Alors, je viens de lancer la commande en console, et voilà le résultat :
[pierre-olivier@fedora ~]$ clementine
11:45:26.110 DEBUG NetworkProxyFactory:30 Detected system proxy URLs: ("", "", "", "")
11:45:26.113 DEBUG CoverProviders:34 Registered cover provider "Amazon"
11:45:26.401 INFO Player:533 Registered URL handler for "di"
11:45:26.403 DEBUG InternetModel:94 Adding internet service: "DigitallyImported"
11:45:26.445 DEBUG InternetModel:94 Adding internet service: "Icecast"
11:45:26.457 DEBUG InternetModel:94 Adding internet service: "Jamendo"
11:45:26.468 INFO Player:533 Registered URL handler for "lastfm"
11:45:26.468 DEBUG CoverProviders:34 Registered cover provider ""
11:45:26.468 DEBUG InternetModel:94 Adding internet service: ""
11:45:26.469 INFO Player:533 Registered URL handler for "grooveshark"
11:45:26.469 INFO PlaylistManager:417 Registered special playlist type "grooveshark-search"
11:45:26.470 DEBUG InternetModel:94 Adding internet service: "Grooveshark"
11:45:26.476 INFO Player:533 Registered URL handler for "magnatune"
11:45:26.477 DEBUG InternetModel:94 Adding internet service: "Magnatune"
11:45:26.477 DEBUG InternetModel:94 Adding internet service: "SavedRadio"
11:45:26.478 INFO Player:533 Registered URL handler for "sky"
11:45:26.478 DEBUG InternetModel:94 Adding internet service: ""
11:45:26.478 INFO Player:533 Registered URL handler for "somafm"
11:45:26.479 DEBUG InternetModel:94 Adding internet service: "SomaFM"
11:45:26.479 DEBUG SpotifyService:70 Spotify system blob path: "/usr/bin/clementine-spotifyblob"
11:45:26.479 DEBUG SpotifyService:71 Spotify local blob path: "/home/pierre-olivier/.config/Clementine/spotifyblob/version11-64bit/blob"
11:45:26.479 INFO PlaylistManager:417 Registered special playlist type "spotify-search"
11:45:26.479 DEBUG InternetModel:94 Adding internet service: "Spotify"
11:45:26.505 WARN IconLoader:54 Couldn't load icon "clementine-panel"
11:45:26.513 WARN IconLoader:54 Couldn't load icon "clementine-panel-grey"
11:45:26.535 DEBUG QxtGlobalShortcutBackend:32 registering
11:45:26.600 DEBUG MainWindow:208 Starting
11:45:26.745 DEBUG MainWindow:266 Initialising player
11:45:26.746 DEBUG MainWindow:272 Creating models
11:45:26.789 DEBUG MainWindow:295 Creating UI
11:45:26.825 DEBUG MainWindow:662 Creating equalizer
11:45:26.833 DEBUG MainWindow:677 Creating now playing widget
11:45:27.524 DEBUG MainWindow:714 Loading settings
11:45:27.674 DEBUG MainWindow:760 Initialising library
11:45:27.679 DEBUG MainWindow:773 Started
11:45:27.755 INFO DeviceManager:411 Device added: "DeviceKit/33851F14AAP0JM/Samsung/SAMSUNG HM502JX/500105216512"
11:45:57.765 DEBUG unknown HTTP GET QUrl( "" )
usbmuxd_listen: ERROR: usbmuxd was supposed to be running here...
11:45:58.340 DEBUG unknown "OK
11:45:58.340 DEBUG unknown b2e6f072555b4babbfc4982654d4319f
11:45:58.340 DEBUG unknown
11:45:58.340 DEBUG unknown"
11:45:59.149 DEBUG MainWindow:1122 position 0 scrobble point 131 status 4
11:46:09.150 DEBUG MainWindow:1122 position 10 scrobble point 131 status 4
11:46:17.814 DEBUG DeviceKitLister:39 virtual DeviceKitLister::~DeviceKitLister()
11:46:18.016 DEBUG CoverProviders:54 Unregistered cover provider ""
11:46:18.302 WARN unknown QThreadStorage: Thread 0x7f31c0002d10 exited after QThreadStorage 3 destroyed
11:46:18.302 WARN unknown QThreadStorage: Thread 0x7f31c8003120 exited after QThreadStorage 3 destroyed
11:46:18.316 WARN unknown QThreadStorage: Thread 0x7f31c4004160 exited after QThreadStorage 3 destroyed
11:46:18.316 WARN unknown QThreadStorage: Thread 0x7f31bc003110 exited after QThreadStorage 3 destroyed
Et là, il reste le processus ouvert dans mon moniteur système. En fait, au bout d'un long moment, il finit par se fermer, mais ça peut prendre vraiment longtemps.