Ce ne sont pas des logiciels, mais des sites proposant une traduction et pouvant rendre des petits services, et quelle rigolade quand on passe un texte de la langue A vers la langue B puis le résultat vers la langue A ! ! !
Appeler ça de la traduction c'est très largement exagéré ! On ne demanderait pas autant de traducteurs autrement.
En fait, un traducteur en ligne ne me conviens pas.
Je cherche à traduire un document de plus de 100 pages. Il faut donc un logiciel de traduction et non une applet sur un site web.
Le but est de dégrossir la traduction du document, une relecture/correction étant de toute manière nécessaire.
Aucun traducteur automatique, même cher sous l'autre système; ne permet de traduire un document d'une seule page correctement.
Je doute donc qu'il en existe de performant sous linux.

Travaillant pour une entreprise d'aéronautique, nous avons eu ce problème et finalement nous avons laissé tomber.
La traduction nécessite non pas des corrections, mais une refonte complète.

Celà coûte moins de temps de faire la traduction à la main que de reprendre les erreurs du logiciel.

Mais bonne chance quand même, et si tu trouves un truc correct n'hésites pas, je suis preneur 🙂
Il n'existe à ce jour aucun logiciel capable de faire une traduction correcte, ne serait-ce que d'une page. Ce que tu peux faire en revanche, c'est t'adresser dans les universités. Je suis sûr qu'il y a nombre d'étudiants désireux de gagner un peu d'argent de poche. Ca te coûterait beaucoup moins cher que de passer par une entreprise spécialisée, pour un résultat semblable.
philippe83 wrote:Travaillant pour une entreprise d'aéronautique, nous avons eu ce problème et finalement nous avons laissé tomber. La traduction nécessite non pas des corrections, mais une refonte complète.
Je pensais justement que la traduction de documents techniques ne posait pas trop de problèmes.
M$ l'utilise pour certain documents de support, et ils sont presque lisibles.
Mais bonne chance quand même, et si tu trouves un truc correct n'hésites pas, je suis preneur 🙂
En fait ce n'est pas pour moi, mais je te tiendrais au courant si jamais on trouve quelque chose.
Il existe bien Apertium mais ne l'ayant jamais utilisé, je ne pourrais pas du ce qu'il en ait.
Toujours est il qu'un traduction humaine est toujours "meilleure" puisque certaines langue (notamment le français) ont des tournures de phrases très subjectives qui peuvent signifier deux choses (en fonction du contexte)
Et dire que vous chercher si loin, il y en a un très performant et il est dans les répots officiel donc un petit yum
Aller je vous le dit:
yum install gnome-translate
Il reconnaît automatiquement la langue et peut traduire dans de nombreuses langues, traduction bonne pour un traducteur automatique

Note: il y a aussi dans les repots aspell
@globilux: Le but n'est pas de se substituer à la traduction humaine, mais de faire une traduction en 2 passes en quelques sortes. Une passe automatique et une pass humaine pour remettre en forme ce qui déconne.

@bioinfornatics: Merci pour gnome-translate. Effectivement, il fallait pas chercher bien loin.

Merci à tous.
@ Marcet : quand tu auras fini ce boulot, ce serait intéressant d'avoir ton feedback. Car nous serons probablement nombreux à être intéressés ...
J'ai fait un essai sur le texte de la déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme, voici le résultat :

Considering that the recognition of dignity inherent in all the family members human and their equal and inalienable rights constitutes the base of freedom, justice and peace in the world.

Considering that the ignorance and the contempt of the human rights led to barbarous acts which revolt the conscience of the humanity and which the advent of a world where the human beings will be free of speaking and believing, released of terror and misery, was proclaimed like the highest aspiration of the man.

Considering that it is essential that the human rights are protected by a mode from right so that the man is not constrained, in supreme recourse, to the revolt against tyranny and oppression.

Considering that it is essential to encourage the development of friendly relations between nations.

Considering that in the Charter the people of the United Nations again proclaimed their faith in the basic rights of the man, the dignity and the value of the human person, in the equal rights of the men and the women, and that they were declared determined to support the social progress and to found better living conditions in a larger freedom.

Considering that the Member States were committed ensuring, in co-operation with the United Nations, the universal and effective respect of the human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Considering that a common design of these rights and freedoms is moreover high importance to fill this engagement fully.

The General meeting proclaims the present Universal declaration of the human rights like the common ideal to reach by all the people and all the nations so that all the individuals and all the bodies of the company, having this Declaration constantly with the spirit, endeavour, by teaching and education, to develop the respect of these rights and freedoms and to ensure some,
 by progressive measurements of national order and international, universal and effective recognition and the application, as well among the populations of the Member States themselves as among those of the territories placed under their jurisdiction.

Article first

All the human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
 They are endowed with reason and conscience and must act the ones towards the others in a spirit of fraternity.

Article 2
Each one can be prevailed of all the rights and all freedoms proclaimed in the present Declaration, without distinction no, in particular of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, national or social origin, fortune, birth or any other situation.
Moreover, it will not be made any distinction based on the political, legal or international statute of the country or the territory to which a person is amenable, that this country or territory is independent, under supervision, nonautonomous or subjected to an unspecified limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3

Any individual is entitled to the life, the freedom and the safety of his person.

Article 4

No one will not be held in slavery nor in constraint; the slavery and the draft of the slaves are prohibited under all their forms.

Article 5

No one will not be subjected to torture, nor with sorrows or treatments cruel, inhuman or degrading.

Article 6

Each one is entitled to the recognition in all places of its legal personality.

Article 7

All are equal in front of the law and have law without distinction to an equal protection of the law. All are entitled to a protection equal against any discrimination which would violate the present Declaration and against any provocation to such a discrimination.

Article 8

Any person is entitled to an effective recourse in front of the qualified national jurisdictions against the acts violating the basic rights which are recognized to him by the constitution or the law.

Article 9

No one cannot be arbitrarily stopped, held or exiled.

Article 10

Any person has right, in full equality, so that its cause is heard equitably and publicly by an independent and impartial court, which will decide, either of its rights and obligations, or of the cogency of any penal matter charge directed against it.

Article 11

 Any marked person of a punishable act is supposed innocent until its culpability was legally established during a public lawsuit where all the necessary guarantees with its defense will have been assured to him.
2. No one will not be condemned for actions or omissions which, at the time when they were made, did not constitute an act punishable according to the national right or international.
 In the same way, it will not be inflicted any more strong sorrow than that which was applicable to the moment when the punishable act was made.

Article 12

No one will not be the object of arbitrary interferences in its private life, its family, her residence or its correspondence, nor of attacks to its honor and its reputation. Any person is entitled to protection of the law against of such interferences or such attacks.

Article 13

 Any person has the right to circulate freely and to choose her residence inside a State.
2. Any person has the right to leave any country, including his, and to return in her country.

Article 14

1. In front of persecution, any person has the right to seek asylum and to profit from asylum in other countries.
 This right cannot be called upon in the case of continuations really founded on a crime of right common or contrary intrigues to the goals and the principles of the United Nations.

Article 15

1. Any individual is entitled to a nationality.
2. No one cannot be arbitrarily private of its nationality, nor of the right to change nationality.

Article 16

 From the age nubile, the man and the woman, without any restriction as for the race, nationality or the religion, have the right to marry and found a family. They have rights equal taking into consideration marriage, during the marriage and during its dissolution.
2. The marriage can be concluded only with the free one and full assent from the engaged couples.
 The family is the natural and fundamental elements of the company and is entitled to protection of the company and the State.

Article 17

1. Any person, as well only as in community, is entitled to the property.
2. No one cannot be arbitrarily private of its property.

Article 18

Any person is entitled to freedom of thought, of conscience and religion; this right implies freedom to change religion or of conviction as well as freedom to express its religion or its conviction alone or joint, as well in public as in deprived, by teaching, the practices, the worship and the achievement of the rites.

Article 19

Any individual is entitled to the freedom of thought and expression, which implies the right not to be worried for its opinions and that to seek, to receive and spread, without considerations of borders, information and the ideas by some means of expression that it is.

Article 20

1. Any person is entitled to the association and peaceful right to meet.
 No one cannot be obliged to belong to an association.

Article 21

1. Any person has the right to take share with the direction of the public affairs of her country, either directly, or via freely selected representatives.
2. Any person is entitled to reach, under conditions of equality, with the public office of her country.
 The will of the people is the base of the authority of the public authorities; this will must be expressed by honest elections which must take place periodically, by the equal vote for all and the secret vote or according to an equivalent procedure ensuring the freedom of the vote.

Article 22

Any person, as a member of the company, is entitled to the social security; she is founded to obtain the satisfaction of the economic rights, social and cultural essential to her dignity and the free development of her personality, thanks to the national effort and to the international cooperation, taking into account the organization and of the resources of each country.

Article 23

 Any person is entitled to work, with the free choice of her work, equitable and satisfactory terms of employment and with protection against unemployment.
2. All have right, without any discrimination, with equal wages for an equal work.
 Whoever works is entitled to an equitable and satisfactory remuneration ensuring him thus that its family an existence in conformity with the human dignity and supplemented, if it is necessary, by all other means of protection social.
4. Any person has the right to found with others of the trade unions and to affiliate herself with trade unions for the defense of her interests.

Article 24

Any person has right at rest and to the leisures and in particular to a reasonable limitation of the duration of the work and to periodic paid vacations.

Article 25

 Any person is entitled to a standard of living sufficient to ensure her health, her wellbeing and those of her family, in particular for the food, clothing, housing, the medical care like for the social services necessary; she is entitled to safety in the event of unemployment, of disease, disability, widowhood,
 of old age or in the other cases of loss of its means of subsistence in consequence of circumstances beyond its control.
2. Maternity and childhood are entitled to a special help and an assistance. All the children, who they were born in the marriage or except marriage, enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26

1. Any person is entitled to education.
 Education must be free, at least with regard to elementary and fundamental teaching. Elementary teaching is obligatory. Technical education and professional must be generalized; the access to the higher learning must be open in full equality to all according to their merit.
 Education must aim to the full blooming of the human personality and the reinforcement of the respect of the human rights and fundamental freedoms. It must support comprehension, the tolerance and the friendship between all the nations and all the groups racial or religious, as well as the development of the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
 The parents have, by priority, the right to choose the kind of education to be given to their children.

Article 27

1. Any person has the right to freely take share with the cultural life of the community, to enjoy arts and to take part in scientific progress and the benefits which result from it.
 Each one is entitled to protection of the moral and material interests rising from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Article 28

Any person is entitled so that reign, on the social plan and the international plan, an order such as the rights and freedoms stated in the present Declaration can find full effect there.

Article 29

 The individual has duties towards the community in which only the free one and full development of its personality is possible.
 In the exercise of its rights and the pleasure of its freedoms, each one is subjected only to the limitations established by the law exclusively in order to ensure the recognition and the respect of the rights and freedoms of others and in order to satisfy the right requirements of morals, the law and order and the general wellbeing in an democratic society.
 These rights and freedoms will not be able, to in no case, be exerted contrary to the goals and the principles of the United Nations.

Article 30

No provision of this Declaration can be interpreted like implying for a State, a grouping or an individual an unspecified right to devote themselves to an activity or to achieve an act aiming to the destruction of the rights and freedoms which are stated there.
C'est pas trop mal, des corrections sont évidemment nécessaires. Mais, comme je l'ai dit, je considère ça comme une première passe destinée à faciliter le vrai travail - humain, celui là.

En fait, c'est mon beau-père qui souhaite traduire en anglais un livre qu'il a écrit.
Je reviendrai vers vous pour vous livrer ses impressions lorsqu'il aura suffisamment avancé le travail (pas tout de suite donc).
Suivez le yum ---------------->
\ /
yum -y install gnome-translate
Je viens de le tester, les résultats sont équivalents aux différents traducteurs automatiques qui existent sur le WEB, avec en plus la possibilité de traduire du texte à partir d'un fichier. C'est sympa comme logiciel :hammer:
Not surprising, libtranslate est un frontend générique pour les services de traduction en ligne ...
Tu as également un utilitaire CLI si tu veux scripter ça (man translate)
Sat wrote:Not surprising, libtranslate est un frontend générique pour les services de traduction en ligne ...
Tu as également un utilitaire CLI si tu veux scripter ça (man translate)
Shame on me :-?
Je viens de le voir dans les préférences. Donc rien de nouveau sous le ciel bleu.
Je ne pense pas que le résultat soit équivalent dans tous les cas de traduction, mais du français vers l'anglais, je trouve que ça passe assez bien.
Bien entendu, il ne faut pas chercher à traduire les oeuvres complètes du regretté Pierre Desproges 😉