Bonjour (encore),
Lorsque je fais sudo yum update, tout ce passe bien jusqu'à je ne sais pas trop où, j'obtiens cela :
Running Transaction Check
ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:
kernel-uname-r = 3.7.5-201.fc18.x86_64 is needed by (installed) kmod-openafs-3.7.5-201.fc18.x86_64-1.6.2-0.pre3.fc18.2.x86_64
kernel-uname-r = 3.7.5-201.fc18.x86_64 is needed by (installed) kmod-openafs-3.7.5-201.fc18.x86_64-1.6.2-0.pre3.fc18.2.x86_64
Please report this error in
** Found 1 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:
kmod-openafs-3.7.5-201.fc18.x86_64-1.6.2-0.pre3.fc18.2.x86_64 has missing requires of kernel-uname-r = ('0', '3.7.5', '201.fc18.x86_64')
Your transaction was saved, rerun it with:
yum load-transaction /tmp/yum_save_tx.2013-03-05.09-55.1Ody7K.yumtx
Auriez vous une solution ? Merci !