
Lorsque je suis connecté au wifi, certain de mes programmes (calculatrice, terminal,...) sont très lent à démarrer, genre 45s d'attente. 🙁
Il semblerais que les programmes root (config,etc...) n'aient pas ce problème.

Je suis sur un portable ACER Aspire 5670. Pour accéder au wifi j'utilise le module ipw3945 ( avec NetworkManager.
Ma carte graphique est une ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 et j'utilise les drivers de livna.

Je sais pas quoi dire de plus. Il y a surement des logs à voir mais je sais pas lesquels. En tous cas, je peux vous donner toutes les info que vous voulez (dans la limite du raisonnable 🙂 )

Quelqu'un aurait il une idée, un lien ou un log à voir ?
j'ai eu ce problème il y a quelques mois, des temps de lancement de 30 à 50 secondes.
As-tu fait une recherche sur le forum?

Pour ma part je n'ai plus eu ce genre de problème depuis, sauf peut-être une ou deux fois dans les 2 semaines qui ont suivi mon post.

J'ai un portable Acer 5502 WXMI, ATI M X700, ipw2200.

Je n'ai jamais su pourquoi j'avais eu ce soucis, ni pourquoi ni comment il a disparu.
Il a simplement disparu un jour.

As-tu ta Fedora Core 5 à jour?
As-tu changé qq chose dans ta configurations ? As-tu fait une mise à jour avant?

voilà, je peux pas t'aider beaucoup plus... j'ai pas eu de nouvelles de l'autre posteur "vynka".

J'ai trouvé.

C'est le trousseau de clé qui fout sa me...
Par défault, NetworkManager accede à la clé de cryptage grâce au trousseau. Si je lui interdit, je suis obligé de rentrer la clé à la main(vive le copié-collé 🙂, même si c'est pas super d'avoir une clé de cryptage en clair dans un fichier:-( ).
En tous cas, mes prog se lancent normalement. Même internet est plus rapide, je pensais que c'était un autre problème mais apparament non.

Par contre, pourquoi le fait d'avoir un trousseau de clé ralentit le lancement de prog???? Si quelqu'un à une idée je suis preneur.
Ha, je me disais bien que j'avais vue trainer un post sur le même sur le même sujet que je retrouvais plus.

En tous cas merci Denis (même si "ma" solution ne semble avoir aucun rapport avec la tienne).

Pour info, dans mon Xorg.conf, j'ai la ligne
Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"
Et c'est vrai que sans, j'avais des ralentissements encore plus grand.

Vive les mistères de l'info :lol:

NetworkManager perd du temps donc consomme du temps CPU a dechiffrer a l'aide des cles du trousseau d'ou ce ralentissement. Cela n'est qu'une hypothese.

nonnnnnn C'est pas ça.

Je viens de redemmarer ce matin (ok il est 11h30 à Montréal, mais on est encore le matin 🙂 ) et ça ne marche pas.
Après plusieurs nouveaux essais je crois avoir un peu plus cerné le problème :

C'est quand je suis connecté que les prog sont lent à demarrer. Si je me deconnecte, magie, tous marche comme il faut. Trousseau de clé ou pas. Je me reconnecte, de nouveau les prog demarrent lentement.

Pourquoi le fait d'être connecté intervient sur le demarrage des progs, je sais pas, mais c'est ça le problème.
Pourquoi ça marchait hier soir??? je comprend pas.

Si je me deconnecte(je décoche "Activé le connexion sans fil" après un click droit sur NetworkManager), j'ai dans /var/log/message :
Sep 7 11:47:09 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Deactivating device eth1.
Sep 7 11:47:09 matComputer dhclient: DHCPRELEASE on eth1 to port 67
Sep 7 11:47:10 matComputer avahi-daemon[2331]: Interface eth1.IPv4 no longer relevant for mDNS.
Sep 7 11:47:10 matComputer avahi-daemon[2331]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface eth1.IPv4 with address
Sep 7 11:47:10 matComputer avahi-daemon[2331]: Withdrawing address record for on eth1.
Lorsque je me reconnecte (avec le trouseau de clé):
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SWITCH: no current connection, found better connection 'eth1'.
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Will activate connection 'eth1/admin'.
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Device eth1 activation scheduled...
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) started...
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1/wireless): access point 'admin' is encrypted, but NO valid key exists. New key needed.
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) New wireless user key requested for network 'admin'.
Sep 7 11:52:13 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) New wireless user key for network 'admin' received.
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) scheduled...
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer kernel: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) complete.
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) starting...
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1/wireless): access point 'admin' is encrypted, and a key exists. No new key needed.
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: sending command 'INTERFACE_ADD eth1 wext /var/run/wpa_supplicant '
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: response was 'OK'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: sending command 'AP_SCAN 1'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: response was 'OK'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: sending command 'ADD_NETWORK'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: response was '0'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 ssid 61646d696e'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: response was 'OK'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 key_mgmt NONE'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: response was 'OK'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 wep_key0 <key>'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: response was 'OK'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 wep_tx_keyidx 0'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: response was 'OK'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: sending command 'ENABLE_NETWORK 0'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> SUP: response was 'OK'
Sep 7 11:52:14 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Global control interface '/var/run/wpa_supplicant-global'
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): RX global ctrl_iface - hexdump_ascii(len=49):
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 49 4e 54 45 52 46 41 43 45 5f 41 44 44 20 65 74 INTERFACE_ADD et
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 68 31 09 09 77 65 78 74 09 2f 76 61 72 2f 72 75 h1__wext_/var/ru
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 6e 2f 77 70 61 5f 73 75 70 70 6c 69 63 61 6e 74 n/wpa_supplicant
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 09 _
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): CTRL_IFACE GLOBAL INTERFACE_ADD 'eth1 wext /var/run/wpa_supplicant '
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Initializing interface 'eth1' conf 'N/A' driver 'wext' ctrl_interface '/var/run/wpa_supplicant'
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Initializing interface (2) 'eth1'
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): EAPOL: SUPP_PAE entering state DISCONNECTED
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): EAPOL: KEY_RX entering state NO_KEY_RECEIVE
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state INITIALIZE
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): EAP: EAP entering state DISABLED
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): SIOCGIWRANGE: WE(compiled)=20 WE(source)=16 enc_capa=0xf
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): capabilities: key_mgmt 0xf enc 0xf
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Own MAC address: 00:13:02:1d:5e:b0
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): wpa_driver_wext_set_wpa
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): =0 key_idx=0 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): wpa_driver_wext_set_key: alg=0 key_idx=1 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): wpa_driver_wext_set_key: alg=0 key_idx=2 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): wpa_driver_wext_set_key: alg=0 key_idx=3 set_tx=0 seq_len=0 key_len=0
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): wpa_driver_wext_set_countermeasures
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): wpa_driver_wext_set_drop_unencrypted
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Setting scan request: 0 sec 100000 usec
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Added interface eth1
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Wireless event: cmd=0x8b06 len=8
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump_ascii(len=9):
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 41 50 5f 53 43 41 4e 20 31 AP_SCAN 1
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump_ascii(len=11):
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 41 44 44 5f 4e 45 54 57 4f 52 4b ADD_NETWORK
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): CTRL_IFACE: ADD_NETWORK
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump_ascii(len=29):
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 53 45 54 5f 4e 45 54 57 4f 52 4b 20 30 20 73 73 SET_NETWORK 0 ss
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 69 64 20 36 31 36 34 36 64 36 39 36 65 id 61646d696e
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): CTRL_IFACE: SET_NETWORK id=0 name='ssid' value='61646d696e'
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): ssid - hexdump_ascii(len=5):
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 61 64 6d 69 6e admin
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): hexdump_ascii(len=27):
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 53 45 54 5f 4e 45 54 57 4f 52 4b 20 30 20 6b 65 SET_NETWORK 0 ke
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 79 5f 6d 67 6d 74 20 4e 4f 4e 45 y_mgmt NONE
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): CTRL_IFACE: SET_NETWORK id=0 name='key_mgmt' value='NONE'
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): key_mgmt: 0x4
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump_ascii(len=49): [REMOVED]
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): CTRL_IFACE: SET_NETWORK id=0 name='wep_key0' value='[REMOVED]'
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): wep_key0 - hexdump(len=13): [REMOVED]
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump_ascii(len=29):
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 53 45 54 5f 4e 45 54 57 4f 52 4b 20 30 20 77 65 SET_NETWORK 0 we
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 70 5f 74 78 5f 6b 65 79 69 64 78 20 30 p_tx_keyidx 0
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): CTRL_IFACE: SET_NETWORK id=0 name='wep_tx_keyidx' value='0'
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): wep_tx_keyidx=0 (0x0)
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump_ascii(len=16):
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 45 4e 41 42 4c 45 5f 4e 45 54 57 4f 52 4b 20 30 ENABLE_NETWORK 0
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): CTRL_IFACE: ENABLE_NETWORK id=0
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Setting scan request: 0 sec 0 usec
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): State: DISCONNECTED -> SCANNING
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): RX ctrl_iface - hexdump_ascii(len=6):
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 41 54 54 41 43 48 ATTACH
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): itor attached - hexdump(len=43): 2f 76 61 72 2f 72 75 6e 2f 4e 65 74 77 6f 72 6b 4d 61 6e 61 67 65 72 2f 77 70 61 5f 63 74 72 6c 5f 32 34 32 34 2d 31 30 00 00 00
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Scan timeout - try to get results
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Received 1084 bytes of scan results (5 BSSes)
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Scan results: 5
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Selecting BSS from priority group 0
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 0: 00:16:b6:18:dd:85 ssid='Juin' wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): skip - SSID mismatch
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 1: 00:90:96:cf:c4:97 ssid='admin' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): skip - no WPA/RSN IE
Sep 7 11:52:17 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 2: 00:18:39:49:b3:11 ssid='Charlotte' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11
Sep 7 11:52:18 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): skip - no WPA/RSN IE
Sep 7 11:52:18 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 3: 00:09:5b:71:da:30 ssid='NETGEAR' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11
Sep 7 11:52:18 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): skip - no WPA/RSN IE
Sep 7 11:52:18 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): 4: 00:11:24:a6:47:2d ssid='HOME Network' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x1
Sep 7 11:52:18 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): skip - no WPA/RSN IE
Sep 7 11:52:18 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): selected non-WPA AP 00:90:96:cf:c4:97 ssid='admin'
Sep 7 11:52:18 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> wpa_supplicant(3372): Trying to associate with 00:90:96:cf:c4:97 (SSID='admin' freq=0 MHz)
Sep 7 11:52:37 matComputer kernel: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth1: link becomes ready
Sep 7 11:52:37 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1/wireless) Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) successful. Connected to access point 'admin'.
Sep 7 11:52:37 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) scheduled.
Sep 7 11:52:37 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) started...
Sep 7 11:52:38 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Beginning DHCP transaction.
Sep 7 11:52:38 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.
Sep 7 11:52:38 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> DHCP daemon state is now 12 (successfully started) for interface eth1
Sep 7 11:52:38 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> DHCP daemon state is now 1 (starting) for interface eth1
Sep 7 11:52:38 matComputer dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 8
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer dhclient: DHCPOFFER from
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer dhclient: DHCPREQUEST on eth1 to port 67
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer dhclient: DHCPACK from
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 101234 seconds.
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> DHCP daemon state is now 2 (bound) for interface eth1
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Get) scheduled...
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Get) started...
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth1 for sub-path eth1.dbus.get.host_name
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth1 for sub-path eth1.dbus.get.nis_domain
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth1 for sub-path eth1.dbus.get.nis_servers
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Retrieved the following IP4 configuration from the DHCP daemon:
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> address
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> netmask
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> broadcast
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> gateway
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> nameserver
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> domain name 'no-domain-set.bellcanada'
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) scheduled...
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 4 of 5 (IP Configure Get) complete.
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) started...
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer avahi-daemon[2331]: New relevant interface eth1.IPv4 for mDNS.
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer avahi-daemon[2331]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth1.IPv4 with address
Sep 7 11:52:39 matComputer avahi-daemon[2331]: Registering new address record for on eth1.
Sep 7 11:52:40 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) successful, device activated.
Sep 7 11:52:40 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Finish handler scheduled.
Sep 7 11:52:40 matComputer NetworkManager: <information> Activation (eth1) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete.
Globalement, il scanne, il trouve, il se connecte.
Par contre il utilise wpa_supplicant alors que la connexion est crypté avec WEP. Peut être qu'il faut fouiller par ici, d'autant qu'après verification wpa_supplicant est lancé alors que je l'ai pas mis dans les services au démarrage.