Oui mais sur fedora 8 ( en 64 bits ) il passai trés bien et il ni a pas que Gw qui ne marche pas le plus bizare c'est que les programme que je lance a partir d'un cd par exemple marche mais tout se qui passe par le Programme Files ne demarre pas
je pense que le probleme vient de la coordination entre wine et le programme files

Si quelqu'un a une idée pour que les programme de wine trouve le Programme Files merci ^^
As tu regardé dans la configuration de wine si tes répertoires pointent aux bons endroits ?
J'ai le vague souvenir que le disque C: associé sous wine à le chemin suivant: $HOME/.wine/drive_c/
Donc pour Program Files ça serait $HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/
ok mais dans Assignation des lecteurs j'arrive pas a changer le parcour du C:
comment pui je faire svp car lui me met le parcour suivant --> C: ../drive_c
comment pui je rajouter le Programme files a la suite etant donné que j'arrive pas a modifier le parcour du C:

Merci cursedman pour ton aide
sa ne change rien désole je peu pas modifier le chemin du C:
As tu essayé avec PlayOnLinux ?
En utilisant POL j'ai pu installer NotePad++ par exemple, ou encore Safari (pas tapper :hammer:)
Il y a un script pour Guild Wars: http://www.playonlinux.com/fr/script-5.html directement accessible depuis POL.

Par ailleurs wine-1.0.0-rc2 est dans updates-testing.
Pour l'installation de POL, voir ici, puis un yum localinstall --nogpgcheck playonlinux-3.0.0-fedora0.noarch.rpm fait l'affaire.
je veu pas te decevoir mais j'ai aussi essayé ^^' sa marche pas non plus sa fait le meme truc sa se lance pas
c'est vraiment pénible ce probleme :-? a crorie que sa n'arrive qu'a moi ^^'
le truc en fait c'est que wine ( et playonlinux ) marche parfaitement quand la carte graphique n'est pas installer , il trouve le Programme Files et le programe s'execute sans probleme ( mais bon un jeu 3D sans carte graphique c'est pas terrible ^^' )
Des que j'installe ma carte graphique wine trouve plus le Programme Files et je peu plus rien faire j'ai tout essaye reinstaller la carte graphique , reinstaller wine , changer la version de wine , j'ai essayer playonlinux , j'ai changer de versiond e playonlinux , j'ai changer de prefix de wine dans playonlinux .... j'ai reinstaller les programmes ( il ni a pas que Gw que je souhaite installer tout les autre programme ne demarre pas non plus pourtant il demarré sur f8 )

enfin j'ai tou fait rien ne marche sauf si la carte graphique n'est pas installer :-?

Si quelqu'un a la solution miracle qui me la dise vite 😉 merci a tout ceux qui essaye de m'aidé
Solution miracle ? Repasser sous F8 vu que la situation est viable tant au niveau de Xorg ou du pilote Nvidia :hammer:
Sa n'arrive qu'a moi ces chose la :hammer: en tout cas merci a toi et au autre d'avoir essaye de m'aidé 😉
mais pense tu qu'avec une mise a jour ( miracle ) tout pourat se regle ? car j'ai l'impression que chez les autre sa marche
Comme le fait remarquer cursedman, as tu l'acceleration graphique d'activé ? Perso. je pense que non vu la nouvelle version de X.

Je suis en 64bits et j'ai un problème similaire avec wine RC2, steam se lance parfaitement mais lorsque je lance TEAM FORTRESS 2 rien ne se passe. Pourtant warsow et compagnie fonctionne.

[tiltman@localhost ~]$ '/home/tiltman/Jeux/Steam/Steam.desktop' 
/home/tiltman/Jeux/Steam/Steam.desktop: line 1: [Desktop: command not found
ALSA lib pcm.c:2104:(snd_pcm_open_conf) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so
ALSA lib pcm.c:2104:(snd_pcm_open_conf) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so
CellID: Fetching server list from CSDS. . .
fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000000): partial stub.
dir: C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\ *.mix
dir: C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\ *.asi
dir: C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\ *.flt
warning: Unknown nb_ctl request:  4
warning: Unknown nb_ctl request:  30
err:wave:wodOpen Error open: Périphérique ou ressource occupé
err:wave:wodOpen Error open: Périphérique ou ressource occupé
CellID: CSDS returned 171 servers.
CellID: Connecting to . .
CellID: Connect to took 1109 MS
CellID: Nothing beat our old best time of 54 MS
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {4590f811-1d3a-11d0-891f-00aa004b2e24} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {4590f811-1d3a-11d0-891f-00aa004b2e24} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:shdocvw:ViewObject_SetAdvise (0x19f828)->(1 00000002 0x11a5030)
fixme:shdocvw:PersistStreamInit_InitNew (0x19f828)
fixme:shdocvw:WebBrowser_put_RegisterAsBrowser (0x19f828)->(ffffffff)
fixme:shdocvw:WebBrowser_put_RegisterAsDropTarget (0x19f828)->(ffffffff)
fixme:shdocvw:ViewObject_SetAdvise (0x19fe98)->(1 00000002 0x11a5098)
fixme:shdocvw:PersistStreamInit_InitNew (0x19fe98)
fixme:shdocvw:WebBrowser_put_RegisterAsBrowser (0x19fe98)->(ffffffff)
fixme:shdocvw:WebBrowser_put_RegisterAsDropTarget (0x19fe98)->(ffffffff)
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x10038,0x00000000,0,2): stub!
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x7cd999e8, overlapped 0x7cd999cc): stub
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:msimtf:CActiveIMM_Create ((nil) {08c0e040-62d1-11d1-9326-0060b067b86e} 0x10e3ef34)
fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no instance created for interface {08c0e040-62d1-11d1-9326-0060b067b86e} of class {4955dd33-b159-11d0-8fcf-00aa006bcc59}, hres is 0x80004002
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_QueryStatus (0x19f8c4)->((null) 1 0x32b7a4 (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x19f8c4)->((null) 25 2 0x32b7b8 (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x19f8c4)->((null) 26 2 0x32b7b8 (nil))
fixme:mshtml:on_change_dlcontrol unsupported dlcontrol 00000070
fixme:mshtml:OleControl_OnAmbientPropertyChange not supported AMBIENT_USERAGENT
fixme:shdocvw:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x19f8c4)->(0x32b7f4)
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x19f8c4)->({000214d1-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 37 0 0x32b8c8 (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:HttpNegotiate_BeginningTransaction (0x19d0e8)->(L"" L"" 0 0x32b900)
fixme:mshtml:fix_headers Ignoring User-Agent header
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x19f8c4)->((null) 29 2 0x32d548 (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:DocHostUIHandler_GetDropTarget (0x19f8c4)
fixme:shdocvw:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x19f8c4)->(0x32d4f8)
fixme:shdocvw:InPlaceFrame_SetStatusText (0x19f8c4)->(0x6003f495)
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x19f8c4)->((null) 25 2 0x32d42c (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x19f8c4)->((null) 26 2 0x32d42c (nil))
fixme:mshtml:HTMLBodyElement_put_scroll (0x17c178)->(L"no")
fixme:mshtml:HTMLDocument_put_ondragstart (0x10563688)
fixme:mshtml:HTMLBodyElement_put_scroll (0x17c178)->(L"no")
fixme:mshtml:HTMLBodyElement_put_scroll (0x17c178)->(L"no")
fixme:mshtml:HTMLBodyElement_put_scroll (0x17c178)->(L"no")
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x19f8c4)->((null) 21 2 (nil) (nil))
fixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x19f8c4)->((null) 28 2 0x32d550 (nil))
fixme:bidi:mirror stub: mirroring of characters not yet implemented
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {9a5ea990-3034-4d6f-9128-01f3c61022bc} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {9a5ea990-3034-4d6f-9128-01f3c61022bc} could be created for context 0x1
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {9a5ea990-3034-4d6f-9128-01f3c61022bc} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {9a5ea990-3034-4d6f-9128-01f3c61022bc} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_FillGLCaps OpenGL implementation supports 32 vertex samplers and 32 total samplers
fixme:d3d:IWineD3DImpl_FillGLCaps Expected vertex samplers + MAX_TEXTURES(=8) > combined_samplers
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32cbdc,0x00000000), stub!
err:d3d:getColorBits Unsupported format: WINED3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F
fixme:shdocvw:ViewObject_SetAdvise (0x10ee02f8)->(1 00000002 0x11b0e60)
fixme:shdocvw:PersistStreamInit_InitNew (0x10ee02f8)
fixme:shdocvw:WebBrowser_put_RegisterAsBrowser (0x10ee02f8)->(ffffffff)
fixme:shdocvw:WebBrowser_put_RegisterAsDropTarget (0x10ee02f8)->(ffffffff)
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x200b2,0x00000000,6,2): stub!
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x200b2,0x00000000,6,2): stub!
err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0x673169b0
fixme:win:SetLayeredWindowAttributes (0x200b2,0x00000000,0,2): stub!
fixme:shdocvw:OleInPlaceObject_InPlaceDeactivate (0x10ee02f8)
fixme:shdocvw:OleInPlaceObject_UIDeactivate (0x10ee02f8)
fixme:shdocvw:OleObject_Close (0x10ee02f8)->(1)
[root@localhost GUILD WARS]# wine GW.exe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2104:(snd_pcm_open_conf) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so
ALSA lib pcm.c:2104:(snd_pcm_open_conf) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so
err:d3d:WineD3D_CreateFakeGLContext Can't find a suitable iPixelFormat
err:d3d:InitAdapters Failed to get a gl context for default adapter
err:wine_d3d:WineDirect3DCreate Direct3D9 is not available without opengl
err:wine_d3d:WineDirect3DCreate Direct3D8 is not available without opengl
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_cmp (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_low (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_pow (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_mul_high (a)
fixme:dbghelp_dwarf:dwarf2_parse_variable Unsupported form for const value srgb_sub_high (a)
err:seh:raise_exception Exception frame is not in stack limits => unable to dispatch exception.
Voila se qui me sort moi ( je sai pas si sa peu reglé le probleme mais bon ^^' ) avec un autre logiciel sa donne un code un peu plus different mais je pense que c'est toujours le meme type d'erreur
Je viens d'installer Jack keane et fonctionne via wine RC2, mais rien à faire aucun jeux steam ne fonctionnent.
Fedoriste wrote:err:wine_d3d:WineDirect3DCreate Direct3D9 is not available without opengl
err:wine_d3d:WineDirect3DCreate Direct3D8 is not available without opengl
Il faut installer les pilotes de ta carte graphique. Vu que les actuels te posent problème, soit tu attends la prochaine release, soit tu repasses sous F8 où la situation est viable. Au vu de tes précédents post sur le forum, j'en déduis que tu as une carte Nvidia. As tu regardé le lien que j'ai indiqué au post #20 ?

Tu pourrais également avoir des réponses plus précises en postant sur le forum de Wine: http://winehq.org/site/getting_help
Oui je les vu 😉 je me douter un peu au final que sa venai de la mais sai tu quand sortira la prochaine release stp

autrement merci de votre aidé 😉
Moi j'ai pris ceux de livna ( yum install kmod-nvidia )
ok, moi installation manuel (j'avais un conflit) , je pense que le paquet kmod-nvidia ne t'as pas installé les librairie(?) opengl compatible 32 bits un truc dans le style (je ne suis pa sur).
thierryg wrote:Bonjour,
Essaye d'ajouter cette ligne dans /etc/sysctl.conf
Que se passe-t-il alors ?
Bon courage.
Non, ce n'est pas exactement ça qu'il faut faire...

Il faut trouver la ligne :
vm.mmap_min_addr = 65536
et la remplacer par :
vm.mmap_min_addr = 0
Trouvé ici : http://wiki.winehq.org/PreloaderPageZeroProblem

Apparemment, ce problème est courant sous F9 et ça cause un refus de la part de Wine de lancer des applications.

Note: Il faut redémarrer la machine pour que la modification prenne effet.
Moi je ne les pas cette ligne tu la trouve ou ? et comment tu la remplace stp