Salut !

j 'ai installé cel et crystalspace via yum (je suis en 64bits),mais lorsque je lance une demo de celstart ca ne se lance pas :
export CEL_CONFIG=/etc/cel-1.2/
export CEL_PLUGIN=/usr/lib64/cel-1.2/
export CRYSTAL=/etc/crystalspace-1.2/
export CEL=/etc/cel-1.2/
export CEL_DATADIR=/usr/share/cel-1.2/data/
celstart pycelstartdemo.celzip 

 Indirect rendering may indicate a flawed OpenGL setup if you run on a local
  X server.
Start './pycelstartdemo.celzip'!
PYTHONPATH: ./pycelstartdemo.celzip
DEBUG: Sound System Software Renderer Initializing...

  could not load plugin 'cel.physicallayer'
  could not load plugin 'cel.persistence.classic'
  could not load plugin 'cel.celconsole'

  failed to initialize plugin 'crystalspace.device.joystick.linux'
Warning: Cannot convert string "vlines2" to type Pixmap
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset
crystalspace.application.celstart:  CEL physical layer missing!
je n'y comprend rien,j ai beau tout essayer rien a faire !