Bonjour à tous,

je dispose d'un PC sous Fedora 21 qui fait office de serveur multimedia (dont serveur audio)

Depuis mon ordinateur portable sous CentOS 7 j'envoie le son sur mon serveur multimédia. le problème c'est que toute les 2 minutes environ le sont lag (ou freeze) du certainement à un problème de latence, mais je n'arrive pas à le résoudre.

Coté réseau mon portable est connecté en wifi n (130 Mb/s), mon serveur en gigabyte et je n'ai pas de problème de bande passante.
Coté proc rien de probant

voici la conf du serveur audio
[root@inespc ~]# cat /etc/pulse/daemon.conf
# This file is part of PulseAudio.
# PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with PulseAudio; if not, see <>.

## Configuration file for the PulseAudio daemon. See pulse-daemon.conf(5) for
## more information. Default values are commented out.  Use either ; or # for
## commenting.

; daemonize = no
; fail = yes
; allow-module-loading = yes
; allow-exit = yes
; use-pid-file = yes
; system-instance = no
; local-server-type = user
; enable-shm = yes
; shm-size-bytes = 0 # setting this 0 will use the system-default, usually 64 MiB
; lock-memory = no
cpu-limit = no

high-priority = yes
nice-level = -20
realtime-scheduling = yes
realtime-priority = 10

; exit-idle-time = 20
; scache-idle-time = 20

; dl-search-path = (depends on architecture)

; load-default-script-file = yes
; default-script-file = /etc/pulse/

; log-target = auto
; log-level = notice
; log-meta = no
; log-time = no
; log-backtrace = 0

; resample-method = speex-float-1
; enable-remixing = yes
; enable-lfe-remixing = no

; flat-volumes = yes

; rlimit-fsize = -1
; rlimit-data = -1
; rlimit-stack = -1
; rlimit-core = -1
; rlimit-as = -1
; rlimit-rss = -1
; rlimit-nproc = -1
; rlimit-nofile = 256
; rlimit-memlock = -1
; rlimit-locks = -1
; rlimit-sigpending = -1
; rlimit-msgqueue = -1
rlimit-nice = 40
rlimit-rtprio = 9
; rlimit-rttime = 200000

; default-sample-format = s16le
; default-sample-rate = 44100
; alternate-sample-rate = 48000
; default-sample-channels = 2
; default-channel-map = front-left,front-right

default-fragment-size-msec = 1025
default-fragments = 10

; enable-deferred-volume = yes
; deferred-volume-safety-margin-usec = 8000
; deferred-volume-extra-delay-usec = 0
Sur mon client (CentOS7), la seule conf modifié est :
default-server = tcp:

Une idée ?