j'arrive pas à installer k3b il doir y avoir un problème avec la commande yum du site
[root@localhost tidusdav]# yum - /etc/yum.conf
Usage: yum [options] < update | install | info | remove | list |
clean | provides | search | check-update | groupinstall |
groupupdate | grouplist | groupinfo | groupremove | generate-rss |
makecache | localinstall >
-c [config file] - specify the config file to use
-e [error level] - set the error logging level
-d [debug level] - set the debugging level
-y - answer yes to all questions
-R [time in minutes] - set the max amount of time to randomly run in
-C run from cache only - do not update the cache
--installroot=[path] - set the install root (default '/')
--version - output the version of yum
--rss-filename=[path/filename] - set the filename to generate rss to
--exclude=package to exclude
--disablerepo=repository id to disable (overrides config file)
--enablerepo=repository id to enable (overrides config file)
-h, --help - this screen
[root@localhost tidusdav]# yum /etc/yum.conf
Usage: yum [options] < update | install | info | remove | list |
clean | provides | search | check-update | groupinstall |
groupupdate | grouplist | groupinfo | groupremove | generate-rss |
makecache | localinstall >
-c [config file] - specify the config file to use
-e [error level] - set the error logging level
-d [debug level] - set the debugging level
-y - answer yes to all questions
-R [time in minutes] - set the max amount of time to randomly run in
-C run from cache only - do not update the cache
--installroot=[path] - set the install root (default '/')
--version - output the version of yum
--rss-filename=[path/filename] - set the filename to generate rss to
--exclude=package to exclude
--disablerepo=repository id to disable (overrides config file)
--enablerepo=repository id to enable (overrides config file)
-h, --help - this screen
[root@localhost tidusdav]# apt - /etc/apt/sources.list
bash: apt: command not found
[root@localhost tidusdav]# apt /etc/apt/sources.list
bash: apt: command not found
[root@localhost tidusdav]#
pourtant j'ai bien ajouter les lignes dans les fichiers.
Merci de l'aide