
Je cherche à compiler un programme C pour gérer la Kinect de Microsoft. J'ai installé l'ensemble des dépendances (openNI, SenseForKinect, Nite).
J'ai une erreur au linkage que je ne comprends pas ?
Je développe mais j'avoue que le C est loin, très loin et là, je ne comprends pas !
Voici le message d'erreur :
[vincent@localhost build]$ make
Linking C executable main
/usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.c.o: undefined reference to symbol 'sqrt@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
/usr/bin/ld: note: 'sqrt@@GLIBC_2.2.5' is defined in DSO /lib64/ so try adding it to the linker command line
/lib64/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: erreur: ld a retourné 1 code d'état d'exécution
make[2]: *** [main] Erreur 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/main.dir/all] Erreur 2
make: *** [all] Erreur 2
Si il faut les sources je peux les poster.
D'avance merci,
Si un god of C passer sur le forum, ca serait le top ! :roll:
Je cherche à compiler un programme C pour gérer la Kinect de Microsoft.
Quel programme exactement ? Sans le code, difficile de t'aider.
Du code récupérer sur les forums de openCV que j'utilise, du code sortie de, du code sortie des exemples de openNI etc, etc ....
En fait, je ne connais strictement rien en traitement d'image donc, je copie, modifie pour essayer de comprendre. La stucture principale de programme ayant étais présenté dans un linux magasin un jour (je sais plus quand et je n'ai pas le numéro sous la main).
Donc ce code n'est pas QUE de moi, et il reste d'ailleur encore certaine partie bien obscure pour le développeur Java que je suis
Voici le code, merci de ne pas me crier dessus si ce n'est pas propre, pour le moment je voudrais juste avoir un premier résultat.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <highgui.h>
#include <cv.h>

#include <XnOpenNI.h>

#include <XnModuleInterface.h>

#define DEPTH_WINDOW "Depth"
#define COLOR_WINDOW "Color"

#define MM_IN_ONE_METER 1000.

#define CHK_NI_ERROR(status, msg) if (status != XN_STATUS_OK) \
{ \
    fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s\n", msg, xnGetStatusString(status)); \

void newUserCB (XnNodeHandle userGenerator, XnUserID user, void *cookie)
    printf ("New user (%d)\n", user);

    if (xnNeedPoseForSkeletonCalibration (userGenerator))
        char *pose = (char *)cookie;
        xnStartPoseDetection (userGenerator, pose, user);
        // Directly request calibration
        xnRequestSkeletonCalibration (userGenerator, user, TRUE);

void lostUserCB (XnNodeHandle userGenerator, XnUserID user, void *cookie)
    printf ("Warning: lost user (%d)\n", user);

void poseDetectionCB (XnNodeHandle userGenerator, const XnChar *pose,
                      XnUserID user, void *cookie)
    printf ("Pose '%s' detected: starting calibration for user (%d)\n",
            pose, user);
    xnRequestSkeletonCalibration (userGenerator, user, TRUE);

void calibrationCompleteCB (XnNodeHandle userGenerator, XnUserID user,
                            XnCalibrationStatus status, void *cookie)
    if (status == XN_CALIBRATION_STATUS_OK)
        printf ("Calibration done for user (%d)\n", user);
        xnStartSkeletonTracking (userGenerator, user);
        printf ("There was a problem during the calibration! Starting again...\n");
        char *pose = (char *)cookie;
        xnStartPoseDetection (userGenerator, pose, user);

void convertDepthImageToColorImage (const IplImage *src, IplImage *dst,
                                    const uint16_t maxDepth)
    for (int row = 0; row < src->height; row++)
        for (int col = 0; col < src->width; col++)
            CV_IMAGE_ELEM (dst, uint8_t, row, 3*col) =
            CV_IMAGE_ELEM (dst, uint8_t, row, 3*col + 1) =
            CV_IMAGE_ELEM (dst, uint8_t, row, 3*col + 2) =
                (255 * CV_IMAGE_ELEM (src, uint16_t, row, col)) / maxDepth;

void displayDepthImage (const char *name, const IplImage *image,
                        const uint16_t maxDepth)
    IplImage *normalized = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (image), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

    // Normalized each pixel between 0 and 255
    for (int row = 0; row < image->height; row++)
        for (int col = 0; col < image->width; col++)
            CV_IMAGE_ELEM (normalized, uint8_t, row, col) =
                (255 * CV_IMAGE_ELEM (image, uint16_t, row, col)) / maxDepth;

    // Display the normalized image
    cvShowImage (name, normalized);

    // Free memory
    cvReleaseImage (&normalized);

void drawJoint (XnNodeHandle depthGenerator, XnNodeHandle userGenerator,
                IplImage *img, XnUserID user, XnSkeletonJoint joint)
    if (!xnIsSkeletonTracking (userGenerator, user))

    XnSkeletonJointPosition jointPosition;
    xnGetSkeletonJointPosition (userGenerator, user, joint, &jointPosition);

    if (jointPosition.fConfidence == 0.0)
        printf ("There is no confidence in the position of joint %d\n", joint);

    // Convert the real world coordinate of the joint to projective
    XnPoint3D projectivePosition;
    xnConvertRealWorldToProjective (depthGenerator, 1, &jointPosition.position,

    printf ("Drawing joint %d at (%f, %f, %f)\n", joint, projectivePosition.X, projectivePosition.Y, projectivePosition.Z);
    CvPoint p = cvPoint (projectivePosition.X, projectivePosition.Y);
    cvCircle (img, p, 10, cvScalar (255, 0, 0, 0), 0, 8, 0);

void linkJoints (XnNodeHandle depthGenerator, XnNodeHandle userGenerator,
                 IplImage *img, XnUserID user, XnSkeletonJoint joint1,
                 XnSkeletonJoint joint2)
    if (!xnIsSkeletonTracking (userGenerator, user))

    XnSkeletonJointPosition joint1Position, joint2Position;
    xnGetSkeletonJointPosition (userGenerator, user, joint1, &joint1Position);
    xnGetSkeletonJointPosition (userGenerator, user, joint2, &joint2Position);

    // Convert the real world coordinate of the joint to projective
    XnPoint3D projectivePosition[2];
    XnPoint3D realWorldPosition[2] = {joint1Position.position,
    xnConvertRealWorldToProjective (depthGenerator, 2, realWorldPosition,

    CvPoint p1 = cvPoint (projectivePosition[0].X, projectivePosition[0].Y);
    CvPoint p2 = cvPoint (projectivePosition[1].X, projectivePosition[1].Y);

    cvLine (img, p1, p2, cvScalar (0, 255, 0, 0), 1, 8, 0);
void displayRGBImage (const char *name, IplImage *image)
    IplImage *imageBGR = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (image), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
    cvCvtColor (image, imageBGR, CV_RGB2BGR);
    cvShowImage (name, imageBGR);
    cvReleaseImage (&imageBGR);

int main (int argc, char **argv)
    // OpenNI initialization
    XnStatus status;
    XnContext *context = NULL;

    status = xnInit (&context);
    CHK_NI_ERROR (status, "Initialisation error");

    // depth generator
    XnNodeHandle depthGenerator;
    status = xnCreateDepthGenerator (context, &depthGenerator, NULL, NULL);
    CHK_NI_ERROR (status, "Cannot create a depth generator");

    // Color image generator
    XnNodeHandle imageGenerator;
    status = xnCreateImageGenerator (context, &imageGenerator, NULL, NULL);
    CHK_NI_ERROR (status, "Cannot create an image generator");

    // Check if changing the view point is supported
    if (!xnIsCapabilitySupported (depthGenerator, XN_CAPABILITY_ALTERNATIVE_VIEW_POINT))
        fprintf (stderr, "Changing view point capability not supported.\n");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
        // Changing the view point of the depth generator
        xnSetViewPoint (depthGenerator, imageGenerator);

    // Get the metadata of the generators
    XnImageMetaData *imageMetaData = xnAllocateImageMetaData ();
    XnDepthMetaData *depthMetaData = xnAllocateDepthMetaData ();
    xnGetDepthMetaData (depthGenerator, depthMetaData);
    xnGetImageMetaData (imageGenerator, imageMetaData);

    // Create the IplImage
    IplImage *depthMap =
        cvCreateImage (cvSize (depthMetaData->pMap->FullRes.X,
                       IPL_DEPTH_16U, 1);
    IplImage *colorDepthMap =
cvCreateImage (cvSize (depthMetaData->pMap->FullRes.X,
                       IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
    IplImage *imageMap =
        cvCreateImage (cvSize (imageMetaData->pMap->FullRes.X,
                       IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

    uint16_t maxDepth = depthMetaData->nZRes;

    printf ("(%d, %d) with %d\n", depthMap->width, depthMap->height, maxDepth);

    // Free metadata
    xnFreeDepthMetaData (depthMetaData);
    xnFreeImageMetaData (imageMetaData);

    // User Generator
    XnNodeHandle userGenerator;
    status = xnCreateUserGenerator (context, &userGenerator, NULL, NULL);
    CHK_NI_ERROR (status, "Cannot create a user generator");

    // Verify that the userGenerator has all the needed capability
    if (!xnIsCapabilitySupported (userGenerator, XN_CAPABILITY_SKELETON) ||
        !xnIsCapabilitySupported (userGenerator, XN_CAPABILITY_POSE_DETECTION))
        fprintf (stderr, "The skeleton capability is not supported.\n");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    // Get the name of the pose needed for calibration
    XnChar poseForCalibration[20];
    xnGetSkeletonCalibrationPose (userGenerator, poseForCalibration);
    printf ("Pose for calibration is : %s\n", poseForCalibration);

    // Register callbacks for user detection
    XnCallbackHandle userCallbackHandle;
    status = xnRegisterUserCallbacks (userGenerator, &newUserCB, &lostUserCB,
                                      poseForCalibration, &userCallbackHandle);
    CHK_NI_ERROR (status, "Registering user callbacks failed");

    // Register callbacks for pose detection
    XnCallbackHandle poseCallbackHandle;
    status = xnRegisterToPoseDetected (userGenerator, &poseDetectionCB, NULL,
    CHK_NI_ERROR (status, "Registering pose detection callbacks failed");

    // Register callbacks for skeleton calibration
    XnCallbackHandle calibrationCallbackHandle;
    status = xnRegisterToCalibrationComplete (userGenerator,
    CHK_NI_ERROR (status, "Registering calibration callbacks failed");

    // Active all joints
    xnSetSkeletonProfile (userGenerator, XN_SKEL_PROFILE_ALL);

    // Launching the generators
    xnStartGeneratingAll (context);

    int die = 0;

    while (!die)
        // Wait for new images
        status = xnWaitAndUpdateAll (context);
        CHK_NI_ERROR (status, "Cannot capture new images");

        // Depth
        memcpy (depthMap->imageData, xnGetDepthMap (depthGenerator),
        convertDepthImageToColorImage (depthMap, colorDepthMap, maxDepth);

        // Color image
        memcpy (imageMap->imageData, xnGetRGB24ImageMap (imageGenerator),

        // Get the mean depth
        uint16_t avgDepth = cvAvg (depthMap, NULL).val[0];

        // Compute the average distance
        float avgDist = 0;
        int validPixels = 0;

        XnPoint3D *projectiveCoordinates = malloc (sizeof (XnPoint3D) * depthMap->width * depthMap->height);
        XnPoint3D *realCoordinates = malloc (sizeof (XnPoint3D) * depthMap->width * depthMap->height);
        for (int row = 0; row < depthMap->height; row++)
            for (int col = 0; col < depthMap->width; col++)
                uint16_t depth = CV_IMAGE_ELEM (depthMap, uint16_t, row, col);
                if (depth == 0)
                projectiveCoordinates[validPixels].X = col;
                projectiveCoordinates[validPixels].Y = row;
                projectiveCoordinates[validPixels++].Z = depth;
        xnConvertProjectiveToRealWorld (depthGenerator, validPixels, projectiveCoordinates, realCoordinates);
for (int i = 0; i < validPixels; i++)
            XnPoint3D p = realCoordinates[i];
            avgDist += sqrt (p.X * p.X + p.Y * p.Y + p.Z * p.Z);
        avgDist /= validPixels;

        free (projectiveCoordinates);
        free (realCoordinates);

        printf ("Average depth = %fm, Average distance = %fm\n",
                (float)avgDepth / MM_IN_ONE_METER,
                (float) avgDist / MM_IN_ONE_METER);

        // Retrieving the skeleton
        XnUserID users[5]; // A maximum a 5 users
        uint16_t userCount = 5;
        xnGetUsers (userGenerator, users, &userCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < userCount; i++)
            if (!xnIsSkeletonTracking (userGenerator, users[i]))

            // Do not draw, collar, wrist, fingertip, waist and ankle: not available with NITE
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_HEAD);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_NECK);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_TORSO);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_SHOULDER);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_ELBOW);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_HAND);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_SHOULDER);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_ELBOW);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_HAND);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_HIP);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_KNEE);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_FOOT);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_HIP);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_KNEE);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_FOOT);

            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_HEAD, XN_SKEL_NECK);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_NECK, XN_SKEL_TORSO);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_NECK, XN_SKEL_LEFT_SHOULDER);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_NECK, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_SHOULDER);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_SHOULDER, XN_SKEL_LEFT_ELBOW);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_ELBOW, XN_SKEL_LEFT_HAND);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_SHOULDER, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_ELBOW);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_ELBOW, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_HAND);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_TORSO, XN_SKEL_LEFT_HIP);
linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_TORSO, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_HIP);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_HIP, XN_SKEL_LEFT_KNEE);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_KNEE, XN_SKEL_LEFT_FOOT);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_HIP, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_KNEE);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, imageMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_KNEE, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_FOOT);

            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_HEAD);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_NECK);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_TORSO);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_SHOULDER);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_ELBOW);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_HAND);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_SHOULDER);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_ELBOW);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_HAND);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_HIP);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_KNEE);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_FOOT);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_HIP);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_KNEE);
            drawJoint (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_FOOT);

            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_HEAD, XN_SKEL_NECK);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_NECK, XN_SKEL_TORSO);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_NECK, XN_SKEL_LEFT_SHOULDER);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_NECK, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_SHOULDER);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_SHOULDER, XN_SKEL_LEFT_ELBOW);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_ELBOW, XN_SKEL_LEFT_HAND);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_SHOULDER, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_ELBOW);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_ELBOW, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_HAND);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_TORSO, XN_SKEL_LEFT_HIP);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_TORSO, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_HIP);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_HIP, XN_SKEL_LEFT_KNEE);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_LEFT_KNEE, XN_SKEL_LEFT_FOOT);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_HIP, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_KNEE);
            linkJoints (depthGenerator, userGenerator, colorDepthMap, users[i], XN_SKEL_RIGHT_KNEE, XN_SKEL_RIGHT_FOOT);

        //displayDepthImage (DEPTH_WINDOW, depthMap, maxDepth);
        displayRGBImage (DEPTH_WINDOW, colorDepthMap);
        displayRGBImage (COLOR_WINDOW, imageMap);

        char c = cvWaitKey (5 /*ms */);

        if (c == 'q')
            die = 1;

    cvReleaseImage (&imageMap);
    cvReleaseImage (&depthMap);
cvReleaseImage (&colorDepthMap);

    cvDestroyAllWindows ();

    xnStopGeneratingAll (context);
    xnContextRelease (context);

    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

Alors, j'ai utilisé cmake pour généré un makefile, puis make.
En ligne de commande, j'utilise :
 gcc main.c -std=gnu99 `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv`  -I /usr/include/ni -lOpenNI -o main 
En cherchant sur le web je suis tombé sur et j'ai donc modifier ma ligne comme suite :
gcc main.c -std=gnu99 `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv` -lm -I /usr/include/ni -lOpenNI -o main
Et là, çà compile. En revanche, je comprends pas vraiment pourquoi ....
Je ne demande pas un cours de C mais dans les grandes lignes, une petite explication serait fort sympathique....
De même, comment modifier le MakeFile pour ajouter le -lm