Comme vous le voyez je suis nouveaux et j'ai besoin de votre aide 😉
J'essaye d'installer les drivers ATI sur ma fedora core 2
je recupere le rpm pour xfree 4.3
je l'instal en forcant
j'ai droite à un message d'erreur:
*** WARNING ***
Tailored kernel module for fglrx not present in your system.
You must go to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod subdir
and execute './' to build a fully customed kernel module.
Afterwards go to /lib/modules/fglrx and run './'
in order to install the module into your kernel's module repository.
(see readme.txt for more details.)
As of now you can still run your XServer in 2D, but hardware acclerated
OpenGL will not work and 2D graphics will lack performance.
*** Found kernel module build environment, generating kernel module now.
ATI module generator V 2.0
XFree86 drm includes at /lib/modules/2.6.5-1.358/build/include/../drivers/char/drm do not fit this driver.
This driver is designed to only work with X4.1.0 or higher.
You can match this by getting Linux kernel 2.4.8 or higher.
*** WARNING ***
Tailored kernel module for fglrx not present in your system.
You must go to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod subdir
and execute './' to build a fully customed kernel module.
Afterwards go to /lib/modules/fglrx and run './'
in order to install the module into your kernel's module repository.
(see readme.txt for more details.)
As of now you can still run your XServer in 2D, but hardware acclerated
OpenGL will not work and 2D graphics will lack performance.
erreur: %post(fglrx-4.3.0-3.11.1) échec du scriplet, code de sortie 0
Bon ca semble clair, il y a un truc avec le noyau 🙁
Je me demandais si vous pourriez m'aider, voir me donner un lien qui expliqe comment les installer ( pas trouver via google )
j'ai trouvé ceci:
Je vais tester et vous tiendrais au courant.