J'ai installé Elisa avec Yum. L'installation s'est bien déroulée. L'icone Elisa apparait bien dans Application/son et vidéo mais quand je clique sur l'icone, rien ne se passe.
Que dois je faire?

Ps: Je suis sous gnome et Fedora 10

lance-le en ligne de commande et poste les éventuelles erreurs retournées par l'application.
Vous allez vraiment me touver stupide mais comment fait on pour lancer un programme en ligne de commande?
Il faut ouvrir un terminal
Outils Système

La fenêtre terminal s'ouvre avec une invite de commande (prompt), comme avec le «cmd» de window$ mais en mieux, car tu bénéficie d'un vrai shell et non pas d'un ersatz de DOS.
Je connaissais le terminal mais ignorais qu'en tapant le nom de l'application, cela l'exécutait.

Donc voici ce qu'il me dit quand je tape elisa

[youssef@PC-de-Youssef ~]$ elisa
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/elisa", line 8, in <module>
load_entry_point('elisa==0.3.2', 'gui_scripts', 'elisa')()
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 277, in load_entry_point
return get_distribution(dist).load_entry_point(group, name)
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 2180, in load_entry_point
return ep.load()
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 1913, in load
entry = __import__(self.module_name, globals(),globals(), ['__name__'])
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/application.py", line 48, in <module>
from twisted.web import client
ImportError: No module named web
Et en installant le paquetage python-twisted-web, puis en relançant elisa ?
Je m'incruste : je suis tombé sur ce post, et j'ai voulu installer elisa également "pour voir" j'ai eu les même erreur (je suis sous F9 64bits, j'ai installé python-twisted-web et voilà le résultat
# elisa
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Un-met dependency for classic: pgm (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:195)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Un-met dependency for flickr_media: twill (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:198)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Un-met dependency for bluetooth_input: bluetooth (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:198)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Un-met dependency for poblenou: pgm (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:195)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Un-met dependency for stage6: BeautifulSoup (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:195)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Un-met dependency for weather_pgm_view: pgm (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:198)
WARN  MainThread      comp_hal_service            jan 03 14:48:42  Could not connect to the Gnome ScreenSaver: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.ScreenSaver was not provided by any .service files (elisa/plugins/good/hal/hal_service.py:107)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Could not import component coherence_plugin.coherence_service:CoherenceService (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:530)
A problem occurred in Elisa.
/tmp/elisa_o5Ybam.txt contains the description of this error.
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Component 'coherence_plugin:coherence_service' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:618)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Component fspot_media failed to initialize: FSpot DB not found at '/root/.gnome2/f-spot/photos.db' (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:618)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Component 'flickr:flickr_media' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:618)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Plugin 'stage6' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Component 'stage6:stage_media' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:618)
WARN  MainThread      comp_audio_activity         jan 03 14:48:42  XDG user-dir disabled (elisa/plugins/base/activities/media_menu_activity.py:424)
WARN  MainThread      comp_video_activity         jan 03 14:48:42  XDG user-dir disabled (elisa/plugins/base/activities/media_menu_activity.py:424)
WARN  MainThread      comp_image_activity         jan 03 14:48:42  XDG user-dir disabled (elisa/plugins/base/activities/media_menu_activity.py:424)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 14:48:42  Component 'poblenou:tango_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 14:48:42  Component 'poblenou:poblenou_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 14:48:42  Component 'poblenou:chris_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 14:48:42  Component 'poblenou:tango_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 14:48:42  Component 'poblenou:poblenou_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 14:48:42  Component 'poblenou:chris_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 14:48:42  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      interface_controller        jan 03 14:48:42  Cannot create controller 'poblenou:elisa_controller' for backend 'backend1' (elisa/core/interface_controller.py:130)
WARN  MainThread      interface_controller        jan 03 14:48:42  An error occured causing backend 'backend1' creation to fail (elisa/core/interface_controller.py:75)
A problem occurred in Elisa.
/tmp/elisa_alY8wM.txt contains the description of this error.
WARN  MainThread      interface_controller        jan 03 14:48:42  Backend 'backend1' not existing for frontend 'frontend1' (elisa/core/interface_controller.py:165)
WARN  MainThread      interface_controller        jan 03 14:48:42  An error occured causing frontend 'frontend1' creation to fail (elisa/core/interface_controller.py:90)
A problem occurred in Elisa.
/tmp/elisa_vyfg9T.txt contains the description of this error.
WARN  MainThread      twisted                     jan 03 14:48:43  A twisted traceback occurred. (twisted/internet/base.py:563)

Twisted traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/elisa", line 8, in <module>
    load_entry_point('elisa==0.3.2', 'gui_scripts', 'elisa')()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/application.py", line 489, in main
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/internet/gtk2reactor.py", line 175, in run
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/internet/gtk2reactor.py", line 216, in simulate
--- <exception caught here> ---
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/internet/base.py", line 561, in runUntilCurrent
    call.func(*call.args, **call.kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/bus/bus.py", line 180, in _dispatch
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/bus/bus.py", line 173, in _dispatch_messages
    callback(message, sender)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/plugins/good/coherence_plugin/upnp_media.py", line 54, in _bus_message_received
    import louie
exceptions.ImportError: No module named louie
Rebelote, on installe cette fois python-louie, et on retente...
merci pour la réponse, maintenant il n'y a plus que les warning.. mais rien ne se lance..
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:10  Un-met dependency for classic: pgm (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:195)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:10  Un-met dependency for flickr_media: twill (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:198)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:10  Un-met dependency for bluetooth_input: bluetooth (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:198)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:10  Un-met dependency for poblenou: pgm (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:195)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:10  Un-met dependency for stage6: BeautifulSoup (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:195)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:10  Un-met dependency for weather_pgm_view: pgm (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:198)
WARN  MainThread      comp_hal_service            jan 03 15:44:10  Could not connect to the Gnome ScreenSaver: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.ScreenSaver was not provided by any .service files (elisa/plugins/good/hal/hal_service.py:107)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:10  Component fspot_media failed to initialize: FSpot DB not found at '/root/.gnome2/f-spot/photos.db' (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:618)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:10  Component 'flickr:flickr_media' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:618)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:10  Plugin 'stage6' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:10  Component 'stage6:stage_media' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:618)
WARN  MainThread      comp_audio_activity         jan 03 15:44:11  XDG user-dir disabled (elisa/plugins/base/activities/media_menu_activity.py:424)
WARN  MainThread      comp_video_activity         jan 03 15:44:11  XDG user-dir disabled (elisa/plugins/base/activities/media_menu_activity.py:424)
WARN  MainThread      comp_image_activity         jan 03 15:44:11  XDG user-dir disabled (elisa/plugins/base/activities/media_menu_activity.py:424)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:11  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 15:44:11  Component 'poblenou:tango_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:11  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 15:44:11  Component 'poblenou:poblenou_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:11  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 15:44:11  Component 'poblenou:chris_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:11  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 15:44:11  Component 'poblenou:tango_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:11  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 15:44:11  Component 'poblenou:poblenou_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:11  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      comp_theme_switcher_activity jan 03 15:44:11  Component 'poblenou:chris_theme' not found (elisa/plugins/good/theme_switcher/theme_switcher_activity.py:56)
WARN  MainThread      plugin_registry             jan 03 15:44:11  Plugin 'poblenou' not found (elisa/core/plugin_registry.py:455)
WARN  MainThread      interface_controller        jan 03 15:44:11  Cannot create controller 'poblenou:elisa_controller' for backend 'backend1' (elisa/core/interface_controller.py:130)
WARN  MainThread      interface_controller        jan 03 15:44:11  An error occured causing backend 'backend1' creation to fail (elisa/core/interface_controller.py:75)
A problem occurred in Elisa.
/tmp/elisa_Cv9zh9.txt contains the description of this error.
WARN  MainThread      interface_controller        jan 03 15:44:11  Backend 'backend1' not existing for frontend 'frontend1' (elisa/core/interface_controller.py:165)
WARN  MainThread      interface_controller        jan 03 15:44:11  An error occured causing frontend 'frontend1' creation to fail (elisa/core/interface_controller.py:90)
A problem occurred in Elisa.
/tmp/elisa_tYAmI9.txt contains the description of this error.
et voilà le contenu de /tmp/elisa_tYAmI9.txt
<class 'elisa.core.plugin_registry.ComponentNotFound'>
Python 2.5.1: /usr/bin/python
Sat Jan  3 15:44:11 2009

A problem occurred in a Python script.  Here is the sequence of
function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/interface_controller.py in initialize(self=<elisa.core.interface_controller.InterfaceController object at 0x2689c10>)
   85         for frontend_path in frontend_paths:
   86             try:
   87                 self._create_frontend(frontend_path)
   88             except Exception, e:
   89                 self.warning("An error occured causing frontend '%s' creation " \
self = <elisa.core.interface_controller.InterfaceController object at 0x2689c10>
self._create_frontend = <bound method InterfaceController._create_fronte...troller.InterfaceController object at 0x2689c10>>
frontend_path = 'frontend1'

 /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/interface_controller.py in initialize(self=<elisa.core.interface_controller.InterfaceController object at 0x2689c10>)
   70         for backend_path in backend_paths:
   71             try:
   72                 self._create_backend(backend_path)
   73             except Exception, e:
   74                 self.warning("An error occured causing backend '%s' creation " \
self = <elisa.core.interface_controller.InterfaceController object at 0x2689c10>
self._create_backend = <bound method InterfaceController._create_backen...troller.InterfaceController object at 0x2689c10>>
backend_path = 'backend1'

 /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/interface_controller.py in _create_backend(self=<elisa.core.interface_controller.InterfaceController object at 0x2689c10>, backend_name='backend1')
  125                                                         default=[])
  126         try:
  127             root_controller = plugin_registry.create_component(controller_path)
  128         except:
  129             self.warning("Cannot create controller %r for backend %r",
root_controller undefined
plugin_registry = <elisa.core.plugin_registry.PluginRegistry object at 0x1e76850>
plugin_registry.create_component = <bound method PluginRegistry.create_component of...gin_registry.PluginRegistry object at 0x1e76850>>
controller_path = 'poblenou:elisa_controller'

 /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/plugin_registry.py in create_component(self=<elisa.core.plugin_registry.PluginRegistry object at 0x1e76850>, component_path='poblenou:elisa_controller')
  454         except PluginNotFound, error:
  455             self.warning(error)
  456             raise ComponentNotFound(component_path)
  458         ComponentClass, plugin, component_path_tuple = infos
global ComponentNotFound = <class 'elisa.core.plugin_registry.ComponentNotFound'>
component_path = 'poblenou:elisa_controller'
<class 'elisa.core.plugin_registry.ComponentNotFound'>: Component 'poblenou:elisa_controller' not found

The above is a description of an error in a Python program.  Here is
the original traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/interface_controller.py", line 87, in initialize
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/interface_controller.py", line 72, in initialize
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/interface_controller.py", line 127, in _create_backend
    root_controller = plugin_registry.create_component(controller_path)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/elisa/core/plugin_registry.py", line 456, in create_component
    raise ComponentNotFound(component_path)
ComponentNotFound: Component 'poblenou:elisa_controller' not found
Que contient le fichier /tmp/elisa_tYAmI9.txt ?
Et que donne également une recherche sur Bugzilla à propos de cette version d'Elisa en putréfaction ?
trop rapide Pikatchu... j'étais en train d'éditer...

(j'avoue que je ne faisais que "regarder ce que donnais ce Elisa"... ) du coup je ne vais pas m'embêter trop (ne t'embête pas trop hein Pika..)

absolument rien sur Bugzilla.. je ne cherche pas plus loin.. merci pour ton aide en tout cas 😉
En plus, la version d'elisa qui est dans les dépôts a plusieurs trains de retard, si ma mémoire est bonne, alors si c'est pour voir, tu risques d'être déçu...
^^ je suis venu, j'ai vu et je suis repartu ! à pu d'elisa .. :hammer:

Je suis a la recherche d'un centre multimedia simple et qui marche. Le rêve serait que je puisse utiliser ma télécommande. Ce n'est pas pour regarder la télé mais simplement ma musique, mes photos et des vidéo/DVD. Avez-vous trouver quelque chose de bien ??

Je suis tombé sur Elisa.
J'ai essaye de l'installer sur mon installation toute fraiche de FC10 64 bits en utilisant les repo siée par davidof. malheureusement, cela n'a pas marché.
J'ai installé repo.elisa dans yum.repo. Je pense donc que yum a du prendre le bon packet ( il existe un répertoire FC10 dans le repo ). Mais lorsque je lance elisa en ligne de commande, je tombe sur un message d'erreur similaire au précédent post. Je ne suis pas sur mon ordi perso maintenant. Je poste cela ce soir pour savoir si cela intéresse quelqu'un

Merci d'avance

PS: J'ai installé Elisa sur XP, pour voir. Çà a l'air vraiment bien. Par contre il a mis plus de 2 heures pour parcourir ma bibliothèque de musique qui ne dépasse pas 30 G. !!
Tu peux toujours essayer MythTV, il est disponible sur RPM Fusion.
Il semble pourtant que Myth TV soit plutot fait pour regarder la tele ! Or je n'ai jamais réussi en branche ma freebox sur ma carte TV. ( Et au final ce n'est pas plus mal ainsi )
Le nom est trompeur... La pléthore de plugins disponibles pour MythTV (aussi dispo. sur RPM Fusion) devrait te convaincre du contraire pourtant ^^
$ yum info myth\*

J'ai lu un article dans la presse ces jours-ci (lequel ?) sur elisa.

J'ai essaye sur mon netbook elisa sous F10 version 32 bits en utilisant le dépôt de http://people.fluendo.com/matthias/elisa/

Ca a l'air de marcher 😉
Par contre, il me demande les codecs MPEG....

eddy33 wrote:Ca a l'air de marcher 😉
Par contre, il me demande les codecs MPEG....
Elisa est basé sur gstreamer. Tu as installé gstreamer-ffmpeg et gstreamer-plugins-{bad,ugly} ?