u"S"),
"SSW": _(u"SSO"),
"SW": _(u"SO"),
"WSW": _(u"WOW"),
"W": _(u"O"),
"WNW": _(u"ONO"),
"NW": _(u"NO"),
"NNW": _(u"NNO"),
"N/A": _(u"N\A")
class GlobalWeather:
current_conditions = []
day_forecast = []
night_forecast = []
locale = "en"
options = None
weatherxmldoc = ""
TEMP_FILEPATH_CURRENT = "/tmp/conkyForecast-c-LOCATION.pkl"
TEMP_FILEPATH_DAYFORECAST = "/tmp/conkyForecast-df-LOCATION.pkl"
def __init__(self,options):
self.options = options
if self.options.locale == None:
self.locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0][0:2]
#self.locale = "es" #uncomment this line to force Spanish locale
#self.locale = "fr" #uncomment this line to force French locale
print "locale not set"
self.locale = self.options.locale
#self.locale = "es" #uncomment this line to force Spanish locale
#self.locale = "fr" #uncomment this line to force French locale
if self.options.verbose == True:
print >> sys.stdout, "locale set to ",self.locale
def getText(self,nodelist):
rc = ""
for node in nodelist:
if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
rc = rc + node.data
return rc
def getSpaces(self,spaces):
string = u""
if spaces == None:
string = self.DEFAULT_SPACING
for i in range(0, spaces+1):
string = string + u" "
return string
def isNumeric(self,string):
dummy = float(string)
return True
return False
def isConnectionAvailable(self):
# ensure we can access weather.com's server by opening the url
usock = urllib2.urlopen('http://xoap.weather.com')
return True
return False
def getBearingText(self,bearing):
bearing = float(bearing)
if bearing < 11.25:
return u"N"
elif bearing < 33.75:
return u"NNE"
elif bearing < 56.25:
return u"NE"
elif bearing < 78.75:
return u"ENE"
elif bearing < 101.25:
return u"E"
elif bearing < 123.75:
return u"ESE"
elif bearing < 146.25:
return u"SE"
elif bearing < 168.75:
return u"SSE"
elif bearing < 191.25:
return u"S"
elif bearing < 213.75:
return u"SSW"
elif bearing < 236.25:
return u"SW"
elif bearing < 258.75:
return u"WSW"
elif bearing < 281.25:
return u"W"
elif bearing < 303.75:
return u"WNW"
elif bearing < 326.25:
return u"NW"
elif bearing < 348.75:
return u"NNW"
return "N/A"
def convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(self,temp):
return str(int(floor(((float(temp)*9.0)/5.0)+32)))
def convertKilometresToMiles(self,dist):
return str(int(floor(float(dist)*0.621371192)))
def convertMillibarsToInches(self,mb):
return str(int(floor(float(mb)/33.8582)))
def getTemplateList(self,template):
templatelist = []
for template_part in template.split("{"):
if template_part != "":
for template_part in template_part.split("}"):
if template_part != "":
return templatelist
def getOutputText(self,datatype,startday,endday,night,shortweekday,imperial,hideunits,spaces):
output = u""
# define current units for output
if hideunits == False:
if imperial == False:
tempunit = u"°C"
speedunit = u"kph"
pressureunit = u"mb"
tempunit = u"°F"
speedunit = u"mph"
pressureunit = u"in"
tempunit = u"°"
speedunit = u""
pressureunit = u""
if startday == None: # current conditions
if datatype == "DW":
if self.locale == "es":
if shortweekday == True:
output = WeatherText.day_of_week_short_es[self.current_conditions[0].day_of_week]
output = WeatherText.day_of_week_es[self.current_conditions[0].day_of_week]
elif self.locale == "fr":
if shortweekday == True:
output = WeatherText.day_of_week_short_fr[self.current_conditions[0].day_of_week]
output = WeatherText.day_of_week_fr[self.current_conditions[0].day_of_week]
if shortweekday == True:
output = WeatherText.day_of_week_short[self.current_conditions[0].day_of_week]
output = WeatherText.day_of_week[self.current_conditions[0].day_of_week]
elif datatype == "WF": # weather font
output = WeatherText.conditions_weather_font[self.current_conditions[0].condition_code]
elif datatype == "LT":
string = self.current_conditions[0].low
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(string)
string = string + tempunit
output = string
elif datatype == "HT":
string = self.current_conditions[0].high
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(string)
string = string + tempunit
output = string
elif datatype == "CC":
if self.locale == "es":
output = WeatherText.conditions_text_es[self.current_conditions[0].condition_code]
elif self.locale == "fr":
output = WeatherText.conditions_text_fr[self.current_conditions[0].condition_code]
output = WeatherText.conditions_text[self.current_conditions[0].condition_code]
elif datatype == "CT":
output = self.current_conditions[0].condition_text
elif datatype == "PC":
string = self.current_conditions[0].precip
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
string = string + u"%"
output = string
elif datatype == "HM":
string = self.current_conditions[0].humidity
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
string = string + u"%"
output = string
elif datatype == "WD":
string = self.current_conditions[0].wind_dir
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
string = self.getBearingText(string)
if self.locale == "es":
output = WeatherText.bearing_text_es[string]
elif self.locale == "fr":
output = WeatherText.bearing_text_fr[string]
output = string
elif datatype == "BF":
string = self.current_conditions[0].wind_dir
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
string = WeatherText.bearing_arrow_font[self.getBearingText(string)]
output = string
elif datatype == "WS":
string = self.current_conditions[0].wind_speed
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertKilometresToMiles(string)
string = string + speedunit
output = string
elif datatype == "WG":
string = self.current_conditions[0].wind_gusts
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertKilometresToMiles(string)
string = string + speedunit
output = string
elif datatype == "CN":
output = self.current_conditions[0].city
elif datatype == "SR":
output = self.current_conditions[0].sunrise
elif datatype == "SS":
output = self.current_conditions[0].sunset
elif datatype == "MP":
output = self.current_conditions[0].moon_phase
elif datatype == "MF":
output = WeatherText.conditions_moon_font[self.current_conditions[0].moon_icon]
elif datatype == "BR":
string = self.current_conditions[0].bar_read
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertMillibarsToInches(string)
string = string + pressureunit
output = string
elif datatype == "BD":
output = self.current_conditions[0].bar_desc
output = "\nERROR:Unknown data type requested"
else: # forecast data
if endday == None: # if no endday was set use startday
endday = startday
if night == True: # night forecast required
for day_number in range(startday, endday+1):
if datatype == "DW":
if self.locale == "es":
if shortweekday == True:
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week_short_es[self.night_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week_es[self.night_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
elif self.locale == "fr":
if shortweekday == True:
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week_short_fr[self.night_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week_fr[self.night_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
if shortweekday == True:
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week_short[self.night_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week[self.night_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
elif datatype == "WF": # weather font
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.conditions_weather_font[self.night_forecast[day_number].condition_code]
elif datatype == "LT":
string = self.night_forecast[day_number].low
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(string)
string = string + tempunit
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "HT":
string = self.night_forecast[day_number].high
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(string)
string = string + tempunit
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "CC":
if self.locale == "es":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.conditions_text_es[self.night_forecast[day_number].condition_code]
elif self.locale == "fr":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.conditions_text_fr[self.night_forecast[day_number].condition_code]
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.conditions_text[self.night_forecast[day_number].condition_code]
elif datatype == "CT":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.night_forecast[day_number].condition_text
elif datatype == "PC":
string = self.night_forecast[day_number].precip
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
string = string + u"%"
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "HM":
string = self.night_forecast[day_number].humidity
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
string = string + u"%"
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "WD":
string = self.night_forecast[day_number].wind_dir
if self.locale == "es":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.bearing_text_es[string]
elif self.locale == "fr":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.bearing_text_fr[string]
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "BF":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.bearing_arrow_font[self.night_forecast[day_number].wind_dir]
elif datatype == "WS":
string = self.night_forecast[day_number].wind_speed
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertKilometresToMiles(string)
string = string + speedunit
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "WG":
string = self.night_forecast[day_number].wind_gusts
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertKilometresToMiles(string)
string = string + speedunit
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "CN":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.night_forecast[day_number].city
elif datatype == "SR":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.night_forecast[day_number].sunrise
elif datatype == "SS":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.night_forecast[day_number].sunset
elif datatype == "MP":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.night_forecast[day_number].moon_phase
elif datatype == "MF":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.conditions_moon_font[self.night_forecast[day_number].moon_icon]
elif datatype == "BR":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.night_forecast[day_number].bar_read
elif datatype == "BD":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.night_forecast[day_number].bar_desc
output = "\nERROR:Unknown data type requested"
else: # day forecast wanted
for day_number in range(startday, endday+1):
if datatype == "DW":
if self.locale == "es":
if shortweekday == True:
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week_short_es[self.day_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week_es[self.day_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
elif self.locale == "fr":
if shortweekday == True:
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week_short_fr[self.day_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week_fr[self.day_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
if shortweekday == True:
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week_short[self.day_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.day_of_week[self.day_forecast[day_number].day_of_week]
elif datatype == "WF": # weather font
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.conditions_weather_font[self.day_forecast[day_number].condition_code]
elif datatype == "LT":
string = self.day_forecast[day_number].low
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(string)
string = string + tempunit
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "HT":
string = self.day_forecast[day_number].high
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(string)
string = string + tempunit
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "CC":
if self.locale == "es":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.conditions_text_es[self.day_forecast[day_number].condition_code]
elif self.locale == "fr":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.conditions_text_fr[self.day_forecast[day_number].condition_code]
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.conditions_text[self.day_forecast[day_number].condition_code]
elif datatype == "CT":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.day_forecast[day_number].condition_text
elif datatype == "PC":
string = self.day_forecast[day_number].precip
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
string = string + u"%"
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "HM":
string = self.day_forecast[day_number].humidity
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
string = string + u"%"
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "WD":
string = self.day_forecast[day_number].wind_dir
if self.locale == "es":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.bearing_text_es[string]
elif self.locale == "fr":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.bearing_text_fr[string]
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "BF":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.bearing_arrow_font[self.day_forecast[day_number].wind_dir]
elif datatype == "WS":
string = self.day_forecast[day_number].wind_speed
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertKilometresToMiles(string)
string = string + speedunit
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "WG":
string = self.day_forecast[day_number].wind_gusts
if self.isNumeric(string) == True:
if imperial == True:
string = self.convertKilometresToMiles(string)
string = string + speedunit
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + string
elif datatype == "CN":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.day_forecast[day_number].city
elif datatype == "SR":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.day_forecast[day_number].sunrise
elif datatype == "SS":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.day_forecast[day_number].sunset
elif datatype == "MP":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.day_forecast[day_number].moon_phase
elif datatype == "MF":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + WeatherText.conditions_moon_font[self.day_forecast[day_number].moon_icon]
elif datatype == "BR":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.day_forecast[day_number].bar_read
elif datatype == "BD":
output = output + self.getSpaces(spaces) + self.day_forecast[day_number].bar_desc
output = u"\nERROR:Unknown data type requested"
output = u""+output.strip(u" ") # lose leading/trailing spaces
return output
#print "getOutputText:Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
def getOutputTextFromTemplate(self,template):
# keys to template data
DATATYPE_KEY = "--datatype="
STARTDAY_KEY = "--startday="
ENDDAY_KEY = "--endday="
NIGHT_KEY = "--night"
SHORTWEEKDAY_KEY = "--shortweekday"
IMPERIAL_KEY = "--imperial"
HIDEUNITS_KEY = "--hideunits"
SPACES_KEY = "--spaces="
output = u""
optionfound = False
#load the file
fileinput = open(self.options.template)
template = fileinput.read()
output = u"Template file no found!"
templatelist = self.getTemplateList(template)
# lets walk through the template list and determine the output for each item found
for i in range(0,len(templatelist)-1):
pos = templatelist[i].find(DATATYPE_KEY)
if pos != -1:
optionfound = True
pos = pos + len(DATATYPE_KEY)
datatype = templatelist[i][pos:pos+4].strip("}").strip("{").strip("-").strip(" ")
datatype = None
pos = templatelist[i].find(STARTDAY_KEY)
if pos != -1:
optionfound = True
pos = pos + len(STARTDAY_KEY)
startday = int(templatelist[i][pos:pos+4].strip("}").strip("{").strip("-").strip(" "))
startday = None
pos = templatelist[i].find(ENDDAY_KEY)
if pos != -1:
optionfound = True
pos = pos + len(ENDDAY_KEY)
endday = int(templatelist[i][pos:pos+4].strip("}").strip("{").strip("-").strip(" "))
endday = None
pos = templatelist[i].find(NIGHT_KEY)
if pos != -1:
optionfound = True
night = True
night = False
pos = templatelist[i].find(SHORTWEEKDAY_KEY)
if pos != -1:
optionfound = True
shortweekday = True
shortweekday = False
pos = templatelist[i].find(IMPERIAL_KEY)
if pos != -1:
optionfound = True
imperial = True
imperial = False
pos = templatelist[i].find(HIDEUNITS_KEY)
if pos != -1:
optionfound = True
hideunits = True
hideunits = False
pos = templatelist[i].find(SPACES_KEY)
if pos != -1:
optionfound = True
pos = pos + len(SPACES_KEY)
spaces = int(templatelist[i][pos:pos+4].strip("}").strip("{").strip("-").strip(" "))
spaces = 1
if optionfound == True:
templatelist[i] = self.getOutputText(datatype,startday,endday,night,shortweekday,imperial,hideunits,spaces)
optionfound = False
# go through the list concatenating the output now that it's been populated
for item in templatelist:
output = output + item
return output
#print "getOutputTextFromTemplate:Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
def fetchData(self):
# always fetch metric data, use conversation functions on this data
file_path_current = self.TEMP_FILEPATH_CURRENT.replace("LOCATION",self.options.location)
file_path_dayforecast = self.TEMP_FILEPATH_DAYFORECAST.replace("LOCATION",self.options.location)
file_path_nightforecast = self.TEMP_FILEPATH_NIGHTFORECAST.replace("LOCATION",self.options.location)
if self.isConnectionAvailable() == False:
if os.path.exists(file_path_current):
RefetchData = False
else: # no connection, no cache, bang!
print "No internet connection is available and no cached weather data exists."
elif self.options.refetch == True:
RefetchData = True
# does the data need retrieving again?
if os.path.exists(file_path_current):
lastmodDate = time.localtime(os.stat(file_path_current)[ST_MTIME])
expiryDate = (datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.EXPIRY_MINUTES)).timetuple()
if expiryDate > lastmodDate:
RefetchData = True
RefetchData = False
RefetchData = True
# fetch the current conditions data, either from the website or by 'unpickling'
if RefetchData == True:
# obtain current conditions data from xoap service
# http://xoap.weather.com/weather/local/UKXX0103?cc=*&dayf=5&link=xoap&prod=xoap&par=1061785028&key=e374effbfd74930b
url = 'http://xoap.weather.com/weather/local/' + self.options.location + '?cc=*&dayf=8&link=xoap&prod=xoap&par=1061785028&key=e374effbfd74930b&unit=m'
if self.options.verbose == True:
print >> sys.stdout, "fetching weather data from ",url
usock = urllib2.urlopen(url)
xml = usock.read()
self.weatherxmldoc = minidom.parseString(xml)
print "fetchData:Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
print "Unable to contact weather source for current conditions"
# tell the user if the location is bad...
found = xml.find("Invalid location provided")
if found != -1:
print "Invalid location provided"
# interrogate weather data, load into class structure and pickle it
# prepare weather data lists
self.current_conditions = []
self.day_forecast = []
self.night_forecast = []
# collect general data
weather_n = self.weatherxmldoc.documentElement
location_n = weather_n.getElementsByTagName('loc')[0]
city_n = location_n.getElementsByTagName('dnam')[0]
city = self.getText(city_n.childNodes)
# collect current conditions data
day_of_week = u"Today"
precip = u"N/A"
sunrise_n = location_n.getElementsByTagName('sunr')[0]
sunrise = self.getText(sunrise_n.childNodes)
sunset_n = location_n.getElementsByTagName('suns')[0]
sunset = self.getText(sunset_n.childNodes)
current_condition_n = weather_n.getElementsByTagName('cc')[0]
current_desc_n = current_condition_n.getElementsByTagName('t')[0]
current_desc = self.getText(current_desc_n.childNodes)
current_code_n = current_condition_n.getElementsByTagName('icon')[0]
current_code = self.getText(current_code_n.childNodes)
current_temp_n = current_condition_n.getElementsByTagName('tmp')[0]
current_temp = self.getText(current_temp_n.childNodes)
current_temp_feels_n = current_condition_n.getElementsByTagName('flik')[0]
current_temp_feels = self.getText(current_temp_feels_n.childNodes)
bar_n = current_condition_n.getElementsByTagName('bar')[0]
bar_read_n = bar_n.getElementsByTagName('r')[0]
bar_read = self.getText(bar_read_n.childNodes)
bar_desc_n = bar_n.getElementsByTagName('d')[0]
bar_desc = self.getText(bar_desc_n.childNodes)
wind_n = current_condition_n.getElementsByTagName('wind')[0]
wind_speed_n = wind_n.getElementsByTagName('s')[0]
wind_speed = self.getText(wind_speed_n.childNodes)
wind_gust_n = wind_n.getElementsByTagName('gust')[0]
wind_gusts = self.getText(wind_gust_n.childNodes)
wind_dir_n = wind_n.getElementsByTagName('d')[0]
wind_direction = self.getText(wind_dir_n.childNodes)
humidity_n = current_condition_n.getElementsByTagName('hmid')[0]
humidity = self.getText(humidity_n.childNodes)
moon_n = current_condition_n.getElementsByTagName('moon')[0]
moon_icon_n = moon_n.getElementsByTagName('icon')[0]
moon_icon = self.getText(moon_icon_n.childNodes)
moon_phase_n = moon_n.getElementsByTagName('t')[0]
moon_phase = self.getText(moon_phase_n.childNodes)
current_conditions_data = WeatherData(day_of_week, current_temp_feels, current_temp, current_code, current_desc, precip, humidity, wind_direction, wind_speed, wind_gusts, city, sunrise, sunset, moon_phase, moon_icon, bar_read, bar_desc)
# collect forecast data
bar_read = u"N/A"
bar_desc = u"N/A"
moon_phase = u"N/A"
moon_icon = u"na"
forecast_n = weather_n.getElementsByTagName('dayf')[0]
day_nodes = forecast_n.getElementsByTagName('day')
for day in day_nodes:
day_of_week = day.getAttribute('t')
day_of_year = day.getAttribute('dt')
high_temp_n = day.getElementsByTagName('hi')[0]
high_temp = self.getText(high_temp_n.childNodes)
low_temp_n = day.getElementsByTagName('low')[0]
low_temp = self.getText(low_temp_n.childNodes)
sunrise_n = day.getElementsByTagName('sunr')[0]
sunrise = self.getText(sunrise_n.childNodes)
sunset_n = day.getElementsByTagName('suns')[0]
sunset = self.getText(sunset_n.childNodes)
# day forecast specific data
daytime_n = day.getElementsByTagName('part')[0] # day
condition_code_n = daytime_n.getElementsByTagName('icon')[0]
condition_code = self.getText(condition_code_n.childNodes)
condition_n = daytime_n.getElementsByTagName('t')[0]
condition = self.getText(condition_n.childNodes)
precip_n = daytime_n.getElementsByTagName('ppcp')[0]
precip = self.getText(precip_n.childNodes)
humidity_n = daytime_n.getElementsByTagName('hmid')[0]
humidity = self.getText(humidity_n.childNodes)
wind_n = daytime_n.getElementsByTagName('wind')[0]
wind_speed_n = wind_n.getElementsByTagName('s')[0]
wind_speed = self.getText(wind_speed_n.childNodes)
wind_direction_n = wind_n.getElementsByTagName('t')[0]
wind_direction = self.getText(wind_direction_n.childNodes)
wind_gusts_n = wind_n.getElementsByTagName('gust')[0]
wind_gusts = self.getText(wind_gusts_n.childNodes)
day_forecast_data = WeatherData(day_of_week, low_temp, high_temp, condition_code, condition, precip, humidity, wind_direction, wind_speed, wind_gusts, city, sunrise, sunset, moon_phase, moon_icon, bar_read, bar_desc)
# night forecast specific data
daytime_n = day.getElementsByTagName('part')[1] # night
condition_code_n = daytime_n.getElementsByTagName('icon')[0]
condition_code = self.getText(condition_code_n.childNodes)
condition_n = daytime_n.getElementsByTagName('t')[0]
condition = self.getText(condition_n.childNodes)
precip_n = daytime_n.getElementsByTagName('ppcp')[0]
precip = self.getText(precip_n.childNodes)
humidity_n = daytime_n.getElementsByTagName('hmid')[0]
humidity = self.getText(humidity_n.childNodes)
wind_n = daytime_n.getElementsByTagName('wind')[0]
wind_speed_n = wind_n.getElementsByTagName('s')[0]
wind_speed = self.getText(wind_speed_n.childNodes)
wind_direction_n = wind_n.getElementsByTagName('t')[0]
wind_direction = self.getText(wind_direction_n.childNodes)
wind_gusts_n = wind_n.getElementsByTagName('gust')[0]
wind_gusts = self.getText(wind_gusts_n.childNodes)
night_forecast_data = WeatherData(day_of_week, low_temp, high_temp, condition_code, condition, precip, humidity, wind_direction, wind_speed, wind_gusts, city, sunrise, sunset, moon_phase, moon_icon, bar_read, bar_desc)
# pickle the data for next time!
fileoutput = open(file_path_current, 'w')
fileoutput = open(file_path_dayforecast, 'w')
fileoutput = open(file_path_nightforecast, 'w')
print "fetchData:Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
print "Unable to interrogate the weather data"
else: # fetch weather data from pickled class files
if self.options.verbose == True:
print >> sys.stdout, "fetching weather data from file: ",file_path_current
fileinput = open(file_path_current, 'r')
self.current_conditions = pickle.load(fileinput)
if self.options.verbose == True:
print >> sys.stdout, "fetching day forecast data from files: ",file_path_dayforecast, file_path_nightforecast
fileinput = open(file_path_dayforecast, 'r')
self.day_forecast = pickle.load(fileinput)
if self.options.verbose == True:
print >> sys.stdout, "fetching day forecast data from files: ",file_path_nightforecast, file_path_nightforecast
fileinput = open(file_path_nightforecast, 'r')
self.night_forecast = pickle.load(fileinput)
def outputData(self):
if self.options.template != None:
output = self.getOutputTextFromTemplate(self.options.template)
output = self.getOutputText(self.options.datatype,self.options.startday,self.options.endday,self.options.night,self.options.shortweekday,self.options.imperial,self.options.hideunits,self.options.spaces)
print output.encode("utf-8")
#print "outputData:Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = CommandLineParser()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.verbose == True:
print >> sys.stdout, "location:",options.location
print >> sys.stdout, "imperial:",options.imperial
print >> sys.stdout, "datatype:",options.datatype
print >> sys.stdout, "night:",options.night
print >> sys.stdout, "start day:",options.startday
print >> sys.stdout, "end day:",options.endday
print >> sys.stdout, "spaces:",options.spaces
print >> sys.stdout, "verbose:",options.verbose
print >> sys.stdout, "refetch:",options.refetch
# create new global weather object
weather = GlobalWeather(options)
curl http://votreip.free.fr/ | cut -d '>' -f7 | cut -d '<' -f1
Cela fonctionne, mais je me demande si il n'y a pas plus simple comme commande.{execi 14400 wget -O - http://whatismyip.org/ | tail}
ici 14400 pour faire l'update toute les 4h, c'est généralement suffisant...minimum_size 300
maximum_width 300
Ainsi que dautres valeurs.