J'essaie d'associer mon téléphone Viewsonic V350 avec ma Fedora. Si les deux appareils se détectent bien l'un l'autre, chaque tentative d'association résulte sur un échec.
azmeuk@herbi:~$ sudo systemctl status bluetooth.service
bluetooth.service - Bluetooth Manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu, 31 May 2012 10:36:23 +0200; 14min ago
Main PID: 858 (bluetoothd)
CGroup: name=systemd:/system/bluetooth.service
└ 858 /usr/sbin/bluetoothd -n
May 31 10:45:56 herbi bluetoothd[858]: bluetoothd[858]: Unable to load keys to adapter_ops: Function not implemented (38)
May 31 10:45:56 herbi bluetoothd[858]: bluetoothd[858]: Adapter /org/bluez/858/hci0 has been enabled
May 31 10:45:56 herbi bluetoothd[858]: bluetoothd[858]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.57 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPAG
May 31 10:45:56 herbi bluetoothd[858]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.57 path=/MediaEndpoint/HFPAG
May 31 10:45:56 herbi bluetoothd[858]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.57 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
May 31 10:45:56 herbi bluetoothd[858]: bluetoothd[858]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.57 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
May 31 10:50:25 herbi bluetoothd[858]: bluetoothd[858]: Discovery session 0x7f40600d7070 with :1.106 activated
May 31 10:50:25 herbi bluetoothd[858]: Discovery session 0x7f40600d7070 with :1.106 activated
May 31 10:50:29 herbi bluetoothd[858]: bluetoothd[858]: Stopping discovery
May 31 10:50:29 herbi bluetoothd[858]: Stopping discovery
Avez-vous une idée de la cause de ces échecs d'association, ou une piste sur laquelle enquêter ?
D'avance merci