Quand le démarre mon ordinateur (Version 17 (BeefyMiracle) 64 bits, Noyau Linux 3.6.9-2.fc17.x86_64), les lignes de codes suivantes apparaissent :
[ 0.695720][Fireman.Bug]:powernow_K8:No compatible ACPI_PSS objects found.
[ 0.695720][Fireman.Bug]:powernow_K8:Try again with latest BIOS
[ 0.8882288][drm] nouveau 0000.00:0d.0 ======= misaligned reg0x0060081D =======
[ 0.8882288][drm] nouveau 0000.00:0d.0 ======= misaligned reg0x0060081D =======
cannot open font file true
/dev/mapper/vg_tiramisu-lv_rout:UNEXPECTED IN CONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY (i.e, without -a or-p opions)
dracut Warning: c2.fsck returned with 4
dracut Warning:/dev/mapper/vg_tiramisu-lv_rout contains a file system with errors, check forced
dracut Warning:/dev/mapper/vg_tiramisu-lv_rout: inodes chat were part of a correpted orphian linked last founed
dracut Warning:/dev/mapper/vg_tiramisu-lv_rout:*** An error occurend during the filesystem check.
dracut Warning:/dev/mapper/vg_tiramisu-lv_rout:*** dropping you to a shell; the system will try
dracut Warning:/dev/mapper/vg_tiramisu-lv_rout:*** mount the filesystem(s) when you leave the shell
dracut Warning
Dropping to debbug shell
(Repair filesystem):/#
et le lancement repart.
Est-ce que quelqu'un peux m'aider à réparer mon système?