cezame wrote:Met un dvd européen dans ton lecteur et tape:
regionset /dev/sr0
Il n'y a plus qu'à fixer le lecteur sur la région 2
Je n'ai pas de DVD européen, je crois que les quatre que j'ai en ma possession sont américains... Mais j'ai quand-même essayé cette ligne de commande, et ensuite lancé le DVD directement dans le terminal.
Le menu s'est affiché, ensuite le film tourne, mais on ne voit pas l'image, juste le son.
Voici :
[station@localhost ~]$ regionset /dev/sr0
Current drive parameters for /dev/sr0:
RPC Type: Phase II (Hardware)
RPC Status: active region code (bitmask=0xFD)
Drive plays discs from this region(s): 2
Vendor may reset the RPC 4 times
User is allowed change the region setting 4 times
Would you like to change the region setting for this drive? [y/n]: y
Enter the new region number for your drive [1..8]: 2
The drive is already configured for this region, aborting.
[station@localhost ~]$ vlc /dev/sr0
VLC media player 3.0.10 Vetinari (revision 3.0.10-0-g7f145afa84)
[0000559b9be885b0] main libvlc: Lancement de vlc avec l'interface par défaut. Utiliser « cvlc » pour démarrer VLC sans interface.
disc.c:424: error opening file BDMV/index.bdmv
disc.c:424: error opening file BDMV/BACKUP/index.bdmv
bluray.c:2585: nav_get_title_list(/run/media/station/IMMORTAL_BELOVED/) failed
libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 6.0.1
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
libdvdnav: DVD Title: IMMORTAL_BELOVED
libdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: 2822BB74
libdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative):
libdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00fd0000. Regions: 2
libdvdread: Attempting to retrieve all CSS keys
libdvdread: This can take a _long_ time, please be patient
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB at 0x000001e0
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB at 0x0000cba0
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB at 0x0000cbc0
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_0.VOB at 0x00018180
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB at 0x0007f88f
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_03_0.VOB at 0x002e48c0
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_03_1.VOB at 0x002e48e0
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_04_0.VOB at 0x00376240
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_04_1.VOB at 0x00376260
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Found 4 VTS's
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
disc.c:424: error opening file BDMV/index.bdmv
disc.c:424: error opening file BDMV/BACKUP/index.bdmv
bluray.c:2585: nav_get_title_list(/run/media/station/IMMORTAL_BELOVED/) failed
libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 6.0.1
libdvdnav: DVD Title: IMMORTAL_BELOVED
libdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: 2822BB74
libdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative):
libdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00fd0000. Regions: 2
libdvdread: Attempting to retrieve all CSS keys
libdvdread: This can take a _long_ time, please be patient
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB at 0x000001e0
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB at 0x0000cba0
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB at 0x0000cbc0
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_0.VOB at 0x00018180
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB at 0x0007f88f
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_03_0.VOB at 0x002e48c0
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_03_1.VOB at 0x002e48e0
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_04_0.VOB at 0x00376240
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_04_1.VOB at 0x00376260
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Found 4 VTS's
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
[0000559b9bf42040] main audio output error: too low audio sample frequency (0)
[00007f69841be4b0] main decoder error: failed to create audio output
[0000559b9bf42040] vlcpulse audio output error: digital pass-through stream connection failure: Non pris en charge
[0000559b9bf42040] main audio output error: module not functional
[00007f69841be4b0] main decoder error: failed to create audio output
libva info: VA-API version 1.4.1
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns -1
libva error: va_getDriverName() failed with unknown libva error,driver_name=(null)
[00007f697c005630] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaInitialize: unknown libva error
libva info: VA-API version 1.4.1
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/dri/i965_drv_video.so
libva info: va_openDriver() returns -1
[00007f697c005630] glconv_vaapi_drm gl error: vaInitialize: unknown libva error
libva info: VA-API version 1.4.1
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 1
libva error: va_getDriverName() failed with operation failed,driver_name=i965
[00007f697c005630] glconv_vaapi_drm gl error: vaInitialize: operation failed
Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so: Ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'objet partagé: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
[0000559b9bf42040] main audio output error: too low audio sample frequency (0)
[00007f6984063fd0] main decoder error: failed to create audio output
[0000559b9bf42040] main audio output error: too low audio sample frequency (0)
[00007f6984063fd0] main decoder error: failed to create audio output
[0000559b9bf42040] main audio output error: too low audio sample frequency (0)
[00007f6984063fd0] main decoder error: failed to create audio output
[0000559b9bf42040] main audio output error: too low audio sample frequency (0)
[00007f6984063fd0] main decoder error: failed to create audio output
[00007f69841be4b0] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
[00007f6984063fd0] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
[0000559b9bf42040] vlcpulse audio output error: digital pass-through stream connection failure: Non pris en charge
[0000559b9bf42040] main audio output error: module not functional
[00007f6984063fd0] main decoder error: failed to create audio output
[00007f698c000c80] main input error: ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP_)PCR is called too late (pts_delay increased to 300 ms)
[00007f69841be4b0] main decoder error: buffer deadlock prevented
QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread
[station@localhost ~]$
Le film "L'agence" tourne, mais l'image est très très dégradée, impossible de le regarder non plus.