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OK; le loup viens peut être de là ....
En fait sur le lien donné plus haut, une partie de Java fonctionne, sauf Java script
Comment fait-on pour se débarasser de IcedTea ?...
En fait sur le lien donné plus haut, une partie de Java fonctionne, sauf Java script
2. From JavaScript
JavaScript is a programming language run by your web browser. If your browser supports JavaScript and this support is enabled, then we can use a JavaScript function to report on whether Java is enabled or not. This is what JavaScript reports about your browser:
Is Java enabled? false
This is done with a JavaScript command much like:
document.write("Is Java enabled? " + navigator.javaEnabled() );
Note: I've been told more than once that under Windows XP SP2 with IE6 that this test reports "True" even if Java is not installed. I haven't confirmed this myself. I did notice that on an XP system that just had Sun's Java un-installed (prior to installing a newer version), this reported "True" because it fell back to using Microsoft's Java. I've also been told that on Windows ME, IE 5.5 falsely reports Java as "true" when there is no Java instaled.
3. From JavaScript Again
A reader of this page suggested this technique (thanks Ed). If Java is enabled it should say "I'm here" in between the arrows below.
Say something in Java ==> <==
This is done using the following JavaScript and Java commands:
<script> document.write(new java.lang.String("I'm here")); </script>
The bad news is that this does not work with Internet Explorer v6 (all patches as of May 2005, Windows 2000). It did work, however, with Firefox v1.0.4. (Windows 2000)
Pourtant, dans mes préférences, j'ai bien coché "activé Java Script" ... ("Is Java enabled ? False" ...)Comment fait-on pour se débarasser de IcedTea ?...