Bonjour à tous,

Bon ben chez moi, Fedora 11 est livrée avec un vilain bug sur anaconda qui empêche l'installation.

En gros, juste après la choix de la langue, anaconda plante sur la reconnaissance des partitions de mon disque dur. Le bug est connu (il est ouvert ici :

Je suis en train de télécharger le livecd pour voir si ça me permet de contourner le bug. Sinon, je ne sais pas quoi faire. Tester ubuntu en attendant Fedora 12 ? :roll:

Toutes les suggestions/témoignages sont bienvenus.

Merci d'avance,

passer par une respin ou un fichier kickstart lors de la correction du bug
Je suis avec interêt ce topic. J'ai le même problème.

Comparons nos configurations :
Carte mère Asus P5Q (P45+ICH10R)
Intel Core2 Duo E8400
8GO de RAM dual channel
4 x Seagate 1TO 7200.11 SATA configuré en AHCI (mais plante aussi quand en IDE)
1 x Lecteur DVD ROM IDE
Carte graphique 6800GS

Et l'installeur du DVD Fedora 11 x86_64 plante après le choix de la langue lors de la recherche du stockage.
bioinfornatics wrote:passer par une respin ou un fichier kickstart lors de la correction du bug
ouaip bon, il faut quand même attendre encore quelques mois avant le respin F11

pour le moment, les serveurs sont surchargés, ça rame ...

ayant un chipset Intel G45 sur mon autre carte mère, je m'attends aussi malheureusement à rencontrer le même problème de plantage ... comme sur la dernière version beta
d'où l'utilisation d'un fichier kickstart, c'est pas compliqué

1/ créer un fichier nommé config.cfg
#platform=x86, AMD64, ou Intel EM64T
# Firewall configuration
firewall --enabled
# System authorization information
auth  --useshadow  --passalgo=md5
# Use graphical install
# Run the Setup Agent on first boot
firstboot --enable
# System keyboard
keyboard fr-latin9
# System language
lang fr_FR
# SELinux configuration
selinux --enforcing
# Install OS instead of upgrade
# Use CDROM installation media
# Reboot after installation
# System timezone
timezone  Europe/Paris
# System bootloader configuration
bootloader --location=mbr
# Partition clearing information
clearpart --none  

partition /boot --fstype ext3 --size=100
partition pv.01 --size=100 --grow
volgroup vg01 pv.01
logvol    /    --fstype ext3 --name=lvol1 --vgname=vg01 --size=2100
logvol    /home    --fstype ext3 --name=lvol4 --vgname=vg01 --size=1000
logvol    swap    --fstype swap --name=lvol5 --vgname=vg01 --size=900
#logvol    swap    --fstype swap --name=lvol5 --vgname=vg01 --recommended

# To compose against the current release tree, use the following "repo" (enabled by default)
repo --name=released --mirrorlist=$basearch
# To include updates, use the following "repo" (enabled by default)
repo --name=updates --mirrorlist=$basearch



# FIXME: it'd be better to get this installed from a package
cat > /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF
# live: Init script for live image
# chkconfig: 345 00 99
# description: Init script for live image.

. /etc/init.d/functions

if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" liveimg || [ "\$1" != "start" ]; then
    exit 0

if [ -e /.liveimg-configured ] ; then

exists() {
    which \$1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || return

touch /.liveimg-configured

# mount live image
if [ -b \`readlink -f /dev/live\` ]; then
   mkdir -p /mnt/live
   mount -o ro /dev/live /mnt/live 2>/dev/null || mount /dev/live /mnt/live

# enable swaps unless requested otherwise
swaps=\`blkid -t TYPE=swap -o device\`
if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" noswap && [ -n "\$swaps" ] ; then
  for s in \$swaps ; do
    action "Enabling swap partition \$s" swapon \$s
if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" noswap && [ -f /mnt/live/LiveOS/swap.img ] ; then
  action "Enabling swap file" swapon /mnt/live/LiveOS/swap.img

mountPersistentHome() {
  # support label/uuid
  if [ "\${homedev##LABEL=}" != "\${homedev}" -o "\${homedev##UUID=}" != "\${homedev}" ]; then
    homedev=\`/sbin/blkid -o device -t "\$homedev"\`

  # if we're given a file rather than a blockdev, loopback it
  if [ "\${homedev##mtd}" != "\${homedev}" ]; then
    # mtd devs don't have a block device but get magic-mounted with -t jffs2
    mountopts="-t jffs2"
  elif [ ! -b "\$homedev" ]; then
    loopdev=\`losetup -f\`
    if [ "\${homedev##/mnt/live}" != "\${homedev}" ]; then
      action "Remounting live store r/w" mount -o remount,rw /mnt/live
    losetup \$loopdev \$homedev

  # if it's encrypted, we need to unlock it
  if [ "\$(/lib/udev/vol_id -t \$homedev 2>/dev/null)" = "crypto_LUKS" ]; then
    echo "Setting up encrypted /home device"
    plymouth ask-for-password --command="cryptsetup luksOpen \$homedev EncHome"

  # and finally do the mount
  mount \$mountopts \$homedev /home
  # if we have /home under what's passed for persistent home, then
  # we should make that the real /home.  useful for mtd device on olpc
  if [ -d /home/home ]; then mount --bind /home/home /home ; fi
  [ -x /sbin/restorecon ] && /sbin/restorecon /home
  if [ -d /home/liveuser ]; then USERADDARGS="-M" ; fi

findPersistentHome() {
  for arg in \`cat /proc/cmdline\` ; do
    if [ "\${arg##persistenthome=}" != "\${arg}" ]; then

if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" persistenthome= ; then
elif [ -e /mnt/live/LiveOS/home.img ]; then

# if we have a persistent /home, then we want to go ahead and mount it
if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" nopersistenthome && [ -n "\$homedev" ] ; then
  action "Mounting persistent /home" mountPersistentHome

# make it so that we don't do writing to the overlay for things which
# are just tmpdirs/caches
mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0755 varcacheyum /var/cache/yum
mount -t tmpfs tmp /tmp
mount -t tmpfs vartmp /var/tmp
[ -x /sbin/restorecon ] && /sbin/restorecon /var/cache/yum /tmp /var/tmp >/dev/null 2>&1

if [ -n "\$configdone" ]; then
  exit 0

# add fedora user with no passwd
action "Adding live user" useradd \$USERADDARGS -c "Live System User" liveuser
passwd -d liveuser > /dev/null

# turn off firstboot for livecd boots
chkconfig --level 345 firstboot off 2>/dev/null

# don't start yum-updatesd for livecd boots
chkconfig --level 345 yum-updatesd off 2>/dev/null

# turn off mdmonitor by default
chkconfig --level 345 mdmonitor off 2>/dev/null

# turn off setroubleshoot on the live image to preserve resources
chkconfig --level 345 setroubleshoot off 2>/dev/null

# don't do packagekit checking by default
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t string /apps/gnome-packagekit/frequency_get_updates never >/dev/null
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t string /apps/gnome-packagekit/frequency_get_upgrades never >/dev/null
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t string /apps/gnome-packagekit/frequency_refresh_cache never >/dev/null
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t bool /apps/gnome-packagekit/notify_available false >/dev/null
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t bool /apps/gnome-packagekit/notify_distro_upgrades false >/dev/null
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t bool /apps/gnome-packagekit/enable_check_firmware false >/dev/null
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t bool /apps/gnome-packagekit/enable_check_hardware false >/dev/null
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t bool /apps/gnome-packagekit/enable_codec_helper false >/dev/null
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t bool /apps/gnome-packagekit/enable_font_helper false >/dev/null
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t bool /apps/gnome-packagekit/enable_mime_type_helper false >/dev/null

# don't start cron/at as they tend to spawn things which are
# disk intensive that are painful on a live image
chkconfig --level 345 crond off 2>/dev/null
chkconfig --level 345 atd off 2>/dev/null
chkconfig --level 345 anacron off 2>/dev/null
chkconfig --level 345 readahead_early off 2>/dev/null
chkconfig --level 345 readahead_later off 2>/dev/null

# Stopgap fix for RH #217966; should be fixed in HAL instead
touch /media/.hal-mtab

# workaround clock syncing on shutdown that we don't want (#297421)
sed -i -e 's/hwclock/no-such-hwclock/g' /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt

# and hack so that we eject the cd on shutdown if we're using a CD...
if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" CDLABEL= ; then
  cat >> /sbin/halt.local << FOE
# we want to eject the cd on halt, but let's also try to avoid
# io errors due to not being able to get files...
cat /sbin/halt > /dev/null
cat /sbin/reboot > /dev/null
/usr/sbin/eject -p -m \$(readlink -f /dev/live) >/dev/null 2>&1
chmod +x /sbin/halt.local


# bah, hal starts way too late
cat > /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys-late << EOF
# live: Late init script for live image
# chkconfig: 345 99 01
# description: Late init script for live image.

. /etc/init.d/functions

if ! strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" liveimg || [ "\$1" != "start" ] || [ -e /.liveimg-late-configured ] ; then
    exit 0

exists() {
    which \$1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || return

touch /.liveimg-late-configured

# read some variables out of /proc/cmdline
for o in \`cat /proc/cmdline\` ; do
    case \$o in

# this is a bad hack to work around #460581 for the geode
# purely to help move testing along for now
if [ \`grep -c Geode /proc/cpuinfo\` -ne 0 ]; then
  cat > /etc/X11/xorg.conf <<FOE
Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier     "Default Layout"
    Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
    InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "InputDevice"
# keyboard added by rhpxl
    Identifier  "Keyboard0"
    Driver      "kbd"
    Option        "XkbModel" "pc105"
    Option        "XkbLayout" "us"

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier  "Monitor0"
    HorizSync   30-67
    VertRefresh 48-52
    DisplaySize 152 114
    Mode "1200x900"
        DotClock 57.275
        HTimings 1200 1208 1216 1240
        VTimings 900 905 908 912
        Flags    "-HSync" "-VSync"

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Videocard0"
    Driver      "amd"
    VendorName  "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc."
    BoardName   "AMD Geode GX/LX"

    Option     "AccelMethod" "EXA"
    Option     "NoCompression" "true"
        Option     "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"
    Option     "PanelGeometry" "1200x900"

Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen0"
    Device     "Videocard0"
    Monitor    "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth 16
    SubSection "Display"
        Depth   16
        Modes   "1200x900"

# if liveinst or textinst is given, start anaconda
if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" liveinst ; then
   plymouth --quit
   /usr/sbin/liveinst \$ks
if strstr "\`cat /proc/cmdline\`" textinst ; then
   plymouth --quit
   /usr/sbin/liveinst --text \$ks

# configure X, allowing user to override xdriver
if [ -n "\$xdriver" ]; then
   exists system-config-display --noui --reconfig --set-depth=24 \$xdriver


# workaround avahi segfault (#279301)
touch /etc/resolv.conf
/sbin/restorecon /etc/resolv.conf

chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys
/sbin/restorecon /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys
/sbin/chkconfig --add livesys

chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys-late
/sbin/restorecon /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys-late
/sbin/chkconfig --add livesys-late

# work around for poor key import UI in PackageKit
rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora

# go ahead and pre-make the man -k cache (#455968)
/usr/sbin/makewhatis -w

# save a little bit of space at least...
rm -f /boot/initrd*
# make sure there aren't core files lying around
rm -f /core*

cat >> /etc/rc.d/init.d/livesys << EOF
# disable screensaver locking
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults -s -t bool /apps/gnome-screensaver/lock_enabled false >/dev/null
# set up timed auto-login for after 60 seconds
cat >> /etc/gdm/custom.conf << FOE


%post --nochroot
cp $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/doc/*-release-*/GPL $LIVE_ROOT/GPL
cp $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/doc/HTML/readme-live-image/en_US/readme-live-image-en_US.txt $LIVE_ROOT/README

# only works on x86, x86_64
if [ "$(uname -i)" = "i386" -o "$(uname -i)" = "x86_64" ]; then
  if [ ! -d $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS ]; then mkdir -p $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS ; fi
  cp /usr/bin/livecd-iso-to-disk $LIVE_ROOT/LiveOS
2/ connecter vous en root
$ su -m
mot de passe :
3/ déplacer vous dans l'arborescence dans le répertoire contenant le fichier précédement créer
4/ exécuter la commande suivante
# livecd-creator --config=config.cfg --fslabel=Fedora-11-radeon-spin
J'ai lancé le liveCD (dont la fonction SMART intégré dans le desktop me rapport 27 secteurs defectueux rellocalisés sur le premier disque dur ! Sympa la nouvelle) et le bug se produit toujours à l'installation. Sauf que là, j'ai pu relevé le texte.
anaconda exception report
Traceback (most recent call first):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/block/", line 35, in dm_log
    raise Exception, message
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/block/", line 719, in get_map
    self._RaidSet__map =,
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/block/", line 822, in activate
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 1407, in handleUdevDMRaidMemberFormat
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 1543, in handleUdevDeviceFormat
    self.handleUdevDMRaidMemberFormat(info, device)
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 1201, in addUdevDevice
    self.handleUdevDeviceFormat(info, device)
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 1691, in populate
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 302, in reset
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 73, in storageInitialize
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 205, in moveStep
    rc = stepFunc(self.anaconda)
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 128, in gotoNext
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 1339, in nextClicked
Exception: device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Argument invalide

Local variables in innermost frame:
message: device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Argument invalide
line: 1689
file: ioctl/libdm-iface.c
level: 3

Anaconda instance, containing members:
rescue_mount: True
intf: InstallInterface instance, containing members:
  intf.icw: InstallControlWindow instance, containing members:
    intf.icw.handle: 21
    intf.icw.currentWindow: KeyboardWindow instance, containing members:
      intf.icw.currentWindow.modelViewSW: <gtk.ScrolledWindow object at 0x1aafaa0 (GtkScrolledWindow at 0x1cf0c70)>
      intf.icw.currentWindow.title: Keyboard
      intf.icw.currentWindow.modelStore: <gtk.ListStore object at 0x1aaf910 (GtkListStore at 0x1cf3830)>
      intf.icw.currentWindow.modelView: <gtk.TreeView object at 0x1aaf9b0 (GtkTreeView at 0x1d6a040)>
      intf.icw.currentWindow.sidebarTitle: Keyboard
      intf.icw.currentWindow.kbd: Keyboard instance, containing members: {'LAYOUT': fr, 'KEYBOARDTYPE': pc, 'VARIANT': latin9, 'KEYTABLE': fr-latin9, 'MODEL': pc105, 'OPTIONS': }
        intf.icw.currentWindow.kbd.type: PC
        intf.icw.currentWindow.kbd._mods: KeyboardModels instance, containing members:
        intf.icw.currentWindow.kbd.beenset: 1
      intf.icw.currentWindow.priority: 20
      intf.icw.currentWindow.vbox: <gtk.VBox object at 0x1a32cd0 (GtkVBox at 0x19d2580)>
      intf.icw.currentWindow.mode: 2
      intf.icw.currentWindow.ics: InstallControlState instance, containing members:
        intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevEnabled: True Already dumped
        intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextEnabled: True
        intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.grabNext: True
        intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.title: Fenêtre d'installation
      intf.icw.currentWindow.kbdDict: {'gr': ['Grec', 'gr,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'sr-cy': ['Serbe', 'rs', 'pc105', '', ''], 'sv-latin1': ['Su\xc3\xa9dois', 'se', 'pc105', '', ''], 'cf': ['Fran\xc3\xa7ais canadien', 'ca(fr)', 'pc105', '', ''], 'fr_CH-latin1': ['Suisse fran\xc3\xa7ais (latin1)', 'ch', 'pc105', 'fr', ''], 'fr-latin9': ['Fran\xc3\xa7ais (latin9)', 'fr', 'pc105', 'latin9', ''], 'dev': ['Devanagari (Inscript)', 'dev,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'sk-qwerty': ['Slovak (qwerty)', 'sk', 'pc105', '', 'qwerty'], 'et': ['Estonien', 'ee', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ar-qwerty-digits': ['Arabe (qwerty/digits)', 'ara,us', 'pc105', 'qwerty_digits', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'ar-azerty': ['Arabe (azerty)', 'ara,us', 'pc105', 'azerty', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'ie': ['Irish', 'ie', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ro-cedilla': ['Romanian Cedilla', 'ro', 'pc105', 'cedilla', ''], 'es': ['Espagnol', 'es', 'pc105', '', ''], 'pl2': ['Polonais', 'pl', 'pc105', '', ''], 'cz-lat2': ['Czech (qwerty)', 'cz', 'pc105', 'qwerty', ''], 'ru': ['Russe', 'us,ru', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'dvorak': ['Dvorak', 'us', 'pc105', 'dvorak', ''], 'bg_bds-utf8': ['Bulgare', 'bg,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'no': ['Norv\xc3\xa9gien', 'no', 'pc105', '', ''], 'de-latin1-nodeadkeys': ['Allemand (latin1 sans touches mortes)', 'de', 'pc105', 'nodeadkeys', ''], 'ben': ['Bengali (Inscript) ', 'in,us', 'pc105', 'ben', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'ar-azerty-digits': ['Arabe (azerty/digits)', 'ara,us', 'pc105', 'azerty_digits', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'ar-qwerty': ['Arabe (qwerty)', 'ara,us', 'pc105', 'qwerty', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'tj': ['Tajik', 'tj', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ro-std-cedilla': ['Romanian Standard Cedilla', 'ro', 'pc105', 'std_cedilla', ''], 'pt-latin1': ['Portugais', 'pt', 'pc105', '', ''], 'us-acentos': ['U.S. International', 'us', 'pc105', 'intl', ''], 'ro': ['Roumain', 'ro', 'pc105', '', ''], 'br-abnt2': ['Br\xc3\xa9silien (ABNT2)', 'br', 'abnt2', '', ''], 'ar-digits': ['Arabe (digits)', 'ara,us', 'pc105', 'digits', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'cz-us-qwertz': ['Czech', 'cz,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'it-ibm': ['Italien (IBM)', 'it', 'pc105', '', ''], 'bg_pho-utf8': ['Bulgarian (Phonetic)', 'bg,us', 'pc105', ',phonetic', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'fr-pc': ['Fran\xc3\xa7ais (pc)', 'fr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'dk': ['Danois', 'dk', 'pc105', '', ''], 'be-latin1': ['Belge (be-latin1)', 'be', 'pc105', '', ''], 'sg-latin1': ['Suisse allemand (latin1)', 'ch', 'pc105', 'de_nodeadkeys', ''], 'fr-latin1': ['Fran\xc3\xa7ais (latin1)', 'fr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ua-utf': ['Ukrainien', 'ua,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'tml-uni': ['Tamil (Typewriter)', 'in,us', 'pc105', 'tam_TAB', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'it': ['Italien', 'it', 'pc105', '', ''], 'fr': ['Fran\xc3\xa7ais', 'fr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'dk-latin1': ['Danois (latin1)', 'dk', 'pc105', '', ''], 'fr_CH': ['Suisse fran\xc3\xa7ais', 'ch', 'pc105', 'fr', ''], 'fi': ['Finnois', 'fi', 'pc105', '', ''], 'sr-latin': ['Serbian (latin)', 'rs', 'pc105', 'latin', ''], 'hu': ['Hongrois', 'hu', 'pc105', '', ''], 'it2': ['Italien (it2)', 'it', 'pc105', '', ''], 'fi-latin1': ['Finnois (latin1)', 'fi', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ben-probhat': ['Bengali (Probhat)', 'in,us', 'pc105', 'ben_probhat', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'croat': ['Croate', 'hr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'jp106': ['Japonais', 'jp', 'jp106', '', ''], 'hu101': ['Hongrois (101 touches)', 'hu', 'pc105', 'qwerty', ''], 'slovene': ['Slov\xc3\xa8ne', 'si', 'pc105', '', ''], 'tml-inscript': ['Tamil (Inscript)', 'in,us', 'pc105', 'tam', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'de-latin1': ['Allemand (latin1)', 'de', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ro-std': ['Romanian Standard', 'ro', 'pc105', 'std', ''], 'ko': ['Cor\xc3\xa9en', 'kr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'us': ['Anglais am\xc3\xa9ricain', 'us', 'pc105+inet', '', ''], 'la-latin1': ["Langues d'Am\xc3\xa9rique Latine", 'latam', 'pc105', '', ''], 'gur': ['Punjabi (Inscript)', 'gur,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'de': ['Allemand', 'de', 'pc105', '', ''], 'is-latin1': ['Islandais', 'is', 'pc105', '', ''], 'uk': ['Anglais (Royaume Uni)', 'gb', 'pc105', '', ''], 'guj': ['Gujarati (Inscript)', 'in,us', 'pc105', 'guj', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'trq': ['Turc', 'tr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'mk-utf': ['Mac\xc3\xa9donnien', 'mkd,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'nl': ['Hollandais', 'nl', 'pc105', '', ''], 'sg': ['Suisse allemand', 'ch', 'pc105', 'de_nodeadkeys', '']}
      intf.icw.currentWindow.type: fr-latin9
      intf.icw.currentWindow.col: <gtk.TreeViewColumn object at 0x1aafa50 (GtkTreeViewColumn at 0xa0d3e0)>
      intf.icw.currentWindow.icon: system-config-keyboard.png
    intf.icw.mainxml: < object at 0x1a02730 (PyGladeXML at 0x198e0a0)>
    intf.icw.window: <gtk.Window object at 0x18e1c30 (GtkWindow at 0xa321f0)>
    intf.icw.installFrame: <gtk.Frame object at 0x1a32aa0 (GtkFrame at 0x198ee70)>
    intf.icw.anaconda: Already dumped
    intf.icw.reloadRcQueued: 0
  intf.runres: 800x600
  intf.anaconda: Already dumped
rescue: False
updateSrc: None
mediaDevice: None
methodstr: livecd:///dev/mapper/live-osimg-min
dispatch: <dispatch.Dispatcher object at 0x9cd410>
rootPath: /mnt/sysimage
platform: <platform.X86 object at 0x113add0>
canReIPL: False
xdriver: None
reIPLMessage: None
isKickstart: False
stage2: None
id: InstallData instance, containing members:
  id.firewall: Firewall instance, containing members:
    id.firewall.portlist: []
    id.firewall.servicelist: []
    id.firewall.trustdevs: []
    id.firewall.enabled: 1
  id.anaconda: Already dumped
  id.upgradeRoot: None
  id.keyboard: Already dumped
  id.timezone: Timezone instance, containing members:
    id.timezone.utc: 0 Europe/Paris
  id.backend: LiveCDCopyBackend instance, containing members:
    id.backend.instPath: /mnt/sysimage
    id.backend.skipFormatRoot: True
    id.backend.instLog: None
    id.backend.supportsUpgrades: False
    id.backend._loopbackFile: None
    id.backend.rootFsType: ext4
    id.backend.osimg: //dev/mapper/live-osimg-min
    id.backend.supportsPackageSelection: False
  id.upgrade: None
  id.monitor: None <storage.Storage object at 0x9cd150>
  id.desktop: Desktop instance, containing members: {}
    id.desktop.runlevel: 3
  id.rootParts: None
  id.x_already_set: 1
  id.firstboot: 0
  id.users: None
  id.displayMode: g
  id.auth: --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 --enablefingerprint
  id.ksdata: None
  id.bootloader: x86BootloaderInfo instance, containing members:
    id.bootloader._configdir: /boot/grub
    id.bootloader.doUpgradeOnly: 0
    id.bootloader.above1024: 0
    id.bootloader.defaultDevice: None
    id.bootloader.pure: None <storage.Storage object at 0x9cd150>
    id.bootloader.serialOptions: None
    id.bootloader.args: KernelArguments instance, containing members:
    id.bootloader.kernelLocation: /boot/
    id.bootloader.timeout: None
    id.bootloader._configname: grub.conf
    id.bootloader.device: None
    id.bootloader.kickstart: 0
    id.bootloader.serialDevice: None
    id.bootloader.useGrubVal: 1
    id.bootloader._drivelist: None
    id.bootloader.images: BootImages instance, containing members:
      id.bootloader.images.default: None
      id.bootloader.images.images: {}
    id.bootloader.serial: 0
    id.bootloader.password: None
    id.bootloader.forceLBA32: 0
  id.extraModules: [] Network instance, containing members: {'eth0': DEVICE=eth0

} None False localhost.localdomain []
  id.instClass: <installclass.DefaultInstall object at 0x113af90>
  id.isHeadless: 0
  id.videocard: None
  id.instLanguage: Language instance, containing members:
    id.instLanguage.targetLang: None
    id.instLanguage.default: fr_FR.UTF-8
    id.instLanguage.displayMode: g
    id.instLanguage.current: fr_FR.UTF-8 Security instance, containing members: 1
  id.upgradeSwapInfo: None
dir: 1
backend: Already dumped

05:01:38 INFO    : using only installclass _Fedora
05:01:38 INFO    : anaconda called with cmdline = ['/usr/sbin/anaconda', '--liveinst', '--method=livecd:///dev/mapper/live-osimg-min', '--lang', 'fr_FR.UTF-8']
05:01:38 INFO    : Display mode = g
05:01:38 INFO    : Démarrage de l'installation graphique...
05:01:38 INFO    : Detected 7936M of memory
05:01:38 INFO    : Swap attempt of 1000M to 9936M
05:01:38 WARNING : step installtype does not exist
05:01:38 WARNING : step confirminstall does not exist
05:01:38 WARNING : step complete does not exist
05:01:38 INFO    : moving (1) to step welcome
05:01:43 INFO    : moving (1) to step keyboard
05:01:46 INFO    : moving (1) to step storageinit
05:01:46 INFO    : no /tmp/fcpconfig; not configuring zfcp
05:01:46 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sda ;
05:01:46 DEBUG   : StorageDevice._setFormat: sda ; current: None ; type: None ;
05:01:46 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: sda ;
05:01:46 DEBUG   : DMRaidMember.__init__: device: /dev/sda ; uuid: None ; exists: True ; label: None ;
05:01:46 DEBUG   : StorageDevice._setFormat: sda ; current: None ; type: dmraidmember ;
05:01:46 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDMRaidMemberFormat: type: dmraidmember ; name: sda ;
05:01:47 DEBUG   : StorageDevice.addChild: kids: 0 ; name: sda ;
05:01:47 DEBUG   : DMRaidArrayDevice._setFormat: isw_dbdcfijdfg_VRaid10 ; current: None ; type: None ;

Running... ['udevadm', 'trigger', '--subsystem-match=block']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=30']

[2009-06-10 05:01:35,102]    DEBUG: registered device format class PPCPRePBoot as prepboot
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,103]    DEBUG: registered device format class SwapSpace as swap
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,103]    DEBUG: registered device format class DMRaidMember as dmraidmember
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,104]    DEBUG: registered device format class LVMPhysicalVolume as lvmpv
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,367]    DEBUG: registered device format class LUKS as luks
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,368]    DEBUG: registered device format class Ext2FS as ext2
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,369]    DEBUG: registered device format class Ext3FS as ext3
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,369]    DEBUG: registered device format class Ext4FS as ext4
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,369]    DEBUG: registered device format class FATFS as vfat
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,369]    DEBUG: registered device format class EFIFS as efi
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,370]    DEBUG: registered device format class BTRFS as btrfs
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,370]    DEBUG: registered device format class GFS2 as gfs2
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,370]    DEBUG: registered device format class JFS as jfs
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,370]    DEBUG: registered device format class XFS as xfs
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,370]    DEBUG: registered device format class HFS as hfs
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,371]    DEBUG: registered device format class AppleBootstrapFS as appleboot
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,371]    DEBUG: registered device format class HFSPlus as hfs+
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,371]    DEBUG: registered device format class NTFS as ntfs
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,371]    DEBUG: registered device format class NFS as nfs
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,371]    DEBUG: registered device format class NFSv4 as nfs4
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,372]    DEBUG: registered device format class Iso9660FS as iso9660
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,372]    DEBUG: registered device format class NoDevFS as nodev
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,372]    DEBUG: registered device format class DevPtsFS as devpts
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,372]    DEBUG: registered device format class ProcFS as proc
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,372]    DEBUG: registered device format class SysFS as sysfs
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,373]    DEBUG: registered device format class TmpFS as tmpfs
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,373]    DEBUG: registered device format class BindFS as bind
[2009-06-10 05:01:35,373]    DEBUG: registered device format class MDRaidMember as mdmember
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,579]     INFO: sr0 looks to be the live device; ignoring
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,582]     INFO: devices to scan: ['sda', 'sdb', 'sdc', 'sdd', 'dm-0', 'dm-1', 'dm-2', 'dm-3', 'dm-4', 'dm-5']
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,782]    DEBUG: scanning sda (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda)...
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,782]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda'...
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,782]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,783]    DEBUG: sda is part of a dmraid
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,783]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,786]    DEBUG: added sda (storage device) to device tree
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,787]    DEBUG: {'DKD_PARTITION_TABLE': '1', 'ID_REVISION': 'CC1H', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'ATA\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'ID_ATA_COMPAT': 'ST31000333AS_6TE0S8CM', 'ID_FS_VERSION': '1.2.02', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0', 'ID_VENDOR': 'ATA', 'ID_SERIAL': 'SATA_ST31000333AS_6TE0S8CM', 'DKD_PARTITION_TABLE_SCHEME': 'mbr', 'DEVTYPE': 'disk', 'MINOR': '0', 'ID_FS_TYPE': 'isw_raid_member', 'ID_MODEL': 'ST31000333AS', 'MAJOR': '8', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda', 'ID_FS_USAGE': 'raid', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'ID_BUS': 'scsi', 'symlinks': ['block/8:0', 'disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST31000333AS_6TE0S8CM', 'disk/by-id/ata-ST31000333AS_6TE0S8CM', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '6TE0S8CM', 'name': 'sda', 'DKD_ATA_SMART_IS_AVAILABLE': '1', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'ST31000333AS\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'DKD_MEDIA_AVAILABLE': '1'}
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,787]    DEBUG: type detected on 'sda' is 'isw_raid_member'
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,790]    DEBUG: getFormat('isw_raid_member') returning DMRaidMember instance
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,813]    DEBUG: looking for device 'isw_dbdcfijdfg_VRaid10'...
[2009-06-10 05:01:46,813]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-06-10 05:01:47,111]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-06-10 05:01:47,113]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/mapper/isw_dbdcfijdfg_VRaid10
[2009-06-10 05:01:47,114]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/mapper/isw_dbdcfijdfg_VRaid10
[2009-06-10 05:01:47,114]    DEBUG: creating parted Disk: /dev/mapper/isw_dbdcfijdfg_VRaid10
[2009-06-10 05:01:54,146]    DEBUG: looking for device 'isw_dbdcfijdfg_VRaid5'...
[2009-06-10 05:01:54,146]    DEBUG: found None
On voit qu'il n'aime pas trouver des RAIDs sur les disques. D'un autre coté quand j'avais tenté l'installation à vide, il n'avait pas non plus aimé du tout. De plus il dit que sda fait parti d'un dmraid. J'avais fait une configuration RAID avec mon ICH10R mais je ne le fais plus depuis longtemps. De plus, dans le BIOS, les disques sont en mode AHCI et non RAID.
Je suis allé dans le BIOS, j'ai remis en mode RAID, je me suis aperçu que je n'avais pas nettoyé les fakeraids ICH10R, donc je l'ai fait. Je reboot et j'ai toujours une plante mais le message est différent.
anaconda exception report
Traceback (most recent call first):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/parted/", line 142, in duplicate
    return Disk(PedDisk=self.__disk.duplicate())
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 740, in __init__
    self._origPartedDisk = self.partedDisk.duplicate()
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 1112, in addUdevDiskDevice
    initcb=cb, initlabel=initlabel, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 1194, in addUdevDevice
    device = self.addUdevDiskDevice(info)
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 1691, in populate
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 302, in reset
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/storage/", line 73, in storageInitialize
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 205, in moveStep
    rc = stepFunc(self.anaconda)
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 128, in gotoNext
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 1339, in nextClicked
PartedException: Assertion (!disk->update_mode) at disk.c:421 in function ped_disk_destroy() failed.

Local variables in innermost frame:
self: parted.Disk instance --
  type: msdos  primaryPartitionCount: 2
  lastPartitionNumber: 6  maxPrimaryPartitionCount: 4
  partitions: [<parted.partition.Partition object at 0x3afff50>, <parted.partition.Partition object at 0x3affd10>, <parted.partition.Partition object at 0x3affd50>, <parted.partition.Partition object at 0x3affa90>]
  device: <parted.device.Device object at 0x3af3d10>
  PedDisk: <_ped.Disk object at 0x379da70>

Anaconda instance, containing members:
rescue_mount: True
intf: InstallInterface instance, containing members:
  intf.icw: InstallControlWindow instance, containing members:
    intf.icw.handle: 19
    intf.icw.currentWindow: KeyboardWindow instance, containing members:
      intf.icw.currentWindow.modelViewSW: <gtk.ScrolledWindow object at 0x3790aa0 (GtkScrolledWindow at 0x39dcc70)>
      intf.icw.currentWindow.title: Keyboard
      intf.icw.currentWindow.modelStore: <gtk.ListStore object at 0x3790910 (GtkListStore at 0x39e1830)>
      intf.icw.currentWindow.modelView: <gtk.TreeView object at 0x37909b0 (GtkTreeView at 0x3a4e040)>
      intf.icw.currentWindow.sidebarTitle: Keyboard
      intf.icw.currentWindow.kbd: Keyboard instance, containing members: {'LAYOUT': fr, 'KEYBOARDTYPE': pc, 'VARIANT': latin9, 'KEYTABLE': fr-latin9, 'MODEL': pc105, 'OPTIONS': }
        intf.icw.currentWindow.kbd.type: PC
        intf.icw.currentWindow.kbd._mods: KeyboardModels instance, containing members:
        intf.icw.currentWindow.kbd.beenset: 1
      intf.icw.currentWindow.priority: 20
      intf.icw.currentWindow.vbox: <gtk.VBox object at 0x371fcd0 (GtkVBox at 0x36be580)>
      intf.icw.currentWindow.mode: 2
      intf.icw.currentWindow.ics: InstallControlState instance, containing members:
        intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevEnabled: True Already dumped
        intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextEnabled: True
        intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.grabNext: True
        intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.title: Fenêtre d'installation
      intf.icw.currentWindow.kbdDict: {'gr': ['Grec', 'gr,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'sr-cy': ['Serbe', 'rs', 'pc105', '', ''], 'sv-latin1': ['Su\xc3\xa9dois', 'se', 'pc105', '', ''], 'cf': ['Fran\xc3\xa7ais canadien', 'ca(fr)', 'pc105', '', ''], 'fr_CH-latin1': ['Suisse fran\xc3\xa7ais (latin1)', 'ch', 'pc105', 'fr', ''], 'fr-latin9': ['Fran\xc3\xa7ais (latin9)', 'fr', 'pc105', 'latin9', ''], 'dev': ['Devanagari (Inscript)', 'dev,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'sk-qwerty': ['Slovak (qwerty)', 'sk', 'pc105', '', 'qwerty'], 'et': ['Estonien', 'ee', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ar-qwerty-digits': ['Arabe (qwerty/digits)', 'ara,us', 'pc105', 'qwerty_digits', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'ar-azerty': ['Arabe (azerty)', 'ara,us', 'pc105', 'azerty', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'ie': ['Irish', 'ie', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ro-cedilla': ['Romanian Cedilla', 'ro', 'pc105', 'cedilla', ''], 'es': ['Espagnol', 'es', 'pc105', '', ''], 'pl2': ['Polonais', 'pl', 'pc105', '', ''], 'cz-lat2': ['Czech (qwerty)', 'cz', 'pc105', 'qwerty', ''], 'ru': ['Russe', 'us,ru', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'dvorak': ['Dvorak', 'us', 'pc105', 'dvorak', ''], 'bg_bds-utf8': ['Bulgare', 'bg,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'no': ['Norv\xc3\xa9gien', 'no', 'pc105', '', ''], 'de-latin1-nodeadkeys': ['Allemand (latin1 sans touches mortes)', 'de', 'pc105', 'nodeadkeys', ''], 'ben': ['Bengali (Inscript) ', 'in,us', 'pc105', 'ben', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'ar-azerty-digits': ['Arabe (azerty/digits)', 'ara,us', 'pc105', 'azerty_digits', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'ar-qwerty': ['Arabe (qwerty)', 'ara,us', 'pc105', 'qwerty', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'tj': ['Tajik', 'tj', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ro-std-cedilla': ['Romanian Standard Cedilla', 'ro', 'pc105', 'std_cedilla', ''], 'pt-latin1': ['Portugais', 'pt', 'pc105', '', ''], 'us-acentos': ['U.S. International', 'us', 'pc105', 'intl', ''], 'ro': ['Roumain', 'ro', 'pc105', '', ''], 'br-abnt2': ['Br\xc3\xa9silien (ABNT2)', 'br', 'abnt2', '', ''], 'ar-digits': ['Arabe (digits)', 'ara,us', 'pc105', 'digits', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'cz-us-qwertz': ['Czech', 'cz,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'it-ibm': ['Italien (IBM)', 'it', 'pc105', '', ''], 'bg_pho-utf8': ['Bulgarian (Phonetic)', 'bg,us', 'pc105', ',phonetic', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'fr-pc': ['Fran\xc3\xa7ais (pc)', 'fr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'dk': ['Danois', 'dk', 'pc105', '', ''], 'be-latin1': ['Belge (be-latin1)', 'be', 'pc105', '', ''], 'sg-latin1': ['Suisse allemand (latin1)', 'ch', 'pc105', 'de_nodeadkeys', ''], 'fr-latin1': ['Fran\xc3\xa7ais (latin1)', 'fr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ua-utf': ['Ukrainien', 'ua,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'tml-uni': ['Tamil (Typewriter)', 'in,us', 'pc105', 'tam_TAB', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'it': ['Italien', 'it', 'pc105', '', ''], 'fr': ['Fran\xc3\xa7ais', 'fr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'dk-latin1': ['Danois (latin1)', 'dk', 'pc105', '', ''], 'fr_CH': ['Suisse fran\xc3\xa7ais', 'ch', 'pc105', 'fr', ''], 'fi': ['Finnois', 'fi', 'pc105', '', ''], 'sr-latin': ['Serbian (latin)', 'rs', 'pc105', 'latin', ''], 'hu': ['Hongrois', 'hu', 'pc105', '', ''], 'it2': ['Italien (it2)', 'it', 'pc105', '', ''], 'fi-latin1': ['Finnois (latin1)', 'fi', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ben-probhat': ['Bengali (Probhat)', 'in,us', 'pc105', 'ben_probhat', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'croat': ['Croate', 'hr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'jp106': ['Japonais', 'jp', 'jp106', '', ''], 'hu101': ['Hongrois (101 touches)', 'hu', 'pc105', 'qwerty', ''], 'slovene': ['Slov\xc3\xa8ne', 'si', 'pc105', '', ''], 'tml-inscript': ['Tamil (Inscript)', 'in,us', 'pc105', 'tam', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'de-latin1': ['Allemand (latin1)', 'de', 'pc105', '', ''], 'ro-std': ['Romanian Standard', 'ro', 'pc105', 'std', ''], 'ko': ['Cor\xc3\xa9en', 'kr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'us': ['Anglais am\xc3\xa9ricain', 'us', 'pc105+inet', '', ''], 'la-latin1': ["Langues d'Am\xc3\xa9rique Latine", 'latam', 'pc105', '', ''], 'gur': ['Punjabi (Inscript)', 'gur,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'de': ['Allemand', 'de', 'pc105', '', ''], 'is-latin1': ['Islandais', 'is', 'pc105', '', ''], 'uk': ['Anglais (Royaume Uni)', 'gb', 'pc105', '', ''], 'guj': ['Gujarati (Inscript)', 'in,us', 'pc105', 'guj', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'trq': ['Turc', 'tr', 'pc105', '', ''], 'mk-utf': ['Mac\xc3\xa9donnien', 'mkd,us', 'pc105', '', 'grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll'], 'nl': ['Hollandais', 'nl', 'pc105', '', ''], 'sg': ['Suisse allemand', 'ch', 'pc105', 'de_nodeadkeys', '']}
      intf.icw.currentWindow.type: fr-latin9
      intf.icw.currentWindow.col: <gtk.TreeViewColumn object at 0x3790a50 (GtkTreeViewColumn at 0x26f93e0)>
      intf.icw.currentWindow.icon: system-config-keyboard.png
    intf.icw.mainxml: < object at 0x36ef730 (PyGladeXML at 0x36798a0)>
    intf.icw.window: <gtk.Window object at 0x35cec30 (GtkWindow at 0x271e1f0)>
    intf.icw.installFrame: <gtk.Frame object at 0x371faa0 (GtkFrame at 0x367a670)>
    intf.icw.anaconda: Already dumped
    intf.icw.reloadRcQueued: 0
  intf.runres: 800x600
  intf.anaconda: Already dumped
rescue: False
updateSrc: None
mediaDevice: None
methodstr: livecd:///dev/mapper/live-osimg-min
dispatch: <dispatch.Dispatcher object at 0x26b9410>
rootPath: /mnt/sysimage
platform: <platform.X86 object at 0x2e25cd0>
canReIPL: False
xdriver: None
reIPLMessage: None
isKickstart: False
stage2: None
id: InstallData instance, containing members:
  id.firewall: Firewall instance, containing members:
    id.firewall.portlist: []
    id.firewall.servicelist: []
    id.firewall.trustdevs: []
    id.firewall.enabled: 1
  id.anaconda: Already dumped
  id.upgradeRoot: None
  id.keyboard: Already dumped
  id.timezone: Timezone instance, containing members:
    id.timezone.utc: 0 Europe/Paris
  id.backend: LiveCDCopyBackend instance, containing members:
    id.backend.instPath: /mnt/sysimage
    id.backend.skipFormatRoot: True
    id.backend.instLog: None
    id.backend.supportsUpgrades: False
    id.backend._loopbackFile: None
    id.backend.rootFsType: ext4
    id.backend.osimg: //dev/mapper/live-osimg-min
    id.backend.supportsPackageSelection: False
  id.upgrade: None
  id.monitor: None <storage.Storage object at 0x26b9150>
  id.desktop: Desktop instance, containing members: {}
    id.desktop.runlevel: 3
  id.rootParts: None
  id.x_already_set: 1
  id.firstboot: 0
  id.users: None
  id.displayMode: g
  id.auth: --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 --enablefingerprint
  id.ksdata: None
  id.bootloader: x86BootloaderInfo instance, containing members:
    id.bootloader._configdir: /boot/grub
    id.bootloader.doUpgradeOnly: 0
    id.bootloader.above1024: 0
    id.bootloader.defaultDevice: None
    id.bootloader.pure: None <storage.Storage object at 0x26b9150>
    id.bootloader.serialOptions: None
    id.bootloader.args: KernelArguments instance, containing members:
    id.bootloader.kernelLocation: /boot/
    id.bootloader.timeout: None
    id.bootloader._configname: grub.conf
    id.bootloader.device: None
    id.bootloader.kickstart: 0
    id.bootloader.serialDevice: None
    id.bootloader.useGrubVal: 1
    id.bootloader._drivelist: None
    id.bootloader.images: BootImages instance, containing members:
      id.bootloader.images.default: None
      id.bootloader.images.images: {}
    id.bootloader.serial: 0
    id.bootloader.password: None
    id.bootloader.forceLBA32: 0
  id.extraModules: [] Network instance, containing members: {'eth0': DEVICE=eth0

} None False localhost.localdomain []
  id.instClass: <installclass.DefaultInstall object at 0x2e25e90>
  id.isHeadless: 0
  id.videocard: None
  id.instLanguage: Language instance, containing members:
    id.instLanguage.targetLang: None
    id.instLanguage.default: fr_FR.UTF-8
    id.instLanguage.displayMode: g
    id.instLanguage.current: fr_FR.UTF-8 Security instance, containing members: 1
  id.upgradeSwapInfo: None
dir: 1
backend: Already dumped

05:24:23 INFO    : using only installclass _Fedora
05:24:23 INFO    : anaconda called with cmdline = ['/usr/sbin/anaconda', '--liveinst', '--method=livecd:///dev/mapper/live-osimg-min', '--lang', 'fr_FR.UTF-8']
05:24:23 INFO    : Display mode = g
05:24:23 INFO    : Démarrage de l'installation graphique...
05:24:24 INFO    : Detected 7936M of memory
05:24:24 INFO    : Swap attempt of 1000M to 9936M
05:24:24 WARNING : step installtype does not exist
05:24:24 WARNING : step confirminstall does not exist
05:24:24 WARNING : step complete does not exist
05:24:25 INFO    : moving (1) to step welcome
05:24:26 INFO    : moving (1) to step keyboard
05:24:29 INFO    : moving (1) to step storageinit
05:24:29 INFO    : no /tmp/fcpconfig; not configuring zfcp
05:24:30 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sda ;
05:24:30 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDiskDevice: name: sda ;
05:24:30 DEBUG   : DiskDevice._setFormat: sda ; current: None ; type: None ;
05:24:35 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: None ;
05:24:35 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sdb ;
05:24:35 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDiskDevice: name: sdb ;
05:24:35 DEBUG   : DiskDevice._setFormat: sdb ; current: None ; type: None ;
05:24:36 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.handleUdevDeviceFormat: name: None ;
05:24:36 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDevice: name: sdc ;
05:24:36 DEBUG   : DeviceTree.addUdevDiskDevice: name: sdc ;
05:24:36 DEBUG   : DiskDevice._setFormat: sdc ; current: None ; type: None ;

Running... ['udevadm', 'trigger', '--subsystem-match=block']
Running... ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=30']

[2009-06-10 05:24:12,878]    DEBUG: registered device format class PPCPRePBoot as prepboot
[2009-06-10 05:24:12,878]    DEBUG: registered device format class SwapSpace as swap
[2009-06-10 05:24:12,879]    DEBUG: registered device format class DMRaidMember as dmraidmember
[2009-06-10 05:24:12,880]    DEBUG: registered device format class LVMPhysicalVolume as lvmpv
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,128]    DEBUG: registered device format class LUKS as luks
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,130]    DEBUG: registered device format class Ext2FS as ext2
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,130]    DEBUG: registered device format class Ext3FS as ext3
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,130]    DEBUG: registered device format class Ext4FS as ext4
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,131]    DEBUG: registered device format class FATFS as vfat
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,131]    DEBUG: registered device format class EFIFS as efi
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,131]    DEBUG: registered device format class BTRFS as btrfs
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,131]    DEBUG: registered device format class GFS2 as gfs2
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,132]    DEBUG: registered device format class JFS as jfs
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,132]    DEBUG: registered device format class XFS as xfs
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,132]    DEBUG: registered device format class HFS as hfs
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,132]    DEBUG: registered device format class AppleBootstrapFS as appleboot
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,132]    DEBUG: registered device format class HFSPlus as hfs+
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,133]    DEBUG: registered device format class NTFS as ntfs
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,133]    DEBUG: registered device format class NFS as nfs
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,133]    DEBUG: registered device format class NFSv4 as nfs4
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,133]    DEBUG: registered device format class Iso9660FS as iso9660
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,133]    DEBUG: registered device format class NoDevFS as nodev
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,134]    DEBUG: registered device format class DevPtsFS as devpts
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,134]    DEBUG: registered device format class ProcFS as proc
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,134]    DEBUG: registered device format class SysFS as sysfs
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,134]    DEBUG: registered device format class TmpFS as tmpfs
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,134]    DEBUG: registered device format class BindFS as bind
[2009-06-10 05:24:13,135]    DEBUG: registered device format class MDRaidMember as mdmember
[2009-06-10 05:24:30,339]     INFO: sr0 looks to be the live device; ignoring
[2009-06-10 05:24:30,342]     INFO: devices to scan: ['sda', 'sdb', 'sdc', 'sdc1', 'sdc2', 'sdc5', 'sdc6', 'sdd', 'sdd1', 'sdd2', 'sdd5', 'sdd6', 'dm-0', 'dm-1']
[2009-06-10 05:24:30,897]    DEBUG: scanning sda (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda)...
[2009-06-10 05:24:30,898]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sda'...
[2009-06-10 05:24:30,898]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-06-10 05:24:30,899]    DEBUG: sda is a disk
[2009-06-10 05:24:30,900]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-06-10 05:24:30,902]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sda
[2009-06-10 05:24:30,903]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sda
[2009-06-10 05:24:30,903]    DEBUG: creating parted Disk: /dev/sda
[2009-06-10 05:24:35,440]    DEBUG: {'symlinks': ['block/8:0', 'disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST31000333AS_6TE0S8CM', 'disk/by-id/ata-ST31000333AS_6TE0S8CM', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '6TE0S8CM', 'MAJOR': '8', 'name': 'sda', 'ID_SERIAL': 'SATA_ST31000333AS_6TE0S8CM', 'ID_MODEL': 'ST31000333AS', 'MINOR': '0', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'DKD_ATA_SMART_IS_AVAILABLE': '1', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda', 'ID_REVISION': 'CC1H', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'ST31000333AS\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'ID_ATA_COMPAT': 'ST31000333AS_6TE0S8CM', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'DEVTYPE': 'disk', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'ATA\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'DKD_MEDIA_AVAILABLE': '1', 'ID_BUS': 'scsi', 'ID_VENDOR': 'ATA'}
[2009-06-10 05:24:35,440]    DEBUG: no type or existing type for sda, bailing
[2009-06-10 05:24:35,442]    DEBUG: scanning sdb (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0/block/sdb)...
[2009-06-10 05:24:35,442]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sdb'...
[2009-06-10 05:24:35,442]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-06-10 05:24:35,443]    DEBUG: sdb is a disk
[2009-06-10 05:24:35,444]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-06-10 05:24:35,445]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-06-10 05:24:35,445]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdb
[2009-06-10 05:24:35,446]    DEBUG: creating parted Disk: /dev/sdb
[2009-06-10 05:24:36,374]    DEBUG: {'symlinks': ['block/8:16', 'disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST31000333AS_5TE0CQZK', 'disk/by-id/ata-ST31000333AS_5TE0CQZK', 'disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-1:0:0:0'], 'ID_SERIAL_SHORT': '5TE0CQZK', 'MAJOR': '8', 'name': 'sdb', 'ID_SERIAL': 'SATA_ST31000333AS_5TE0CQZK', 'ID_MODEL': 'ST31000333AS', 'MINOR': '16', 'ANACBIN': '/sbin', 'DKD_ATA_SMART_IS_AVAILABLE': '1', 'sysfs_path': '/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0/block/sdb', 'ID_REVISION': 'CC1H', 'ID_PATH': 'pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-1:0:0:0', 'ID_MODEL_ENC': 'ST31000333AS\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'ID_ATA_COMPAT': 'ST31000333AS_5TE0CQZK', 'ID_TYPE': 'disk', 'DEVTYPE': 'disk', 'ID_VENDOR_ENC': 'ATA\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20\\x20', 'DKD_MEDIA_AVAILABLE': '1', 'ID_BUS': 'scsi', 'ID_VENDOR': 'ATA'}
[2009-06-10 05:24:36,375]    DEBUG: no type or existing type for sdb, bailing
[2009-06-10 05:24:36,376]    DEBUG: scanning sdc (/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sdc)...
[2009-06-10 05:24:36,376]    DEBUG: looking for device 'sdc'...
[2009-06-10 05:24:36,376]    DEBUG: found None
[2009-06-10 05:24:36,378]    DEBUG: sdc is a disk
[2009-06-10 05:24:36,378]    DEBUG: getFormat('None') returning DeviceFormat instance
[2009-06-10 05:24:36,380]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-06-10 05:24:36,380]    DEBUG: looking up parted Device: /dev/sdc
[2009-06-10 05:24:36,381]    DEBUG: creating parted Disk: /dev/sdc
Pour ma part, c'est CE message-là que j'obtiens à chaque fois !

J'ai trouvé une autre solution pour mettre à jour l'installateur :
1) On attend que la mise à jour d'anaconda soit disponible
2) On lance le live-cd de F11
3) On fait un p'tit coup de yum update
4) On démarre l'installation.

Reste à attendre, évidemment, que le bug soit corrigé...
Peut-être une piste :

Dans le rapport de bug (voir message #1), quelqu'un a écrit :
I reordered partitions using fdisk (fdisk /dev/sda; "x"; "f"; "w"), but
it led to unreadable partition table by parted (including Anaconda). Then I
discovered that this operation made one partition overlap to another
partition's local MBR
(or how it is called - its first 64B of the partition).
So I fixed it manually and finally installed current Fedora to my harddrive.

I hope that this post will help someone until this bug will be fixed.
Cette histoire d'"overlap" fait penser à ce qu'on peut lire à cette page :

Nous aurions donc sur nos disques des partitions qui se chevauchent ? Je vais tenter ce soir de réduire légèrement chaque partition pour laisser de la place entre et je verrai ce que ça donne...

Je me suis aperçu que j'avais perdu la table de partition de mes deux premiers disques. Surement à cause de ma reconfiguration ICH10R.

On remarque que le message d'erreur s'arrête sur sdc qui est mon troisième disque mais qui a conservé ses partitions. Or, dans ces partitions (plusieurs inconnues car RAID logiciel), on peut dire qu'il y a chevauchement dans un certain sens puisque la partition étendue inclus les partitions logiques.

Je vais donc supprimer ces partitions, puisque je n'ai plus rien à perdre, et regarder ce qui se passe.
Ca marche !

Le liveCD me fait passer à l'étape suivante, mais je vais rebooter sur le DVD d'installtion normal.

C'est vraiment abusif comme bug !
Pas mal ! 23 secondes pour booter (sans compter le temps passé dans le BIOS ni celui pour taper le mot de passe).
Perso après 3 réinstallation et 4x pour refaire les partoches sur l'eeepc 701, c'est passé...

Ils auraient dut prendre encore leur temps pour corriger anaconda!

C'est pénible que le même bogue qui à fait qu'elle était repoussé soit toujours là...

Je tente d'installer fédora 11 x86_64 sur mon ordi, mais j'ai un bug lors de l'initialisation d'anaconda et l'ordi reste planté sur 'waiting for hardware to respond' et plus rien.
J'ai troué un bug ouvert à ce sujet sur bugzilla :

il est dit que c'est un problème de boot pxe, et qu'anaconda se lance au bout de 2 minutes, or chez moi l'ordinateur est vraiment freezé et même en attendant 10 minutes, rien ne se passe...

Pour info j'ai un ordinateur portable Asus X71SL avec 4 Go, nvidia 9300m et core 2 duo 5800.

Si quelqu'un avait un solution ce serait sympa, merci d'avance.
VINDICATORs wrote:Perso après 3 réinstallation et 4x pour refaire les partoches sur l'eeepc 701, c'est passé...

Ils auraient dut prendre encore leur temps pour corriger anaconda!

C'est pénible que le même bogue qui à fait qu'elle était repoussé soit toujours là...
+1. Moi j'ai eu un crash quand j'ai voulu vérifier l'entrée du GRUB. Je fais ça depuis la Preview qui m'avait fait une installation du GRUB foireuse.

Par contre une fois l'installation passée, c'est que du bonheur pour le moment.

POur ceux que cela interesse j'ai résolu mon problème (à moitié), en fait le freeze est du au drivers wifi (atheros), en désactivant le wifi cela permet d'installer fédora, par contre fédora ne démarre pas si je réactive le wifi.
donc je cherche une solution pour utiliser ma carte, le noyau utilisé 2.6.29 est censé avoir les drivers, par exemple sous ubuntu la carte wifi est reconnue sans problème, mais le soucis vient est que fédora freeze lors de son démarrage..

à suivre :roll:
J'ai effectivement une partition logique (contenant des partitions étendues mais je trouverai fou que ça vienne de là et que nous soyons si peu à rencontrer le bug ! Je ne pas de LVM, RAID, etc.

J'ai trouvé un type sur le forum anglais qui semble avoir résolu le problème en supprimant sa table de partitions et en la recréant avec testdisk :

Ça me semble un peu tordu, non ?
Moins que d'avoir supprimer la table des partitions et de ne pas l'avoir recréée 🙁
Bon ben... Ça a marché !!! C'est quand même dingue ce genre de bug qui vous pousse à prendre des risques insensés juste pour installer la dernière Fedora :roll:
Salut !
moi j'ai un bug quand je choisi "Remplacement du système Linux existant"
quand je fais "suivant" ca me dit "Aucun disque n'a été trouvé" "aucun peripherique valide sur lequel créer de nouveau systeme de fichier..."
C'est pareil si je choisi "utiliser totalité du disque" ou " meme créer un partitionnement perso"
Pourtant j'ai deja fedora 10 installer...

Quelqu'un peut m'aider ? je suis debutant...