Je suis sous FC17, kernel real time (CCRMA).
J'essaie de faire fonctionner une carte son firewire avec ffado, mais je n'y arrive pas.
Avec ffado-test ListDevices
FFADO test and diagnostic utility
Part of the FFADO project --
Version: 2.999.0-Unversioned directory
(C) 2008, Daniel Wagner, Pieter Palmers
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
=== 1394 PORT 0 ===
Node id GUID VendorId ModelId Vendor - Model
0 0x00148604770663bb 0x00001486 0x0000AF12 Echo Digital Audio - AudioFire12
1 0x0108000000010164 0x00010800 0x00000000 Linux Firewire -
=== 1394 PORT 1 ===
Node id GUID VendorId ModelId Vendor - Model
0 0x00eabc6d006cf049 0x0000EABC 0x00000000 Linux Firewire -
no message buffer overruns
Un ffado-mixer donne :
FFADO Control DBUS service
Part of the FFADO project --
Version: 2.999.0-Unversioned directory
(C) 2008, Pieter Palmers
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
00226836441: (ffado-dbus-server.cpp)[ 270] main: Discovering devices...
00226848088: Fatal (devicemanager.cpp)[ 191] initialize: No firewire adapters (ports) found.
00226848108: Error (ffado-dbus-server.cpp)[ 277] main: Could not initialize device manager
00226848124: Debug (ffado-dbus-server.cpp)[ 202] exitfunction: Debug output flushed...
no message buffer overruns
13:02:42 logginghandler ERROR Could not communicate with the FFADO DBus service...
Exception AttributeError: "'PanelManager' object has no attribute 'polltimer'" in <bound method PanelManager.__del__ of <ffado.panelmanager.PanelManager object at 0x25d8b00>> ignored
Si quelqu'un a une idée.