[bruno@localhost ~]$ man sane-canon_pp
semble un bon point de départ.

La réponse a man sane-canon_pp
sane-canon_pp(5)         SANE Scanner Access Now Easy         sane-canon_pp(5)

       sane-canon_pp  -  SANE backend for Canon CanoScan Parallel Port flatbed

       The sane-canon_pp library implements a SANE (Scanner Access  Now  Easy)
       backend that provides access to the following Canon flatbed scanners:

              CanoScan FB320P
              CanoScan FB620P
              CanoScan FB330P
              CanoScan FB630P
              CanoScan N340P
              CanoScan N640P
              CanoScan N640P ex

       No USB scanners are supported and there are no plans to support them in
       the future.  Other projects are working on support  for  USB  scanners.
       See  the  PROJECTS file for more detail.  The FB310P and FB610P are re-
       badged Avision scanners which use  a  different  command  set,  so  are
       unlikely to be supported by this backend in the future.
la commande 'man', c'est pour avoir le manuel ( c'est pas con comme nom, hein 🙂 )
donc il faut :
- 🙁 Tout lire ( lire la suite du texte e faisant defiler avec les flèches Haut et Bas )
- 🙁🙁 Essayer de comprendre
- 🙁🙁🙁 Essayer

Courage, tu vas y arriver
Et après :pint: